
The Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost


Sunday Schedule & Service Bulletins

Click here to make your Sunday donation

All Souls' Day Mass - Wednesday 5:00 pm

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All Souls Day Service will be Wednesday, November 2nd @ 5:00 p.m. in the Lady Chapel with Holy Eucharist.


Prayers of the People 

Prayers of the People: Please continue to pray for: Johnny, Earl, Robyn, Wyley family, Jerry Williams, Tom McHugh, Bob W., Soe Htun, David R., Wes, The Barnett family, Georgia N., Ricci, Ivan, Robyn, Cindy, Alfred, Georgia M., Brooks, Mike, Harry, Cameron, Greg, Steve, Gail Gunusky, Rev. Arthur and Diane Miner, Kent Benson, Robert R., Carolyn T, Michael M., Rob K., David L., David E., Mike H., Linda, Susie, Louis, Emma, Jordan, Troy, Colleen, Marina N., Katelyn, Janice H., Fred M. and Jailyn.


Please call the church office to add/update the names of your loved ones and friends if needed.

Prayer Chain: In these difficult times if you know of someone or something which could benefit from extra prayer, please feel free to activate our Prayer Chain. You can do this by calling the church office or Barb Grove at 315-723-0036 with your intention. Unless requested, all prayers of the chain will not be published or shared outside the chain.

Eucharist for Shut-Ins: We have Lay Eucharistic Visitors that would be happy to visit those that are shut-ins or hospitalized but can only do so if a family member contacts us. Please let us know if your loved one is also in need of receiving communion. You can call the church office to provide information for your loved one at 315.733.7575.

Memorials and Thanksgivings

Memorials and Thanksgivings


The flowers on the high altar are given to the glory of God in loving memory of

Paul DeLaire, Woodrow & Ella DeLaire.

The Sanctuary Candles that burn before the Blessed Sacrament, Shrine of Christ and

the Blessed Virgin are given in loving memory of

Frank Vault.

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The pink rose on the Altar is given for the birth of Sienna Rae Scibior daughter of

Katelyn Williams and John Scibior. She is the granddaughter of Christopher and

Kathy Williams, and the great granddaughter of Sara Williams.


To reserve memorial flowers, please contact Sue Seymour (315) 733.2896.

To reserve a candle, please contact Carol Prichard at (315) 723.1386

From the Rector

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Pilgrim - A Course for the Christian Journey

Pilgrim is a major new teaching and discipleship resource from the Church of England that explores what it means to travel through life with Jesus Christ. A course for the twenty-first century, Pilgrim offers an approach of participation, not persuasion. Enquirers are encouraged to practice the ancient disciplines of biblical reflection and prayer, exploring key texts that have helped people since the early Church. Pilgrim is made up of two parts: Follow and Grow. Follow introduces the Christian faith, while Grow aims to develop a deeper level of discipleship. Assuming little or no knowledge of the Christian faith, Pilgrim can be used at any point on the journey of discipleship and by every tradition in the Church of England.

Click here to view our study schedule and learn more:


Pray With Grace: Morning Prayer with the Rector on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Please join us on Zoom or the live stream on YouTube. Services will be lived streamed on our YouTube page.

Seek, Knock 2023 Pledge Campaign

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Seek, Knock 2023 Pledge Campaign: Monday November 14th at 6:00 p.m. we will have a Pledge Potluck Dinner and Karaoke night. Details to follow. “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Church Cleaning: We will have a morning of church cleaning on Saturday, November

12 from 9 am - 11:30 am. Volunteers are needed to help dust, mop and polish the

church. This will help our church shine for our holiday season. Volunteers are needed

and welcome to just show up. Many hands make light work! Thank you.

Webcast Video: As we continue to emerge from COVID, we have a need for

additional volunteers to assist with the Sunday webcasts. Please contact Chris Williams 

at 315-794-9539 to learn more. 


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The webcasts are available on our YouTube page.

We invite those of you watching this service online to invite Jesus into your hearts during Holy Communion by making an Act of Spiritual Communion.

Webcasts are available for all Choral Services. Webcasts for some concerts, organ recitals and special events (such as weddings and funerals) may at times be available, depending on circumstances.

Updates by SMS Text (315) 737-4411 
Please text (315) 737-4411 if you would like to receive updates about our Sunday Services including cancelations and other import updates from Grace Church.
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Ministry

Food Pantry: St. Margaret’s Food Pantry here at Grace Church thanks you for your continued support. We have been helping out more people than usual, probably due to rising food costs. The local Food Bank where we purchase our food is noticing a shortage on a lot of the foods we normally order. We are asking your help by donating canned fruits, vegetables, tuna, prepared pasta etc. (please check expiration dates). This will be ongoing and all donations will be greatly appreciated. A basket near the church entrance will be available for the donations. We are happy to be able to help out our church neighbors and thank you for your support in doing so! 

Our Food Pantry now has a Facebook page. Click to learn more:

St. Margaret's Food Pantry at Grace Church, Utica | Facebook

Thrift Store
Thrift Store

Thrift Store: The Thrift Store at Grace Episcopal has a history that began prior to it being established at Grace. The store originated at Calvary Episcopal Church prior to its merger with Grace. That history has extended through the years as a mission to those who are less able to provide clothing and small household items for their families. This goal an echo that, in small ways, extends back throughout the history of Christianity and Judaism is the necessity to care for the vulnerable in society. If this historic mission is to continue at Grace at this time, there is a need for more parishioners to volunteer at the store. Currently the store is able to operate and stay open with, what might be described as, a skeleton crew of four people. If, for any reason, we should have less help, a decision will have to be made to be open less frequently (currently one Friday a week) or not be open at all. If this history and mission resonates with you, perhaps you would like to volunteer to work at the store. With our current staff, individuals are scheduled to work every other Friday. If there were more people willing to work, perhaps the schedule could be extended for people to work less frequently. With four additional volunteers, a schedule could be developed to allow for working once a month. Perhaps individuals might like to try working one or two hours on a Friday to see what we do and if it is something you might be interested in. If you would simply like to come down and tour the Thrift Store, we would be glad to show you around and answer any questions you might have. To work at the Store please contact Valerie at the church office any day Tuesday through Friday at 315- 733-7575 or at [email protected] 

M. Proctor Theatre Guild

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The M. Proctor Theatre Guild of Grace Church will be presenting “The Drowsy Chaperone” Thursday through Sunday, November 3rd through November 6th.

Thursday-Saturday at 7:30 pm

Sunday at 2:00 pm.

Tickets: General admission - $15.00; Seniors/Students - $12.00. Reservations: [email protected] or call (315) 733-7575 (ext. 230). 

Peter Loftus is the director; Bonnie Hibbard is music director and Jake Meiss is the choreographer.


Concert Announcement

They’re coming back! The always-popular Syracuse University Brass Ensemble will present a concert here, November 13th at 3:00 p.m. Spread the word!  


News Around The Diocese

The Messenger is the weekly e-mail newsletter of the Diocese of Central New York. Subscribe for inspiring stories, ministry resources, and announcements and events from our diocese, community, and the wider Episcopal Church.

Coffee with the Bishop: Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Join Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe on Facebook Live (at www.facebook.com/bishopdede/live) for coffee, prayer, and a morning check-in.

Diocesan Announcement: Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe has announced that we will be having a Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, and to Selma, Alabama, February 23-26, 2023. You can find out more about this Pilgrimage on the diocesan website: https://cnyepiscopal.org/resources/formation/antiracism/

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Diocesan Announcement: Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe has announced that we will be having a Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, and to Selma, Alabama, February 23-26, 2023. You can find out more about this Pilgrimage on the diocesan website: https://cnyepiscopal.org/resources/formation/antiracism/

Bulletin & Newsletter Announcements
Announcement requests must be submitted in writing or e-mail to Grace Church's
office by Monday 5pm before the Sunday of publication. Thank you. You may contact
the office by email with your announcements.

If you have suggestions for the next Doors of Grace Newsletter, please contact Rev. Christine or Val at the [email protected]
Visit our website