September 7th, 2022

Sins Must Go Somewhere

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

- 1 Peter 2:24-


The air in our neighborhood is full of the sounds of nail guns. It’s like an army of semi-automatic machine guns echoing off nearby buildings. The streets are lined with trucks, trailers, and mechanical lifts. Last spring, a record-breaking windstorm ripped roof shingles from their secure spots on the rooftops of many homes in our little town. In no time, contractors and insurance adjusters toting their favorite clipboards could be seen strolling the streets with their eyes focused on the little tiles on everyone’s roof. This summer, the work began, and the nail guns were booming. One by one, new roofs were once again secured by nails protecting homes. Protecting homes from what? Water.  

The water falling from the sky must go somewhere. If there is no seal on our roofs the water will enter our homes causing devastating damage. No roof, no dry carpet. No roof, no dry bed. No roof, no mold-free walls. The water must go somewhere.  

So it is with our sins. Sin causes devastating damage to our lives. Damage to our families, our friends, and ourselves. Like rainwater, our sins must go somewhere.  

One option is for it to stay with us. Sin ruins our hearts and our trust in God. Sin steals our joy, and clouds our hope. Yet, we want to keep it! Remarkably, we want our sin to stay with us. We say things like “I will work on it,” or “There is nothing God can do to help me.” We choose to keep our sins.

Another option is for us to give it, ALL of it, to Jesus. He “bore our sins” the prophet declared, he took our sins upon himself so we wouldn’t need to. So, the question is this: Why do you want to keep your sins? He already knows all of your sins anyway.  

Hammering echoed through the air on Calvary, too, where our Lord Jesus was secured to a splintery cross for you and your sins. Why take them back down from the cross? 

Thanks be to God, we are covered, and protected by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray together-


Lord Jesus, I give you my sins - ALL of them. I am sorry. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. AMEN 

Now, rejoice and be glad. You are forgiven! 

See you Sunday as we continue The Story chapter 20. I can’t wait! 

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Would you like to submit your offering online? Thank you!
Simply click the link to securely give to Grace Fellowship.
Would you like to submit your offering by mail? Thank you!

Please send offerings to

Grace Fellowship Church
PO Box 4280
Gypsum, CO 81637

Volunteer Opportunities!!

Are you interested in getting more involved and volunteering on Sundays? Click below to sign up! The volunteer schedule for October, November, and December will be coming out soon.

Sign Up to Volunteer HERE!

The Calendar at a Glance

  • September 10th, LWML Western Zone Rally and final day to collect socks for LWML

  • September 11th, last day to drop off donations for Power of the Purse

  • September 13th, prepare purses for POP from 6–8 pm at church

  • September 17th, Power of the Purse event in Edwards

  • September 26th, Women of Grace Gathering 7–8:30 pm 

Women of Grace Gathering

Ladies! It's time to gather together for fellowship. Join Missy and Kathy Rohlwing for an evening of

fun, food, and friendship.

  • Monday, September 26th from 7 pm–8:30 pm
  • Kathy's house: 193 Bunkhouse Place in Eagle Ranch
  • BYOBB- Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage (adult beverages are welcome)
  • Bring a snack to share on the appetizer or dessert charcuterie boards

Want more info? Email Missy-

LWML Western Zone
Fall Rally
  • September 10th, Grace Fellowship @ 8:30 am
  • Registration is $5
  • Join us for breakfast, devotion, worship, a Tea Lunch, and more!
  • See Nancy for more details
Socks, Socks, and
More Socks!
Grace Fellowship LWML is collecting 80 pairs of socks to help bless others in celebration of the 80th year of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League. These can be dropped off at church by September 10th.

Ladies!  We have exciting news!  Someone in the valley generously sponsored a table at the event on September 17th so that church members can attend!  Click on the button to add your name to the drawing for a free ticket OR put your name in at church.  Names will be drawn on September 11th.  

Enter the Drawing HERE!
Purchase Tickets Here

- THIS Sunday -

September 11th, 10:15-10:45

Bible Study

Chapter 20 of The Story

Sunday Services

September 11th, 2022

9:00 or 11:00



KIDS CHURCH at 9:00 am service
(Ages 3 through 2nd grade)
Kids Church follows the kid's sermon. We can’t wait to see them!

Nursery for Newborns – 2 year olds.
Nursery is open during our 9:00 am service and during bible study from 10:15-10:45!
Join us on Facebook Sunday morning at approximately 9:15 AM, or view the recording anytime on Facebook, Vimeo or YouTube.
Click the image below to connect.


Please pray for. . .

  • Bonnie Lamotta, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Pray for her medical team to provide excellent healing care, and for her and her family to feel the presence of Jesus during this difficult time.  

  • Rita, who is in physical therapy and dealing with some additional issues after hip surgery.  Please pray for the treatments to work well to get her back on the road to a full recovery. 

  • Mary Lou, who suffered from a heart episode. Pray that she will fully recover and for the correct treatment to be done. 

  • Shayna, a precious child of God, who is battling Leukemia and starting a new phase of chemotherapy. Pray for God's mighty hand to hold this little girl and her family close during this time and for treatments to be overwhelmingly successful.

  • Nancy, who will be having back surgery next week to help with some medical issues she has been experiencing. Pray for guidance for her medical team, a safe procedure, and promising results. 

  • Art, Yvonne's husband, who is in rehab now. Pray for continued healing, strength, and health.    

  • Connie Kerr, who is undergoing scans and tests after a new tumor has been found. Pray for peace and patience during this time, for God's mighty hand to heal, and for promising test results.

  • Kipp, who has had some health issues. Lift him up for healing, comfort, and strength.

  • Rosemarie, Dora's niece, who is experiencing serious trials with her health and is waiting for a kidney transplant. Pray for continued healing, provision, and perseverance.

  • Debra's mom, who is struggling with health issues. Pray for answers to her medical situation as she has been undergoing many tests over the past couple of days, and for peace and comfort through it all.

  • Carol Proffitt who has been sick and is homebound, and her daughter Pam who is caring for her. Grant them peace and comfort.

  • Everyone in our congregation and their families who are dealing with the pains and trials of cancer, including Todd Purse; Connie Kerr; Keith; Chris; Sharon Hlavinka; Rance Ketterling; Amanda; Jerry Wiisanen; April; Suzanne, and Mary's sister-in-law.


See you Sunday!
Contact Information
Phone: 970-445-3101

Staff and Volunteer Staff
Pastor Austin Kraft, 970-688-1100, 
Missy Kraft, Administrative Assistant/Youth Director, 970-445-3101,
Susan Flock, App and Website Coordinator, 970-361-4771,
Israel Hernandez, Worship Team Leader, 970-331-6177,
Pastor Dan Rohlwing, Pastor Emeritus in Memoriam

Sunday Schedule
Worship Services: 9:00 and 11:00 am (nursery provided at 9:00).
Sunday School: 10:15-10:45 for all ages (Nursery provided)
Kids Church: During sermon-time at the 9:00 am service.

Grace Fellowship is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (

Our Mission
Proclaim, Nurture, and Serve. 

Proclaim Jesus as Savior. 
Nurture faith in Jesus. 
Serve in the name of Jesus.

Our Purpose
Embrace Christ!