Grace Episcopal Church 
4th Sunday of Easter  
May 12, 2019
10:30 am   
**Forward Day by Day booklets for May, June & July are on the green table behind the choir** 

Coming Right Up! 
Red Bags
Our next Outreach Red Bag endeavor will be to support
Galena's Women and Friends Making a Difference in their drive to provide feminine products for the women in our community in need. On Sunday, May 5th, the bags were distributed at church. A suggestion list of what items are wanted are in each bag. Please return the filled bags  on Sunday, May 19th. Thank you for your generosity.
Rockford Deanery Mtg. Grace Church will host the May meeting on Thursday morning, May 16, at 10am in the Parish House.

James Gates Percival International Poetry Festival
The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design will hold the first day of its three day festival at Grace Church on Friday, May 17th at 3pm in the Nave.
On that day, the James Gates Percival Prize fot Literature will be given to Kentucky poet, Christopher P. Collins who will give a reading of his work, followed by readings of poetry by James Gates Percival by the Chicago artist/poet, Mary Petrine Livoni. The general public is invited to attend. Admission is free. For more details on the award and The James Gates Percival International Petry Festival visit the Festival's website at
Canapes & Conversations Larry & Carol Poston will be hosting at their home at 25 Shorewood in the Galena Territory on Friday, May 17th from 5-7pm. Bring a friend, a nibble and a beverage to share. All are welcome!
Rector's Ramblings 
What a joy it is to be able to reach out to the surrounding community to share our Parish House and/or Church for various events. This is not new, of course, we have long done so with concerts in our Nave, French classes in our old Parish House, and, ongoing 12-Step programs at various times through the week. And we have recently experienced the versatility of our new space and how lovely and elegant it can be for special things like our Holy Week Agape Dinner.
     Just this past Saturday, a small group of Galena High School couples enjoyed a pre-Prom dinner at Grace, with mothers serving the catered meal. This was a wonderful way to connect with the youth in the community, and from all reports, the space worked well for them. Here are some photos: (don't worry, those bottles are sparkling grape juice!):
Parish House ready for
pre-Prom dinner
Dinner in progress.
A special bonus was our own Henry Anderson being crowned Prom King!      
     Next week, the Chicago Athaneum will use our nave for part of its Poetry Festival. In June once again there will be a performance of this year's Cemetery Walk. And discussions have begun about the possibility of a return of Riversong next year.
     There are a number of legal, insurance, and tax issues that we need to be mindful of when outside groups use our facilities. For this reason, the Vestry is in the process of developing a policy, guidelines, and a reservation process. These will outline the kinds of groups that will be considered, what expectations such groups will need to meet, such as insurance certificates and, if children are part of a program, evidence of safe church training (or its equivalent), and other terms of use.  
     This will probably take some time as we will need to be thorough and fair, and to comply with our Episcopal Church guidelines as well as applicable laws and ordinances.  
     Meanwhile, all requests for church and Parish House use must be submitted to the Church Office for review so that they can be placed on a central calendar to avoid conflicts with our ministry programming and church sponsored events. This includes community groups as well as Grace member requests for holding private gatherings like family celebrations or meetings of other organizations.  
      I would love to see our space bustling with activity throughout the week and providing a safe and attractive environment for a variety of offerings.  
See you in church for the rest of the 50 days of Easter,
Preparation for Sunday  
Acts 9:36-43: Peter raises Tabitha of Joppa, which brings many people to faith.
Psalm 23: David's famous Psalm of thanksgiving, praise and confidence in God for the gift of life.
Revelation 7:9-17: The hosts of heaven praise God, and the martyrs rejoice in the God who is their Shepherd.
John 10:22-30: Jesus speaks of himself as the Shepherd of his followers who are the sheep he cares for, and who know his voice.

In the midst of all of the bad news that the world brings us of war, violence, crime, climate change, and death, the message of resurrection is both a comfort and a call to remain strong and courageous in working for a more just and peaceful world. In addition, this week's readings speak a prophetic message to those in any kind of leadership, challenging them to be true, life-giving shepherds, and calling us to hold them accountable, while retaining our primary allegiance to Jesus as the one true Shepherd. On a global level this means that we must actively oppose unjust laws and structures that rob people of life. Wherever there is poverty and need, we can oppose international debt structures and unjust trade practices that make such poverty worse. Wherever power is abused and there is corruption, we can support organisations and initiatives that call for transparency and we can blow the whistle on those who are corrupt whenever we encounter them. Wherever there is war and violence, we can work for peace and support any initiatives that contribute to peaceful resolution of conflict and to regulation on the trade and ownership of firearms. In any way that we oppose the forces of death in our world, we contribute to the growth and celebration of life. In addition, in whatever situations we exercise leadership, we can follow in the serving and sacrificial footsteps of Jesus, seeking to be good shepherds in bringing life to those for whom we care. In all of these ways we embrace the resurrection as a daily, lived and life-giving reality.

The thumbnails and reflections excerpted from
Outreach Ministries Update 
United Churches Food Pantry Needs 
If you are not already a Food Pantry volunteer, might you consider it? Some of the long term volunteers are wishing to retire. So, there are opportunities available for the 2nd and 4th Thursday distributions (you may sign up for one or both). The volunteer coordinator is Celeste Mancini at  
Galena River Sampling Update 
Your Grace Episcopal Environmental Committee supported our Galena River sampling project (sampling took place in August of 2017 and May of 2018), and I'm hoping you can share the presentation information below with them - an opportunity to see the results of your/their contribution. Thanks, again, to you and to the committee!
From 5 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th at the Galena City Hall, scientists from the University of Illinois will be presenting on the water quality sampling they have been doing in Jo Daviess County. Sam Panno, Principal Scientist at the Illinois State Geological Survey and Walt Kelly, Groundwater Science Section Head at the Illinois State Water Survey, will summarize their work sampling springs, wells and the Galena River and explain what we can learn from the results. For questions, please contact Beth Baranski at 563/580-6192 or
Vestry Notes 
At its April 16 meeting, the Grace Church Vestry reviewed a goal-setting worksheet prepared on the basis of discussions at the March Vestry retreat, with particular focus on how to increase exposure to Grace through personal invitations to events and activities.  The Vestry has placed a high - perhaps its highest -- priority on making this a welcoming and inclusive parish.  A first step will be to ask Vestry liaisons to the various Church ministries (Outreach, Christian Formation, and so forth) to review how their projects and sponsored events can maximize the participation of interested parties. Liaisons will be asked to report back to the Vestry at the June meeting.

The intention of Pat Terry to step down as choir director later this year has necessitated planning the future of the music program at Grace, in close consultation with musicians and other members.  Another transition is better described as an interim: the need to plan for Gloria Hopewell's upcoming sabbatical as rector.... And we are still transitioning to our new building, drawing on advice from others with respect to the installation of artwork, furnishings, maintenance of stained glass windows, and a multi-functional approach to the new space.    The Vestry is continuing to monitor these developments and will be reporting in more detail in the weeks ahead.

Treasurer Richard Luther reported on a modest but welcome balance of income over expenses in March.  The full Treasurer's report will posted on the church website and in the parish hall across from the entrance to the lift and can be consulted by interested parishioners.
Ministry of Care Update 
Four of our Ministry of Care Visitors took part in the first Bishop Anderson House Online Spiritual Care Visitor Training program on May 4 at Emmanuel Church, Rockford.
     In addition to this one day retreat and workshop session, they will spend six months completing online modules and undertaking
practical experience and supervision.      
    Bishop Anderson House has long provided this kind of lay chaplaincy training but this is the first hybrid program that can be done through online and distance learning.
Church and Community 
Scandalous Grandmothers 
Women of Courage and Commitment present Scandalous Grandmothers. Bring mom and family to meet Deb Pausz', Carmen Ferguson's, Cathie Elsbree's and Gloria Hopewell's grandmothers Saturday, May 11th at 3pm at the DeSoto House Hotel. Cost is $15 and tea, coffee and desserts are provided. For reservations call 815-777-0090
Grace Church will host two more events in May:
May 16: The Rockford Deanery of the Diocese of Chicago at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall.
May 17: The Chicago Athenaeum's poetry reading by the winner of the first James Gates Percival Prize for literature in the church from 3-5 pm. Open to the  public.
Vestry Liaisons

V estry Liaisons' primary purpose is to assure two-way communications between the various ministries and the  Vestry,  to represent the ministries for resources or  policy issues, and to  support  their  events  an d activities.

Worship:                               Rector                       
Building and Grounds:         Greg Serwich (Sr. Warden 2018-2020)   
Worship Committee:            Charlotte Stryker (class of 2022)        
Formation and Spirituality:   Elizabeth Ludescher (class of 2022) 
Fellowship & Hospitality:     Anita Sands (class of 2021)                 
Pastoral Care/LEMs:           Bonnielynn Kreiser (class of 2020)  
Outreach:                             Tony Packard (class of 2021)     
Communications:                 Larry Poston (class of 2020)
Governance:                 Wardens & Rector 
Officers:                Greg Serwich, Senior Warden             
                      Lynn Giles, Junior Warden,
                      Richard Luther, Treasurer                    
                                      Diann Marsh, Clerk      
                                      The Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector          

Parish Administrator:     Fräni Beadle  
Organist/Pianist:            Robin French, Nancy Cook        
Choir Director:               Pat Terry     
This Sunday 
In This Issue
Taking Note of This Sunday
Next Sunday's Readings
Grace's Prayer List
Meetings this Week
Choir Schedule
Ministry of Care
Ministry of Care
Boring Details
May 12, 2019
Sunday Morning  
Easter 4    
For quick reference, find Sunday's readings by clicking here:
The Lectionary

Ministers of the
Steve Coates
1st Chalicist:
Elizabeth Ludescher
2nd Chalicist: 
Cathie Elsbree
Lillie Anderson
Vestry Coordinator:
Bonnielynn Kreiser
Cathie Elsbree
Altar Guild:
Ann Berry & Fräni Beadle
Al & Cathie Elsbree
The Very Rev. Dr. Gloria Hopewell

Next Sunday's
Easter 4
May 12, 2019
Eucharistic readings
for your own study:   
Revelation 7:9-17     
Psalm 23          
Acts 9:36-43       
John 10:22-30    
Grace's Prayer List
For a current prayer list, click on the following link:
Grace Prayer List


The Request For Prayers notebook is in the Narthex/ Entrance area of the Church. Please feel free to request prayers for yourself or others at any time by filling out a form or contacting the office by either phone or email. May we first and always be "a people of prayer."
Meetings this Week 
Wednesday Events  
7:30 am
Midweek Morning Eucharist
8:10 am
Community Breakfast at Victory Café   
Cursillo Reunion  
St. Francis Room
10:30 am
Morning Bible Study Parish House
All are welcome!
Grace's Choir Practice
Wednesdays at 7pm
Saturdays at 10am
Looking Ahead 
For current and upcoming events, download a copy of the calendar with this link:    
May  OR check out the goog le
calendar on the new website
Sunday Social Hour Hosts
5/12 - Marsh
5/19- Roberts/Jackman
5/26- Hansen/Klaus
6/2 - EfM
6/9 - Beadle 
R eminder for hosts:
Napkins and plates are provided. Use what you need from our pantry Remember: Keep it simple. We usually have about 35-40 attending.

  **Coffee schedule sign up is on the bulletin board in the Parish House.**
Formation Schedule  
You can now get information on Formation Ministries directly from the new Grace website at the following links: Children and Youth Adults
Spiritual Practices

Ministry of Care 
If you are in need of assistance while ill or recovering: meals, transportation, visits, please contact the
Ministry of Care
o Carol Poston
o Charlotte Kennedy
who can assist you and connect you with parishioners who have trained and commited to this ministry that includes Parish Visitors, Meals, Rides, as well as the ongoing Servants through Prayer, LEMs, and the Greeting Card ministry.

Ministry of Care Leadership Team: Facilitators :  Carol Poston, Charlotte Kennedy
Clergy Advisors: Gloria Hopewell, Linda Packard

Sermons and e-Blasts 
News and prayer requests: 
Sunday Bulletin -- Wed. end of day.
e-Blast: Thursday noon. 

Anniversaries and Birthdays
Have your celebrations been missed in our bulletins?   Send to Frani.
Thank y ou!  

News and Photos
 f or e-Blast!
People want to know
what's going on at Grace!  T here are places here for your event, program, or
interesting tidbit.   Comments on this e-Blast may be sent here.
Audio files of sermons are posted on the Grace Church website as well as in the next week's e-Blast. They also may be found on the church's FB page. 
Paper copies are available upon re
Grace Galena Easter Sunday Sermon 2019 
Grace Galena Easter Sunday Sermon 2019
   The Rev Dr. Gloria Hopewell, Rector
Cell Phone:  773-988-3497

Grace Episcopal Church Office:
107 S. Prospect Street
Galena, IL 61036