Grace La Gracia
33 Church Street White Plains, NY 10601
If you are visiting with us for the first time, we welcome you to Grace Church!
Our liturgy is found in the Book of Common Prayer.
Our communion is open to all baptized Christians.
Please take the time to fill out one of our visitor cards which the ushers have available.
Your presence is a blessing to us may our worship together be a blessing to you.
As they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38–42
" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

" Por lo tanto,si alguien esta en Cristo, el es una nueva creacion.
Lo viejo ha pasado, he aqui, lo nuevo ha llegado. " 2 Corintios 5:17

Ministers of the Liturgy
December1, 2019

Celebrant:   Rev. Dr. Chip Graves
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Victor Conrado
Assisting Priest : Rev. Adolfo Moronta
Organist:   Peter Roberts
Grace Church Choir
Eucharistic Visitors: Audrey Taylor, Cynthia Cole
Lector 8AM: Mary Baker
10AM: Linda Gallo, Audrey Taylor
Intercessor: Nate Hogan 
Altar Minister 8AM: Brinda Bradley   10AM: Ruyde Breach, Lauren Reid
Acolytes 10AM : Sam Brown, Priya Kumar, Aadi Kumar, Maya Daughtry, Shane Daughtry
Ushers 10AM: Carmen Greenidge, James Henderson, Maria Lewis, Matthew Reid, Jane Washington, Camille Worrell
Vestry Greeter: Irene Alves
Coffee Hour Host: Volunteer Contributors
Assistants : Team 1
Nursery Care: available during 10AM Service

Reminder to Everyone to Greet Our Newcomers and Guests
I want to request our church parishioners to please welcome our visitors and let us share the love of God together. Fr. Chip

  Sunday, December 1
The First Sunday of Advent
The Reverend Canon Victor Conrado will be preacher at all our worship service.
8 AM  The Holy Eucharist
Sunday School Classes Will Not Meet- Thanksgiving Weekend
12:30 PM  La Gracia Santa Eucaristía 
Monday, December 2
6:30 PM  Walk the Labyrinth- Parish Hall
7:00 PM  Fr. Chip’s Adult Ed “Pondering the Sacred” - Library
12:05 PM  Eucharist in Chapel
7:30 PM  La Gracia Leaders Meeting – Library
Wednesday, December 4
12:10 PM  DTM Concert at Grace. 
1:30 PM  SAGE Meeting- Library
7:15 PM  BSF Bible Study -library
Thursday, December 5
12:05 PM  Eucharist in Chapel
Friday, December 6
3:00 PM-5:00 PM  Wedding Rehearsal - Church 
Saturday, December 7
2:30 PM  Wedding  –  Church
4:00PM – 9:00 PM  Site Rental – Parish Hall
We welcome to our worship services today
The Reverend Canon Victor Conrado
Rev. Victor H. Conrado is associate for ministries for Bishop Jeffrey Lee at the Episcopal Diocese and serves as Priest Associate at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Glen Ellyn, where he has served since 2011 when he joined that parish as assistant rector for Spanish-language ministries. Until his appointment to the bishop’s staff, Conrado was a member of the diocese’s Standing Committee, member of the Commission on Ministry, and president of its Hispanic Affairs Committee. He holds a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology in Nairobi, Kenya, and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in congregational development from Bexley-Seabury Seminary. Victor holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the St. Bonaventure University in Colombia and completed a Masters in Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology in Nairobi, Kenya (a constituent college university of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome). He was ordained priest in 2001 and was received as an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Chicago on July 7, 2011.
In August 2019, Bishop Dietsche announced the appointment of the Rev. Victor Conrado to serve as the Canon for Congregational Vitality and Formation for the Diocese of New York.
Monthly Gratitude
S.A.G.E .
We cannot thank Marie Barrow enough for her leadership with SAGE. Each and every month SAGE group members gather to sing, to share, to sing and to pray. Thanks to all who belong to and support this amazing ministry.  
Elsie G. Adams, Jo- Ann B. Boylan, Joe Brown, Bernice Burton, Carole S. Carter, Harvey Chambers, Cecile Fray, Barbara Griffith, Sylvia R. Howard, Dorothy Lynch, Joyce Pickering, Uriel G. Reid, Carolyn J. Rogers, Al E. Sargent, Shirley Spencer, Heather Southwick
Mother Teresa once said to “do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”
 Any person or group of parishioners interested in underwriting a worship service at Grace Church, please contact Fr. Chip for more information.
Poinsettias For Sale
Poinsettias are widely used as Christmas decorations in homes, churches and offices. In the United States, December 12 is National Poinsettia Day.

The Grace Church Choir is taking orders for Poinsettias for delivery on December 1, 8 and 15 for $15.00 each to help defray the cost of the Music Program. These beautiful plants will enhance your home or make a wonderful Hoilday Gifts.  To place an order, please contact: Any Member of the Choir  or sign-up on the order sheet posted on the bulletin board near the parish hall.
Advent Adult Education Series with Fr. Chip
Join Fr. Chip for a three-part Advent adult education series entitled, " Pondering the Sacred ." Fr. Chip will share a video series on one of the greatest contemporary Christian writers, Rob Bell in order to discuss various themes such as our dealing with grief, knowing Jesus’ infinite love, being human, and so much more.
Come join us for this three-part series to be held on
Monday Dec. 2, 9 and 16 at 7PM in the library.
No books are needed. Please call our administrator in order to make a reservation.     
The Labyrinth will be available beforehand; however, I will need two helpers to assist with putting it up at 6:15PM each evening before the Adult Education event. Thank you. Fr. Chip
2019 Lifting Up Westchester Christmas Gift Card Drive:   Beginning December 1st and continuing December 8th & 15th, we will have the opportunity to once again provide a gift card in the grocery bags to be distributed to families in need for a Christmas meal. Lifting Up Westchester traditionally distributes 500+ bags filled with non-[perishable items to deliberate the holidays. Missing are the perishable items. That's where we come in. In the past, Grace Church has increased its generosity each and every year. In 2017, we furnished 55 cards; in 2018, we furnished 72 cards. I genuinely believe we can minimally achieve last year's contribution if not exceed it in 2019. How? Cash, checks (made out to Lifting Up Westchester) or gift cards in the amount of $10-$25 from either Stop & Shop or Shop Rite will be gladly accepted. Contributions can be made in the Parish Hall 9:30-10:00 AM and after the 10:00 AM service. Can't get there? Please leave your name, type and amount of contribution in an envelope marked with "LUW gift cards" in an envelope in the collection plate. The last day to contribute is December 15th. Please speak with Linda Gallo if you have questions.  

Wednesday, December 4 SAGE at 1:30 PM in the library.
We will have a pre-holiday party. Everyone is invited to bring in something to eat. Beverages will be provided.
What is your favorite Christmas Carol? Be ready to share, sing and answer questions about different Christmas Carols. Many Blessings! Marie Barrow

God’s Word for Today’s World Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)   Wednesday, Dec. 4 in the Library from 7:15pm-8:45pm .
A New BSF Satellite Discussion Group will meet, right here, at Grace Episcopal Church. There is no cost to join.  
Wednesday, December 11  La Gracia Celebration of Guadalupe

Saturday, December 14 Caroling at Grace Church at 4PM
We encourage you bring your family and friends! Sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board. We need   three assistants to help in set up. For more information please contact Walter Simon.

Sunday, December 15  ECW Meeting in the library at 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM

Grace/La Gracia Vestry Member Candidates Desired
Nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership position. Please submit your request for consideration no later than December 29, 2019. Click here to download information.
Toys For The Children Of Grace La Gracia   – Every year La Gracia distributes toys to children on January 6 . , the Feast of Epiphany/Three Kings Sunday. This year, we will distribute gifts to all our children – in the morning and in the afternoon. Please see Fr. Adolfo about ways you can contribute toys or financial donations for this tradition. Thank you.
Grace/La Gracia Vestry Member Candidates Desired
Nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership position. Information on E-newsletter and on table in the rear of the church. Please submit your request for consideration no later than December 29, 2019.    
Confirmation Class January 2020
Fr. Chip is holding a Confirmation class in January 2020. The class will be similar to his adult education class held earlier this year. The class will cover the basic tenets of the Episcopal church to include history, beliefs, liturgy, sacraments and so much more.
Those completing this course will be able to be Confirmed later next spring 2020.
The specific class dates will be based on participant feedback. Please email the office or Fr Chip if you are interested. 
Join a Committee or Become a Usher, Greeter or Office Voluntee r
Grace La Gracia is always looking for more volunteers to serve on our various committees. We rely on our parishioners to help keep our parish going. For more information or to join, contact the parish office or just stop by one of our meetings! 
If any of these roles interest you, please contact the parish office.  

The Grace La Gracia Acolyte Ministry is always in search of new members to aid and assist the Clergy and Congregation in prayer, praise and worship. We welcome adults and youth aged 7 and up. Please contact Lauren Reid at if you would like to join this vital ministry.
Pastoral Care

We are inviting members who have a passion for serving others to join our Pastoral Care team. This ministry means so much to our members and it just might change your life. Please contact Sandy Gadsden at for more information.
Planned Giving
“All that we are, all that we have comes from God (and will one day return to God)”
Our Mission: To establish a meaningful enough relationship with you, the Grace Church La Gracia parishioner, to the extent that you would consider establishing a meaningful long-term financial relationship with Grace Church La Gracia.
Planned Giving encompasses a variety of ways that gifts can be made to the church from accumulated resources. Planned giving is a means by which anyone concerned with the thoughtful use of his or her personal wealth can make a considered choice about how to share it. Planned gifts are either outright gifts or deferred gifts. Please contact Michael Heffner to start (or continue) this conversation.

Grace La Gracia Parish Office Telephone Number 914 949 2874
When calling the parish office, please listen carefully to the new directory extension options. If you know your party's extension you can press it after the greeting.
Maria Campos – Administrator or Front Desk Volunteer - Ext 1
The Rev. Dr. Chip Graves - Ext 2
The Rev. Adolfo Moronta- Ext 3
Maria Romeo- Bookkeeper - Ext 4
Lectors Needed
Volunteers are needed for all services including the Family service, every third Sunday of the month. If you are available for one or both of these services, please provide your contact information to Michael Heffner
Names on Prayer List
If you have a family member or loved one on our prayer list, please provide our office with emergency contact information.
December Advent Greens Sign Up Sheet is on the bulletin board near the library.
 Remember those you love by signing up for greens to adorn the Altar for our worship. Donation fee is $100.00
Downtown Music at Grace Concert Schedule -click here
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 @ 12:10 p.m. - No DTM Concert at Grace
Wednesday, December 4, 2019 @ 12:10 p.m.
Karen Marie Marmer, violin and Dongsok Shin, fortepiano, principals of the internationally acclaimed REBEL Ensemble for Baroque Music, play an all Mozart program featuring sonatas for violin and fortepiano and a work for keyboard solo.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 @ 12:10 p.m.
The Bridgeport Trio  - Bob Wason, piano, Lou Bruno, bass, and Albert Montecalvo, drums, return to Downtown Music with a program which celebrates Jazz and the Movies. Standards include;  Laura, On Green Dolphin Street, Stella by Starlight, Never Let Me Go, and Beautiful Love, a Bill Evans favorite composed for the film, The Mummy. 
W ednesday, December 18, 2019 @ 12:10 p.m.
Angelica  – A visit from this wonderful chamber choir, directed by Marie Caruso, has become a seasonal tradition for our Downtown Music audience. This year, they offer a program of medieval, traditional, and contemporary songs, featuring selections from Heinrich Isaac’s rarely heard Christmas Mass “Introitus, Puer natus est” and “Alleluia, Dies sanctificatus”; premieres by John Milne The Virgin’s Lullaby Lament and Julie Dolphin Lullaby After Christmas; and Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols. Joining Angelica is harpist Joy Plaisted. 
Wednesday, December 25, 2019 @ 12:10 p.m.- No DTM Concert a Grace
The Episcopal Diocese of New York T: 914 949 2874 x1