Grace/La Gracia
33 Church Street White Plains, NY 10601
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility. 
[Collect for the First Sunday of Advent, BCP 211]
Ministers of the Liturgy
Celebrant & Preacher   The Rev Dr. Judith Lee
Assisting Priest            The Rev. Adolfo Moronta
Organist                         Peter Roberts
Lectors   8AM    Barbara Wiggins, Linda Heusser
              10AM    Karen Southwick, Linda Gallo         Intercessor: Cecile Fray
Eucharistic Ministers
                 8AM    Paola Carmago                                                                                  
               10AM    Ray Williams, Andrea Spencer
Acolytes 10AM   Rudye Breach, Anna Kristina O'Hanlon, Vika O'Hanlon, Maya Daughtry, 
                           Shane Daughtry, Jordan Acevedo
Ushers   10AM   Carmen Greenidge, James Henderson, Maria Lewis, Matthew Reid,
                            Jane Washington, Camille Worrell
Eucharistic Visitors    Audrey Taylor, Cynthia Cole
Nursery Care is available during the 10:00 AM service.
Vestry Greeter  Amy Auld Owens
Coffee Hour Hosts:  Ronak & Augustina Kumar       Assistant   Cecilia Peagler

Tuesday- December 4 th
12:05 PM  Holy Eucharist in the Chapel

Wednesday- December 5 th
12:10 PM   Downtown Music at Grace
1:30 PM SAGE – in the Library
6:30 PM Labyrinth in the Parish Hall
7:30 PM Bible Study in the Library

Thursday- December 6 th
12:05 PM     Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
   7:30 PM     Santa Eucaristía in the Church

Saturday December 8 th
9:00 AM-3:00 PM     Latino Ministries Retreat
      5:00 PM   Jazz Vespers for Blue Christmas
What's New This Week

ANNOUNCING OUR NEW RECTOR: The Reverend Dr. Chip Graves  
F ather Chip Graves has been called to be the next Rector of Grace La Gracia. He will visit all three services on Sunday January 13 th , and his first Sunday will be January 20, 2019. Father Chip is currently Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Huntington, West Virginia, and his wife, the Rev. Lisa Graves, is Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Huntington.

TODAY: The First Sunday of Advent is "new year's day' of the liturgical year and the beginning of Advent, a holy season of waiting and watching. We will renew our Baptismal Covenant during each service. We will also have Advent Calendars available for everyone to take home, with each day offering a reflection and practice in the Way of Love.

TODAY: Pledge forms are available in the back of the church if you did not bring your form today, and pledges will be accepted through the end of the year. The Vestry needs to know the 2019 pledge amount as they prepare the 2019 budget to be approved at their December meeting.
Stewardship Campaign update: As of November 25 th :
Total number of pledges (Grace & La Gracia): 132
Total pledge amount (Grace & La Gracia): $212,017
To Print 2019 Stewardship Pledge Form - Click here
Para imprimir el formulario mayordom í a de 2019 - Clic aquí
ECW will start selling raffle tickets for two holiday baskets starting on Sunday, December 2 nd . Tickets are six for $5.00 sold during Coffee Hour. Drawing held Sunday, December 23 rd . The proceeds are going towards Samaritan House Gift Cards. 

FILL SOMEONE'S GROCERY BAG WITH JOY.  Beginning November 18th through December 16th, Grace/La Gracia once again has the opportunity to provide a $25 gift card to be placed in a grocery bag with Christmas staples for dinner. As a parish, we have been very generous in providing these gift cards to help over 500 families who receive the gift of personal food choices before Christmas from Lifting Up Westchester. Please give what you can in the form of a gift card (generic, Stop & Shop, ShopRite, Target), cash or check (made to Lifting Up Westchester). Collection will be on Sunday's between 9-9:45 AM and after the 10:00 AM service in the Parish Hall. Questions? Please speak with LInda Gallo. Thanks!

TOYS FOR LA GRACIA – Every year La Gracia distributes toys to children on January 6 th. , the Feast of Epiphany/Three Kings Sunday. Please see Fr. Adolfo about ways you can contribute toys or financial donations for this tradition. Thank you.

THIS WEDNESDAY: December 5 th , 1:30-3:00 PM SAGE Meeting. Maria Lewis will introduce us to the new labyrinth.

THIS SATURDAY: December 8 th at 5:00 PM  Blue Christmas Jazz Vespers
The Alex Auld Jazz Quartet will play for a service of Jazz Vespers. This service is designed to provide comfort and hope to those for whom the Christmas season is a “blue” season of sadness, loss, or discouragement. We will ask for a Free Will Offering to benefit our Organ Fund.
BIBLE STUDY: We will resume for the Wednesdays in Advent: December 5, 12. & 19. T

SUNDAYS AT 9:00 - 9:30 AM - Come to learn about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Tradition We will meet in the library.
Advent at Grace / La Gracia
For Advent this year we will be following the Episcopal Church curriculum, Journeying the Way of Love
Advent Calendars will be available in the church. 
For your own copy:. Advent Calendar Way of Love 2018 - Click here
                               Advent Calendar El Camino de Amor 2018 - Clic aquí
Wednesday evenings:
6:30-7:30 PM The Labyrinth will be set up in the Parish hall for private meditation
7:30-9:00PM      Bible Study:
December 5 – Luke 1:26-56 - The Annunciation: Saying “Yes” to the Journey
December 12 - Luke 1:57-80 – John the Baptist: Journeying with Community
December 19 – Luke 2:1-20 – The Birth of Jesus: Journeying in the World
Daily e-Meditations: On the weekdays during Advent we will send a daily e-meditation that provides a quite pause in the busy-ness of each day.
  Advent and Christmastide at Grace La Gracia
Saturday December 1  10 AM – 6 PM Parish Day of Renewal
                                                      5 PM   First Saturdays at Grace:
        Ecumenical Prayers for Peace with the Transjazz Gospel Group
Sunday December 2          The First Sunday of Advent
                                           12:30 PM      We welcome in Holy Baptism Yoltzin Flores Pérez
                                          ECW Raffle tickets available
Saturday December 8       9 AM-3 PM   Latino Ministries Retreat hosted by Grace/La Gracia
                                                  3 PM – 7 PM Santa’s Workshop hosted by J2A
                                                 5 PM   Blue Christmas Jazz Vespers with the Alex Auld
                                                         and the NYSB Quintet
Sunday December 9        The Second Sunday of Advent
Tuesday December 11    8:30 PM – Midnight   Fiesta de La Virgen de Guadalupe
Saturday, December 15        4PM  Informal Caroling in front of the Church 
Sunday December 16      The Third Sunday of Advent
                                        10:00 AM    Family Service
                                        11:30 AM    Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
                                                4 PM    Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
Saturday December 22        7 PM  Las Posadas - In Parish Hall
Sunday December 23        The Fourth Sunday of Advent
                                                      ECW Raffle Drawing
                                   11:30 AM – Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
December 24           Eve of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord
                                    2:30 PM        Pageant participants arrive; lunch provided
                                    4:00 PM        Family Service with Christmas Pageant
                                    7:00 PM        La Gracia Fiesta de la Navidad de Nuestro Señor
                                 10:00 PM        Festive Service of Holy Eucharist
December 30         Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (transferred)
                               Mother Judith's last Sunday
December 31           11:00 PM - Midnight     The church will be open for private prayers
January 6              Feast of the Epiphany / Three Kings Sunday
Youth Ministries: Sunday School, Rite 13 & J2A
Classes will meet on December 2, 9, and 23.
Family Service on December 16.
There will be no class on December 30.
Family Service with Pageant on Christmas Eve at 4 PM
The focus of our classes this month will be preparing for the Christmas Pageant. Michael Heffner and George O'Hanlon will coordinate preparations, and the members of the 2018 Confirmation Class will lead the rehearsals.. There is a role for everyone! We welcome the participation of every family. Watch for more news.
Rehearsals at 11:30 AM on December 16 & 23
Rehearsal at 2:30 PM on December 24th, and we will serve a light lunch.
Advent Calendars will be distributed on December 2nd. for your own copy click here
Advent Calendar El Camino de Amor 2018 - Clic aquí
To have your own copy of the Promise Card  c lick here
To Print a copy of 2018 - 2019 Sunday School, Rite 13 & J2A Calendar  Click here
Lifting Up Westchester
  Beginning November 18th through December 16th, Grace/La Gracia once again has the opportunity to provide a $25 gift card to be placed in a grocery bag with Christmas staples for dinner. As a parish, we have been very generous in providing these gift cards to help over 500 families who receive the gift of personal food choices before Christmas from Lifting Up Westchester. Please give what you can in the form of a gift card (generic, Stop & Shop, ShopRite, Target), cash or check (made to Lifting Up Westchester). Collection will be on Sunday's between 9-9:45 AM and after the 10:00 AM service Parish Hall. 
Questions? Please speak with Linda Gallo. Thanks!
Sundays in December
December 2        First Sunday of Advent
12:30 PM       We welcome in Holy Baptism Yoltzin Flores Pérez
                     ECW Raffle tickets available
December 9         Second Sunday of Advent
December 16       Third Sunday of Advent
10 AM     Family Service
11:30 AM    Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
    4 PM     Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
December 23       Fourth Sunday of Advent
11:30 AM Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
December 30        Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (transferred)
                            Mother Judith’s last Sunday
  • To read Vestry Highlights for November 27  click here
  • To read Sunday, December 9, 2018 Lessons click here
  • December Lector Rota click here
  • Our Fall 2018 Angelus is now available for everyone to read. click here
  • The Parish Profile is posted on our website. To read click here. 
This is the season when we begin preparations for the Annual Parish Meeting and the election of new Vestry members and a Junior Warden on January 27, 2019
Junior Warden ( Michael Heffner was appointed by the Vestry to serve until the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting)
Vestry: One 2-year term (Michael Heffner’s seat)
Three 3-year terms (Expiring terms: Irene Alves, Sorraya Sampson Elliott, Karen Odom)   
Qualifications for serving on Vestry
  1. Must be a pledging member of Grace/La Gracia for at least 24 months.
  2. Must be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church
  3. Must attend service regularly.
  4. Must be able to attend the Vestry meetings regularly (currently scheduled on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.)

Qualifications for voting [By Laws: Section 4. Qualifications for Voting]
Persons of the age of 18 years or more who have been baptized, are communicants of the Episcopal Church, belong to the Parish, are regular attendants of its worship and have contributed to its support for at least twelve (12) months prior to the Annual Election or Special Meeting at which they are in attendance, shall be qualified to vote . For the January 2019 election, eligible voters must have pledged for both 2018 and 2019. Records will be updated before January 15, 2019.
 Marisol Ortega will be chair of the Nominating Committee this year.
Parish Day of Renewal
Saturday December 1, 2018
10 am - 6pm
The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life.
We will have prayers and discussions in English and Spanish centered on Bishop Curry’s call for the Jesus Movement, and we will have special reflections and training for ushers, altar servers, acolytes, lectors, and the Pastoral Care Team. 
We will end the day with a Service of Prayers for Peace with music by Transjazz Gospel Jazz group.
I f you haven't registered, you are welcome to join us.
Advent Calendars will be distributed on December 2nd for your own copy click here
Advent Calendar El Camino de Amor 2018 - Clic aquí
December 1st. First Saturdays at Grace
The Transjazz Gospel Jazz Group at 5PM
The Transjazz Gospel Jazz Group will perform as part of an ecumenical service of Prayers for Peace.
ECW Annual Holiday Raffle
ECW will be raffling two Holiday baskets starting on Sunday, December 2 through Sunday December 23. - A basket with two movie tickets and the second basket is dinner for two at a local restaurant. Tickets are six for $5.00. Proceeds towards Samaritan House gift cards. The drawing will be during coffee hour on Sunday, December 23.
DTM at Grace Wednesday, December 5, 12:10 PM
Yiying Niu, pianist, Prize Winner of the 2018 New York International Piano Competition. Presented in partnership with the Stecher and Horowitz Foundation. A Downtown Music debut.
S.A.G.E. Meeting - December 5
Join us in the library at 1:30 PM.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Jazz Vespers for Blue Christmas
Saturday, December 8 at 5 PM
Free Will Offering to Benefit the Organ Fund

Jazz Vespers is a service of prayer and meditation to observe Blue Christmas, a time when we acknowledge the "blue" feelings we have at Christmas time, the reasons for them, and offer them to God. This time has been called the "long dark night of the soul" and "the winter of our discontent" in which memories of past experiences and the pain of our present situation can become overwhelming. For some, Christmas Day is the most difficult. For others, it may be Christmas Eve, or New Year’s Eve, or the beginning of another lonely New Year. In this service, we reflect on the complicated feelings that we share and offer them to God for healing and transformation. Together, we reassure each other of God’s unconditional love. We find hope and comfort in knowing that we are not alone. 
Grace Church welcomes the NYSB Quartet to perform for this service. Led by Alex Auld, who grew up at Grace Church, the musicians of the NYSB Quartet (Alex Auld, Franky Guadalupe, Walter Vargas, Mike Vinas) are all members of Brooklyn's New York Salsa Band. They have individually performed throughout the United States and internationally, accompanying some of the top names in both jazz and Latin music. 
The Book Club : Next on our agenda— We Are Called to Rise by Laura McBride to be reviewed on Tuesday, Dec 11 at 7 pm in the church library. Interested in the Book Club? Contact Karen Odom at
Ce lebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tuesday December 11 - 8:30 PM
T his is a major annual festival in the Latino community and at Grace/La Gracia. (Last year, almost 300 people attended the service and dinner!) Everyone is welcome to join in any or all of the celebration. We will process from the Parish Hall to the Church at 8:30 PM, and the festival ends with prayers at midnight.
Community News
The Jandon Foundation is looking for 15 high school seniors to earn $12,000 college scholarships each.  Click here for information on applying.
The Episcopal Diocese of New York

Episcopal Relief & Development Responding to Wildfires in California
  2018 Diocesan Convention Round-Up for a Complete Round-Up
(Bishops' address/report texts, elections, resolutions passed, etc.) - Click here
 Bishop Dietsche Writes on the Tree of Life Massacre and the Responsibility of Gospel Witness : T o Read Click here
Greetings, Friend in Christ.
 As you know, the current wildfires in California have become the most destructive in the state’s history. Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California as they coordinate with local congregations to provide emergency support to those impacted by the wildfires in Northern and Southern California. The US Disaster Team is in daily communication with the dioceses through coordination calls to organize response efforts.
We invite you to support our ongoing work with the impacted dioceses. We have created an updated bulletin insert so that you can share information and an opportunity for compassionate response with members of your congregation.
 Please continue to pray for all those impacted by the wildfires in addition to our church and other partners as they reach out to their most vulnerable members and neighbors and begin the initial relief and recovery work.
Contributions to the US Disaster Fund will help Episcopal Relief & Development provide critical emergency assistance to those most in need.
 Wishing you peace,
 Sean McConnell
Senior Director, Engagement Episcopal Relief & Development
Para leer la carta del obispo en Español       Haga clic aquí
Episcopal Church Women Summer Newsletter now available. Please click here. For more on Episcopal Church Women, please visit the ECW page on the Diocesan website . T: 914 949 2874 x10