Grace La Gracia
33 Church Street White Plains, NY 10601
If you are visiting with us for the first time, we welcome you to Grace Church!
Our liturgy is found in the Book of Common Prayer.
Our communion is open to all baptized Christians.
Please take the time to fill out one of our visitor cards which the ushers have available.
Your presence is a blessing to us may our worship together be a blessing to you.
The seventy, whom Jesus had sent out, returned with joy, saying, “Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!” He said to them, “I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning. See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:17–20
Ministers of the Liturgy
June 9, 2019
Ce lebrant: Rev. Dr. Chip Graves
Assisting Priest   Rev. Adolfo Moronta
Organist & Choir Director   Peter Roberts
Lector     8:00 AM Ella Fitzgerald
Lectors  10:00 AM Kaylee Owens, Nikolas O’Hanlon
Intercessor  Sam Brown
Acolyte 8:00 AM Brinda Bradley
Altar Ministers Sandy McAllister, Rudye Breach
Acolytes10 AM Jean Chambers, Spencer Carden, Harrison Richards, Ivana Richards,
Shane Daughtry, Maya Daughtry
Sacristy Parents: Kevin and Ingrid Richards
Ushers10:00 AM Lisa Daley, Hillary Fleming, Ginger Grant, Paxton Louis, Olivet Williams
Eucharistic Visitors Judith Hutton, Cecilia Peagler, Marie Barrow
Coffee Hour Graduate and Sunday School Recognition Day
Assistant: Sylvia Simon
Nursery Care is available during the 10 AM service.
Sunday, June 9th
The Feast of Pentecost: Wear Red!
8:00 AM The Holy Eucharist- Rite One Liturgy
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist - Rite Two Liturgy
and the
Recognition of Graduating Seniors and Sunday School Teachers
12:30 PM La Gracia Santa Eucharista
Tuesday. June 11th
12:05 PM Eucharist in Chapel
Thursday, June 13th
12:05 PM Eucharist in Chapel
7:30 PM La Gracia Bible Study- Church
Saturday, June 15th
8:30 AM to 2:00 PM Vestry Retreat - LibraryTime
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ECW Father's Day Set Up - Parish Hall
Celebration of New Ministry The Institution and Induction of
Reverend Dr. Chip Graves
as our Seventeenth Rector of Grace Church
On Saturday, July 20th we install Father Chip as our Rector. This event helps us remember that our parish is but part of the much larger Church. The larger Church represented by our chief pastor, the Bishop, and many of the clergy of our diocese as well as visitors from other parishes and other denominations, will be with us to celebrate the beginning of Father Chip’s ministry here. The institution service also reminds us that the Bishop is our chief pastor, preacher, and liturgical presider.
The Prayer Book calls the service as a whole, Celebration of New Ministry. It begins with the Institution, which is when the Bishop, the Wardens, and the Congregation formally affirm that he is the Rector. There is another part called The Induction when the Bishop, the Clergy, and the Congregation present to him symbols of the varied ministries he will lead us in. Then he joins the Bishop at the Altar to lead us in Holy Eucharist. 
Anyone and everyone can come and we hope you will.
 We would like to see the Grace Church filled and overflowing !

Donation envelopes can be found on the table in the rear of the church.
This month we celebrate The Grace Church Choir and the St. Nicholas Choir under the direction of our Music Director, Peter Roberts. I want to thank them for the time, work, and heart that they put into preparing the special music for our worship services throughout the year. They are not only talented but truly wonderful in their commitment to Grace Episcopal Church. Please acknowledge them and thank them for what they do. Fr. Chip                                                                                                            
On Sunday June 9th the 8 AM Service we will be following
Rite One Liturgy  BCP 323
The Graduate and Sunday School Recognition will take place during the10 AM Service.
Sunday, June 9th The Feast of Pentecost
Wear Red to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Christ. This will also be the last day for the Choir to sing for the 10 am service. We celebrate their gifts today. The St Nicholas choir continues to sing until June 16th.
  Join Us On June 9th for Rector Institution Meeting
 If you are interested in participating in the planning of Fr. Chip's Institution on July 20th, please join us in the Library on Sunday, June 9th, after the 10:00 AM service. If you are unable to attend, please let Linda Gallo or Barbara Biles know. See you then!

Lifting Up Westchester Summer Camp 2019
Beginning June 9th through June 23rd, Linda gallo (a member of the Lifting Up Westchester Board of Directors) will be collecting either gift cards (Target, Walmart or general gift card) or monetary donations to provide each camper with a gift card in the amount of $25.00 to buy a new bathing suit and perhaps a pool towel. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact her either in church or via email ([email protected]). Thank you.

United Thank Offering
Grace La Gracia has contributed $732.71 to the UTO! We are blessed and thankful people! For those of you who still have donations, you may put them in the collection plate today. UTO envelopes will be in the back of the church or ask an usher. Make checks payable to Grace Church and put UTO in the memo. Thank you!
Next Sunday, June 16th Father’s Day Breakfast
Sponsored by the ECW. Breakfast will be from 8:45 AM through10 AM and ECW will also host the coffee hour. Please let Melanie Jackson know if you can help.
S aturday, June 22nd The Book Club Luncheon
Will be held at Via Garibaldi, 1 N Broadway, White Plains, NY at 12:30 PM
  Sunday, June 23rd Grace Church Financial Overview
During coffee hour in the parish hall there will be a brief overview of our finances.
Please join us.  
Sunday, July 28, 2019 " On Your Feet” Tickets
The Episcopal Church Women are selling tickets to see " On Your Feet", the story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan" at the Westchester Broadway Theater, Elmsford, NY.
Sunday, July 28, 2019 , 11:30 AM.
Price: $85 per person- includes show, meal and gratuity.
Bring you family and friends! All are welcome - this is not a "ladies only" event.
Please see Melanie Jackson or RSVP at:  [email protected]  or 
Audrey Taylor E: [email protected] to reserve tickets.
T he deadline for payment for tickets will be Sunday June 23, 2019

June 30th will be the last Sunday of the regular season.  
The Following Sunday, July 9th we revert to the Summer Service of 9:00 AM Eucharist and 12:30 PM La Gracia Santa Eucharistia Misa.
Donations for Electronic Options
If anyone has e-readers, iPads, kindles etc. that they are not using, please consider donating them to Grace Church. We would like to cut back on the number of paper bulletins we are printing and will offer an electronic option to those who are comfortable using these devices. Please see Michael Heffner or John or Elizabeth Carden. 

Grace Church Fall Calendar & Update of Grace Church Directory
Anyone who is responsible for an existing group in the parish or if you have a major event or activity planned for this Fall please provide me with your meeting schedule/event information.
Please also forward any change to your email address so we may have an accurate listing in the Church Directory. My telephone number in the parish office is 914 949 2874 Ext 10
or E:[email protected] Thank you, Maria
Engraved  WALK OF GRACE STONES  Available
Engrave a pathway stone along the  Walk of Grace  and participate in an uplifting project for the beautification and upkeep of our peaceful church grounds. Engravings can be in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving of family or in celebration of a family event.
Stone donations begin at $225 for a HALF stone or $400 for a FULL stone.
GROUP stone donations are $100 per name. (5) Donors/ (5) Names engraved on a shared stone. Payment plans are available.
Order forms located in rear of church or for more information contact: Arlene Grant  [email protected]  or 914-699-6494
Stuart Madden  [email protected]  or 914-393-8403
Join a Committee or Become a Lector, Acolyte, Usher,
Greeter or Office Volunteer
Grace La Gracia is always looking for more volunteers to serve on our various committees. We rely on our parishioners to help keep our parish going. For more information or to join, contact the parish office or just stop by one of our meetings! 
If any of these roles interest you, please contact the parish office or the committee leaders listed below.  
Formation of a Public Relations Committee
For almost two centuries, Grace Church has been a beacon of hope and service in Westchester county. We have continually provided spiritual, moral and physical support to all regardless of their religious or economic circumstance. It is our responsibility to deliver this message to the greater Community so that they can experience the joy and satisfaction that Grace offers to all. If you are interested please provide your contact information to Maria Campos ([email protected]) or call the parish office at 914 949 2874
We are building upon our acolyte team. Please contact Lauren Reid at [email protected]
 if you have interest in knowing more.
Pastoral Care
We are inviting members who have a passion for serving others to join our Pastoral Care team. This ministry means so much to our members and it just might change your life. Please contact Sandy Gadsden at  [email protected] for more information.
Lectors Needed
Volunteers are needed for all services including the Family service, every third Sunday of the month. If you are available for one or both of these services, please provide your contact information to Ray Williams or Michael Heffner
Names on Prayer List
If you have a family member or loved one on our prayer list, please provide our office with emergency contact information.
Remember those you love by signing up for flowers to adorn
the Altar for our worship .
The Episcopal Diocese of New York
Community News
E:[email protected] T: 914 949 2874 x10