September Newsletter
Musings on Life in COVID19
Dear Church Family,

Living masked lives in the heat of the day is hard, isn’t it?

We’ve given each other the ok to name how we feel until we’ve named it so much we are blue in the face. We’ve given people permission (as we should) to be lowdown, letdown, just plain…down… during, you know, “this time.” We’ve rolled around in melancholy and lulled in the slow burning stew of lethargy. We have asked one another, muttered it to ourselves, and surely shouted it to the heavens, How long O Lord! When will this be over?

Whether we started out as statisticians or not, the whole world and all that is in it has become “data people.” We follow the science. We look to the science, to the experts, to the officials.

We have become technological people: zooming everything from high level meetings to happy hours with friends. Life, sort of, found on a flat 12x9 blue light monitor.  We have become equal parts anxious and angry – like people who have not had lunch at the proper time and are beginning to feel it.

What to do? One answer is to just “bear up.” That would be the answer coming from my German-Lutheran home. Tie your shoe laces, stand up, and get on with it. Keep charging. No dime was ever moved forward or anything ever accomplished by sitting down and whining over it. This approach can work for a lot of folks, but it’s a pretty hard shot to drink. I’ve choked on it a time or two myself. 

Then there is the “be gentle with yourself” and “be gentle with others” approach. Always good, never mind the season of life. There is a quote wafting in the recesses of my memory that goes something like “only the strong can be truly gentle, and only the gentle are truly strong.” Perhaps James Dean summed it up when he said, I am trying to find the courage to be tender in my life. I know violence is weakness. Only the gentle are ever really strong. 

As usual, I find myself straddling the fence. I believe to keep charging is generally good, reared as I was on the mantra that quitters never win and winners never quit. It is important not to sit in our melancholy too long – to go too long wrapped in the embrace of discouragement is dangerous. Sometimes, truly, we’ve got to shake that stuff off. Like the Israelites crossing the river Jordan, the water didn’t divide until the first foot sunk and felt the squishy mud beneath.  There are moments when nothing else will suffice: we have to stand and put our feet in the murky water and walk on. I think to do that gently is key. We can slap and slop around and make the waves bigger for everyone near us or walk easy with strength and tenderness sending out ripples of grace. Grace just seems to feel like the better option, although it takes more skill, more attention, to make a ripple than a wave.

There are secret spots, places of welcome and mercy, where one can be renewed in strength, tenderness and resiliency, a place where we find both courage and kindness in equal measure. The room of prayer is that place and is the best place to begin. I encourage you in these days, first and foremost, not to neglect your prayer life. It is manna from heaven.

In the words of theologian Karl Barth, “to clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.” And Lord, do we need an uprising against the disorder of the world. So, let us begin together, for going it alone is a sure fire plan for disaster. Let us clasp hearts (as clasped hands have to be six feet apart!) and pray words to God seeking protection for the first responders and all those heroes helping in frontline efforts, pray words asking for hearts of courage for those who have lost their homes and businesses and lives as they knew them, pray words for the strength of Christ which passes all understanding for those who have lost their loved ones. Pray regularly – pray over the paper, over the newscast, in the busyness of your life, out of the stunning space of your heart. God cares and God is surely at work. Pray that we, our nation, will remain at work as well – that we will love our neighbor in startling new life, new creation kinds of ways. Let’s do it together. 

September has 30 days. Starting today – as a congregation – let’s read a psalm a day. At the month’s end we will have prayed together 30 prayers.  I invite you not to just read the psalm but to say it as a prayer. Let the psalmist’s words to God prompt your own. Let’s fight back against melancholy and darkness, against violence and unrest. Pick up the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, and speak life into the world.

We are resurrection people, people of hope, formed that way out of an empty rock hewn tomb. Let us be the leaven of the gospel for a world dying from the lack of it.

Grace, peace and all good from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to you and yours. Press out ripples of light for the life of the world and for the good of your own.

Pastor Trish
Session News
In the ongoing effort to find creative ways to provide for worship, faith formation, and youth activities during this time of pandemic, the Session authorized the following at its August 17 stated meeting:

  • The Cottage screened porch and carport area were established as outdoor meeting spaces for small gatherings including our youth group, adult Sunday school classes, and Presbyterian Women circles.

  • To enhance the Cottage outdoor meeting space, the area received a general cleaning, including pressure washing, and the Greeting Room wrought iron furniture was temporarily relocated to provide seating for small group meetings. Once the Session determines that it is safe to resume indoor meetings for the above-mentioned groups, the furniture will be returned to the Greeting Room.

  • In order to offer some non-vocal music options for worship, the handbell choir has been reinstated and will begin rehearsals in mid-September. The group will utilize the Greeting Room for a socially distanced rehearsal space. Rehearsal tables will remain in place during this time and will be set up to allow for Sunday in-person worship traffic flow.

  • It should be noted that spaces beyond the Greeting Room (choir room, fellowship hall, restrooms, etc.) are unavailable at this time due to DHEC pandemic regulations for Solverus. 

The Session members covet your prayers as we seek to lead the Grace Covenant family during this challenging time. 

In Christ’s service,

Lisa Johnson, Clerk

Presbyterian Women News
Our Presbyterian Women Council held its Planning Retreat on August 20, 2020. Our 2019-2020 benevolences are now complete with the payment of our $100 Mission Pledge and remittance of our Least Coin collection of $37.92.   

Other discussions and actions included:

  • This year’s Bible Study is “Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament.”

  •  Circles are being offered the option of a zoom meeting, or in person with masks and social distancing outside the Cottage. Revive After Five members have been polled, and will tentatively meet on Sunday, September 13 at 2 p.m. outside the Cottage (weather permitting.) Sharing Faith members are being called to determine which they prefer.
  • Handbooks will be revised and be available in September.

  • Approved 2020-2021 PW Budget.

  • Meals of Grace were offered to four families and three were delivered.

  • PW will provide bags at Halloween for our elementary age and younger children.

  • Approved a donation to the Charlotte Heart Walk in honor of Cheryl Frazer.

  •  We are not planning a formal installation of officers this year. The position of Leadership and Resource will be eliminated and responsibilities reassigned.

PW Coordinating Team Members for 2020-2021
Vice Moderator
Events Coordinator
Bereavement & Meals of Grace
Sharing Faith Circle Leader
Revive After Five Circle Leader
Mary Starnes
Lisa Johnson
Jennifer Pinkerman
Jean Floyd
Linda Cossaboon
Gail Knowles
Barb St. John
Sarah Lasitter
“Faith is like Wi-Fi: It’s invisible, but it has the power to connect you to what you need.” 

Love and Peace,                                                                                        
Mary Starnes, PW Moderator
Food Drive Report
Thank you all for making our Summer Hunger Mission a huge success! The food pantry at First Presbyterian Simpsonville serves people right in our community who are food insecure. Please continue to pray for those who serve and who are served by this small but mighty mission. Your gifts are making a difference.

 –Your Missions and Outreach Committee 
Property Work Day
MANY THANKS to all of you who helped out with the Grace Covenant Property projects this past Saturday and Tuesday!! What huge turnout and we sure got a lot done!
Here’s the rundown:
Tree Team – Tom Lasitter, Michael Wolfe, Kim Calhoun, Carl Shipman, Barry Graden, Lela Graden (plus Sophie, Claire, and Wally Graden) – Cleaned up the BIG brush pile, cut down a dead tree, and trimmed low-hanging limbs in the playground area; CHIPPED all of this with a giant chipper and spread the chips on the playground; hauled the oversized stuff to the curb for city pick-up. WOW!
Carport Team – Jim Knowles, Dan and Laurie Gajda, McCrady Gwinn, Roger Waline, Bev Calhoun – Cleaned up the cottage carport and screened porch, pressure washed the concrete, installed a new LED light, moved furniture from the Greeting Room, cleaned up the basketball hoop - all so that Trish and the Youth Group can meet in a safer and more inviting outdoor environment. Yet to come: installation of standard landscape fabric and stone between the driveway and building, and a new basketball net. WHOO-HOO!
Volleyball Net Team – Norm St. John, Bob Schroeder, Rebecca Huskey – Installed new volleyball net poles so that the Youth Group can play volleyball safely! Yet to come: purchase and installation of a new volleyball net. SUPER!
Prayer Garden – Pat Anderson, Barry Graden – pulled out the old drain pipe, shaped the dry creek bed, and installed one of two heavy-duty landscape fabrics. Yet to come: installation of second section of heavy-duty landscape fabric and river rock. GREAT JOB!
Classrooms – SolVerus Staff – Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned and disinfected classrooms. Yet to come: More cleaning and disinfecting!! LOOKING GOOD!
And note that several of you served double-duty by “Team-Jumping!'
How do we serve the Lord? By our toils and labors to provide a place to worship, learn, connect, spread the faith, and serve Him!
Barry Graden,
Property Committee
Habitat for Humanity Update
The coronavirus is still impacting the volunteer schedule for Habitat Houses this summer.

The Golden Strip Faith Build Update:
1) We have a new partner family for this build. Unfortunately, the Crawford family decided on a different location that is closer to where they currently live.
The new partner family are the Diaz's. This husband and wife have two precious children and one on the way. They are so excited for their house to be built. The volunteer coordinators met them on a zoom call in August.

2) Due to the impact COVID19 is still having in our area, the start of the
build has been pushed out to the end of September. Habitat will not send out a
new build schedule until we get through the month of August, just to try and
make sure there won't be any other changes needed for the build schedule.
Grace Covenant's work day is about eight weeks after the start. Please keep this
mission in mind when considering how you can practice your faith.
Grace Readers Annual Update
Upcoming Events
September Birthdays
Prayer Requests
Thelma Adams -- stage 4 cancer (friend of Diane Strandemo)
Kelly Amen -- cancer (Jessica Cerny’s cousin)
Carissa Anderson --living with PRP (daughter in law of Pat and Sandy Anderson)
Mary Bell -- stroke (Jim Morris's sister)
Dave Bliss -- surgery (Janie Bridge's son-in-law)
Janet Bradham-- wrist surgery
Blayne Darnell -- back pain
Cheryl Frazer -- Harmony
JB Glenn (Grandson of Diane Knudson)
Memphis -- recovery from car accident (Barry & Lela Graden's cousin's granddaughter)
Wayne Harris -- cancer recurrence (Lisa D'Hoore's father)
Ken Knudson -- balance
Amber Lollis -- surgery
Catherine Looper
Ed McLaughlin -- surgery to replace left stent on 7/14
Jim Morris -- The Springs
Sherry Pitts -- cancer (Diane Strandemo’s sister-in-law)
Sara Shealy
Allyson Sherer -- cancer (friend of Judy Harris’ family)
Herb & Lorie Sisk
Shelby Smith (friend of Don & Becky Godbey)                         
Dr. Gary Spitzer -- cancer (friend of Diane Strandemo)
Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare Workers
Teachers, School Support Staff, & School Administrators
Nursing Home Residents & Staff as they navigate loneliness due to living under strict protocols.

Aaron Clampet -- Entered the Church Triumphant on August 24, 2020. (cousin of Lacey Anderson)
Garry Kammerer -- Entered the Church Triumphant on August 20, 2020. (husband of Janice Kammerer)
Roger Waline -- Safety & wellness after serious car accident
For Session members & continued prayers for discernment while they make on-going decisions.
For Teachers & Administrators upon a great start back to school!

Prayer for our Sister Congregations
First Presbyterian Church - Greer, SC
Please lift up First Presbyterian - Greer's 509 member congregation led by Reverend Dr. Pete Peery.

NEW! Prayer for Grace Covenant Families
Family of Ken & Pat Boyd
Family of Earl & Janet Bradham
Family of Janie Bridges
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church
739 N. Main Street
Mauldin, SC 29662
(864) 288-3951