July 17th, 2024

 “Where, O death, is your victory?

  Where, O death, is your sting?”

 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57

I really do not like to lose, do you? I have always been competitive; the game or venue doesn’t matter. Monopoly has caused family fights, and ping-pong has been the catalyst for holiday heartburn. Regardless of the situation, it is no fun to lose. 

Competition is wonderful. Whether at the kitchen table, on the basketball court, or in the boardroom; competition can breed discipline, and reward effort and tenacity, especially when rewarded with a victory. Winning feels good after hard work and dedication to any sport, trade, or skill. 


The Apostle Paul makes it clear that sin leads to death and it stings bad. We all have sinned in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. We sin in the things we have done and in the things we have left undone. We try, sure we try to work hard at being better, but ultimately “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). If we are honest, left on our own, we are losers.  

But God stepped into our loser lives and handed us something we could not do on our own. The Apostle Paul boldly asked, “Where, O death is your victory?” Death has no place on the gameboard of a Christian’s destiny. On our own we deserve death, but through our Lord Jesus Christ, we are victorious over sin, death, and the devil. Jesus gives you and me the victory we could not achieve on our own and with him we are winners! 

See you Sunday as we gather together and celebrate the victory we have in Christ Jesus. I can’t wait! 

Pastor Austin 

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Donate Here Now

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Please send offerings to:

Grace Fellowship Church

PO Box 4280

Gypsum, CO 81637

Proclaim Jesus as Savior. 

Nurture faith in Jesus. 

Serve in the name of Jesus.

Our Purpose

Embrace Christ!

Growing Grace Fellowship UPDATE

If you would like to give to our new church building. please complete the pledge form on Sunday and drop it in the pledge box in the lobby, or Click Here to give online. Thank you to all who have given! We are well on our way to our goal! To God be the glory!

The Calendar at a Glance 

  • July 21st - Worship services @ 9 & 11 am, Rock Garden Fellowship activity @ 10 am

  • July 22nd - Castle Peak Worship service @ 10 am

  • July 25th - Decorate & begin set-up for VBS

  • July 28th - Worship services @ 9 & 11 am

  • July 29th - Castle Peak Worship service @ 10 am

  • July 30th to Aug. 1st - Vacation Bible School 9 am to noon

Summer Connect Hour will be

"Fellowship with a Purpose"

beginning in June through August.

Some upcoming plans are below:

July 21 - Rock Garden - Let's spruce up our outdoor space with a little clean-up and paint rocks to make a colorful rock garden. We will provide all the supplies, just come and enjoy our time together and a little craftiness!

In Search Of

the following items to use:

  • canoe or other small boat for the Bible story set (something easy to move)
  • snorkel gear
  • scuba gear
  • many 2-liter bottles for volunteer costume production

Also needed:

  • help with decor and set-up on Thursday, July 25th, time TBD
  • help with clean-up and breakdown after VBS is finished on Thursday, August 1st


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Sunday Services

July 21st, 2024

9:00 or 11:00 am


ONLINE at 9:15

KIDS' CHURCH at 9:00 am & 11:00 am services

(Ages 3 through 5th grade) @ 9:00 am & (Ages 3 through 2nd grade) @ 11:00 am

Kids' Church follows the kid's sermon. They will further explore the day's sermon theme with their group. We can’t wait to see them!


Nursery for Newborns – up to 3 year olds.

Nursery is open during our 9:00 am service and during Connect Hour from 10:15-10:45!

Join us on Facebook this Sunday morning at approximately 9:15 AM, or view the recording anytime on Facebook, Vimeo or YouTube.

Click the image below to connect.



Please pray for. . .

  • Beau, Doris and John's grandson, who had shoulder surgery this week. Please pray for a full recovery so he can get back to sports and his active lifestyle without pain or set-backs.

  • Janis, who will be having back surgery on July 22. Please pray for her medical team, for a positive outcome, and for a quick and full recovery.

  • Elaina and her unborn baby, Shoka's daughter and grandbaby. The baby will be delivered in a couple of weeks due to complications with the pregnancy. Please pray that the baby continues to grow and be nourished these next couple of weeks and will be healthy when born. Pray also for God's peace and comfort for all during this stressful time.

  • Harriet & Steve Racicot, who are doing mission work in Romania. Keep them in prayer for safety, for God's provision, and for the Lord's will to be done as they share the Good News with others.

  • Those who struggle with mental illness. Lord, fill their hearts and minds with your truth, your love, your comfort and peace. Remind them who they are in you and give them your everlasting healing.

  • Growing Grace Fellowship New Building Campaign. thank you, Lord, for getting us to 74% funded for our building project! You do amazing things and we can't wait to see all that you do with YOUR house, our new church building!

  • Everyone in our congregation and their families who are dealing with the pains and trials of cancer and other illnesses including Todd Purse; Connie Kerr; Keith; Chris; Sharon Hlavinka; Rance Ketterling; Darlee, Amanda; Jerry Wiisanen; Rosemarie; Suzanne, Mary's sister-in-law; Aaron, Ryan, John Kirchner, Oliver, Debra Ketterling and family, Rita Rodriguez, Julie (Larry Arguello's sister), Elisa Marchetti, Pat (George's sister), Soffia, Kipp Hamberger.


See you Sunday!

Contact Information


Phone: 970-445-3101

Email: Austin@GraceGypsum.com 

Staff and Volunteer Staff

Pastor Austin Kraft, 970-688-1100, austin@gracegypsum.com 

Missy Kraft, Administrative Assistant/Youth Director, 970-445-3101, melissa@gracegypsum.com

Susan Flock, App and Website Coordinator, 970-361-4771, flock21@aol.com

Israel Hernandez, Worship Team Leader, 970-331-6177, Israelh08@hotmail.com

Pastor Dan Rohlwing, Pastor Emeritus in Memoriam

Sunday Schedule

Worship Services: 9:00 and 11:00 am (nursery provided at 9:00).

Sunday School: 10:15-10:45 for all ages (Nursery provided)

Kids Church: During sermon-time at the 9:00 and 11 am services.


Grace Fellowship is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (lcms.org).