Grace Episcopal Church   
Sunday, January 27, 2019

3rd after the Epiphany
(Annual Meeting) 
10:30 am
Pat Terry
Ann Berry
Jim Cook
Len Banas
Pete & Charlotte Stryker
Len & Diane Banas 
Coming Right Up! 
Annual Meeting--Sunday, January 27th   
At the conclusion of the closing hymn on the 27th, the meeting will be called to order in the church and business will be conducted. Prior to adjournment, we will move to the Parish Hall where the final report will be presented using the wide screen. The closing prayer and blessing will be followed by lunch.

This year, elections include electing a new Junior Warden as the Senior Warden's two year term has come to a close. The Nominating Committee's slate that will be presented to the membership by the Vestry is:
Greg Serwich, Senior Warden 
Lynn Giles, Junior Warden
Elizabeth Ludescher and Charlotte Stryker, Vestry  
The Way of Love: An Epiphany Opportunity
Please consider joining during the Epiphany season, this study of the "Way of Love." Even if you were unable to attend previous sessions, you are welcome to join in at any time.   In each of our meetings, there will be prayer, check-in, discussion, practicing the Way of L ove, check-out, and worship.
We meet on Tuesday afternoons, from 2:00 - 3:30,  concluding March 5.  
Lenten Meditation Booklets
The Lenten Meditation booklet is being prepared and everyone has a chance to participate.  You can receive an envelope with instructions and assigned readings after church on Sunday or you could phone if you're not planning on being in church.  The deadline for submissions is February 22 in church or February 24th by email. Carmen Ferguson and Diann Marsh are editing this years' booklet and you can phone either one to request an assignment.  Carmen 815 777 2309 or Diann 815 777 8984.  
Grace Movie Night, beginning February 22nd
Christ encouraged his disciples and, through them, us to look for the Kingdom of God in our earthly kingdoms, principalities, communities and lives. (Thankfully, nobody said the search can't be entertaining!)
Starting February 22nd, each 4th Friday of the month we'll be having a movie night in the Parish Hall, beginning at 6 p.m., to be followed by a discussion. For our "premier event", we'll be going back to the 1962 movie production of Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize winning book: "To Kill a Mockingbird", starring Gregory Peck in an Oscar winning performance as Atticus Finch. Here are some insightful excerpts from a film review by Ed McNulty (writing for "Read the Spirit"):
Both the book and the film deserve all the praise and respect that they have garnered through the years. What a wonderful opportunity the film offers people of faith to explore such topics as racism, courage, nonviolence and most of all, integrity. And I should also add, they present us with one of the most admirable Christ figures of all time."
More details will follow. 
Rector's Ramblings 
Technical difficulties and weather conditions have combined to delay the distribution of the Annual Report booklet. As soon as these are resolved, a special e-Blast will be sent with a link to the booklet. And, as usual, hard copies will be available.

Please stay safe and warm and be very careful with this extreme cold and icy conditions!

If you are staying home and need something to read, here is a sampling of articles from various groups writing about the Episcopal Church. You might not be aware of the breadth of topics and issues that are covered.

Biblical Interpretation with Wil Gaffney
Episcopal Camps Provide Meals
Office on Government Relations
Episcopalians Against Human Trafficking

Or for lighter fare: a mother with children in worship:
Episcopal Cafe--Speaking to the Soul

See you in church,
Preparation for Sunday  
This Sunday, being Annual Meeting Sunday, our worship ends in a different manner. As all that we do in church, whether it be worship or learning or even the business of the congregation is centered in Christ and our faith, we try to emphasize the wholeness of our work. We do this by placing our meeting within the framework of worship. Therefore, the meeting will begin at the conclusion of Holy Communion, and the Blessing and Dismissal will take place after the adjournment of the meeting. Most of this will take place in the nave, but as the final report will be given using our new wide screen TV, we will move to the Parish Hall for the final act.

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10: Ezra reads the book of the law to the people. They respond in remorse, but Nehemiah encourages them to be joyful and to celebrate.
Psalm 19: A celebration of God's word, proclaimed and revealed in creation, which makes naive people wise, which gladdens the heart, which gives light to see by, and which is a valuable treasure.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a: Paul teaches that the Christian community is like a body with many parts. Each has a gift, and each must use their unique gift for the benefit of the "Body of Christ".
Luke 4:14-21: Jesus reads from Isaiah's scroll about God's anointing for ministry, and God's liberating work through God's anointed. Then, he claims this prophecy for himself.

In a world that can sometimes seem so random, this week in Epiphany gives us a vision of purpose. God's purpose - God's message - was read from the book of the law by Ezra to God's people. It is proclaimed, as the Psalmist declares, through all of creation. And it was the guiding force in Jesus' life and ministry. As he began his work, he proclaimed as his mandate the words of Isaiah's prophecy - God's saving and liberating "Jubilee" purpose. Now, as those who follow Christ, we are called, individually and together, to fulfil Christ's purpose, in our world and in our time. To do this, God has gifted each of us, and called us to work together as one Body, as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12. Hearing God's word, allowing it to call and direct us, and working together as a body, a called community - these are the elements of this week's theme.

The thumbnails and reflections excerpted from
Administrator's Notes 
It is the time of the year to sign up to host/hostess this monthly event. It is usually held the 3 rd or 4 th Friday of the month, the choice of the host family, 2 months are already taken. The Mikelsons have invited us to their lovely decks and porches in July. Robin French will play host in September. That leaves every month beginning with February and ending in December. Please e-mail Cathie Elsbree your choice of month ASAP at .

Offering envelopes will be in the Narthex for the next several weeks. Please take them if you like and leave them if you don't.
Forward Day by Day booklets for February through April are available on the green table behind the choir.
Formation & Spirituality Notes 
Grace Movie Night, beginning February 22nd
Christ encouraged his disciples and, through them, us to look for the Kingdom of God in our earthly kingdoms, principalities, communities and lives. (Thankfully, nobody said the search can't be entertaining!)
Starting February 22nd, each 4th Friday of the month we'll be having a movie night in the Parish Hall, beginning at 6 p.m., to be followed by a discussion. For our "premier event", we'll be going back to the 1962 movie production of Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize winning book: "To Kill a Mockingbird", starring Gregory Peck in an Oscar winning performance as Atticus Finch. Here are some insightful excerpts from a film review by Ed McNulty (writing for "Read the Spirit"):
Both the book and the film deserve all the praise and respect that they have garnered through the years. What a wonderful opportunity the film offers people of faith to explore such topics as racism, courage, nonviolence and most of all, integrity. And I should also add, they present us with one of the most admirable Christ figures of all time."
More details will follow.  
Columbarium Reservations Now Available
In November, 2018, a service of Committal for Robert Klaus and Richard Babcock took place in the Grace Chapel as they were laid to rest in the new Columbarium. At the same time, the Columbarium was dedicated.  
     Following Vestry approval of the Terms and Conditions of columbarium use, they announce that there are thirty-five niches in the Chapel Columbarium, including the two mentioned above.  Each niche accommodates up to two urns. Specific niches are assigned by the Church at the time of urn placement. Congregants may secure an opportunity to use a niche (for themselves, spouses or partners, and children) by completing and signing a reservation form and submitting the reservation fee of $250 per niche. An additional payment for each nameplate (currently about $20) will be required after placement of the urn(s).   
     A downloadable copy of the reservation form along with the Terms and Conditions can be found on the Grace website at Columbarium,
Cooking with God's Bounty 
Crock-Pot Tuscan Garlic Chicken
1. Heat oil or butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic and saute for about a minute, until fragrant.
2. Add the cream and chicken broth. Bring to a gentle simmer, then set heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes. The sauce should thicken enough to coat the back of a spoon.
3. Meanwhile, place the chicken at the bottom of your slow cooker. Season lightly with Italian seasoning, crushed red chili pepper flakes, sea salt, and black pepper. Top with sun-dried tomatoes.
4. When the cream sauce is ready, lower the heat and whisk in the Parmesan cheese, little by little until smooth. Adjust seasoning if as needed.
5. Pour the cream sauce evenly over the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Try to get as much sauce as possible on top of the chicken and less on the bottom.
6. Cook for 3-4 hours on HIGH or 6-8 hours on LOW. When cooking time is over, remove gently the chicken from the slow cooker and set aside.
7. Turn the slow cooker on HIGH, if it isn't already. Add the chopped spinach and stir for a few minutes, until the spinach wilts.
8. Return the chicken to the slow cooker, and spoon the liquid, spinach and sun-dried tomatoes on top, or just pour them over the chicken when serving. Serve the slow cooker Tuscan chicken over zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice for Keto and low carb diet, or rice, couscous, or pasta for non-Keto. Enjoy!
Note: Cooking garlic, cream, broth, and parmesan in the pan ensure the cream is well infused with garlic and stays smooth. If you don't want to prepare the cream sauce on the side, you can put everything into the slow cooker and give it a quick stir before cooking.

Vestry Liaisons

V estry Liaisons' primary purpose is to assure two-way communications between the various ministries and the  Vestry,  to represent the ministries for resources or  policy issues, and to  support  their  events  an d activities.

Worship:                               Rector                        
Building and Grounds:        
Pete Stryker (Sr. Warden 2017-2019)   
Worship Committee:            Pam Malik
(class of 2019)             
and Spirituality:
  Greg Serwich (Jr. Warden 2018-2019)   
Fellowship & Hospitality:     Anita Sands (class of 2021)                 
Pastoral Care/ LEMs:           Bonnielynn Kreiser (class of 2020)  
Outreach:                             Tony Packard (class of 2021)
                                             Deb Pausz (class of 2019)               
Communications:                 Larry Poston (class of 2020)
Governance:                        Wardens & Rector 

Officers:                Pete Stryker, Senior Warden             
                     Greg Serwich, Junior Warden
                     R ichard Luther, Treasurer                    
                     Elizabeth Ludescher, Clerk      
Rect or :                          The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell           

Parish Ad ministrator:     Fräni Beadle  
O rganist/Pianist:            Robin French, Nancy Cook        
Choir Director:               Pat Terry    
This Sunday 
In This Issue
Coming Right Up!
Taking Note of This Sunday
Next Sunday's Readings
Grace's Prayer List
Meetings this Week
Choir Schedule
Ministry of Care
Ministry of Care
Boring Details
January 27, 2019
Sunday Morning  
Epiphany 3  
For quick reference, find Sunday's readings by clicking here:
The Lectionary

Ministers of the
Greg Serwich
1st Chalicist:
Elizabeth Ludescher
2nd Chalicist: 
Cathie Elsbree
Molly Beadle
Vestry Coordinator:
Deb Pausz
Karen Serwich
Altar Guild:
Charlotte Stryker & Ann Berry
The Very Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell

Next Sunday's
Epiphany 3
January 27, 2018
Eucharistic readings
for your own study:  
Nehemiah 8:1-3,5-6,8-10 
Psalm 19    
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21 
Grace's Prayer List
For a current prayer list, click on the following link:
Grace Prayer List


The Request For Prayers notebook is in the Narthex/ Entrance area of the Church. Please feel free to request prayers for yourself or others at any time by filling out a form or contacting the office by either phone or email. May we first and always be "a people of prayer."
Meetings this Week 
Wednesday Events  
7:30 am
Midweek Morning Eucharist
8:10 am
Community Breakfast at Victory Café   
Cursillo Reunion  
St. Francis Room
10:30 am
Morning Bible Study Parish House
All are welcome!
Grace's Choir Practice
Wednesdays at 7pm
Saturdays at 10am
Looking Ahead 
For current and upcoming events, download a copy of the calendar with this link:    
February  OR check out the goog le
calendar on the new website
Sunday Social Hour Hosts
** If you put out trash, please put in a secure trash can. Thanks to all for your cooperation. **
1/27 - Annual Meeting
2/3 - Foltz
2/10 - Kallback/Stryker
2/17 - Black History 
2/24 - Van Gelder/Elsbree 
R eminder for hosts:
Napkins and plates are provided. Use what you need from our pantry under the coffee maker.  Remember: Keep it simple. We usually have about 35-40 attending.

  **Coffee schedule sign up is on the bulletin board in the Parish House.**
Formation Schedule  
You can now get information on Formation Ministries directly from the new Grace website at the following links: Children and Youth Adults
Spiritual Practices

Ministry of Care 
If you are in need of assistance while ill or recovering: meals, transportation, visits, please contact the
Ministry of Care
o Carol Poston
o Charlotte Kennedy
who can assist you and connect you with parishioners who have trained and commited to this ministry that includes Parish Visitors, Meals, Rides, as well as the ongoing Servants through Prayer, LEMs, and the Greeting Card ministry.

Ministry of Care Leadership Team: Facilitators :  Carol Poston, Charlotte Kennedy
Clergy Advisors: Gloria Hopewell, Linda Packard

Sermons and e-Blasts 
News and prayer requests: 
Sunday Bulletin -- Wed. end of day.
e-Blast: Thursday noon. 

Anniversaries and Birthdays
Have your celebrations been missed in our bulletins?   Send to Frani.
Thank y ou!  

News and Photos
 f or e-Blast!
People want to know
what's going on at Grace!  T here are places here for your event, program, or
interesting tidbit.   Comments on this e-Blast may be sent here.
Audio files of sermons are posted on the Grace Church website as well as in the next week's e-Blast. They also may be found on the church's FB page. 
Paper copies are available upon request. 
Grace Galena Sermon Baptism of Christ 2019 
Grace Galena Sermon Baptism of Christ 2019
Feast of the Epiphany 2019 
Feast of the Epiphany 2019
Grace Galena,
Grace Galena, "Water to Wine," 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2019
   The Rev Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector
Cell Phone:  773-988-3497

Grace Episcopal Church Office:
107 S. Prospect Street
Galena, IL 61036