July 19th, 2023

7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

    whose confidence is in him.

-Jeremiah 17:7-

Where do you put your trust? Do you put all your trust in your family? Your boss? Your government? Your friends? Dare I ask, yourself? Many years ago, before we had kids, Missy and I had an outdoor swing and have missed it ever since.   I have been eyeballing a swing like that for many years.  I don’t know why, but I like the soothing back-and-forth swinging motion.  Maybe it’s the kid in me, perhaps it’s the movement, maybe it’s just plain relaxing.  

A local retailer has an outdoor swing for sale every summer, and not a summer has passed when I don’t sit in that outdoor swing.  On nearly every shopping trip, I walk into that store, sit in the swing, and relax.   Last week, that swing went on sale, and I purchased it for our back patio. 

With great anticipation and great apprehension from my family, I opened the massive box containing the long-awaited patio swing.  To my horror, I picked up the instruction book and removed the plethora of parts.  I couldn’t believe it, how can a swing have so many different pieces?  I knew right then it was going to be a long day. Finally after many hours, through endless frustration, and endless sweat the swing was done! It was time to sit and relax, and of course, swing. 

 I went inside and filled a glass with ice cubes, cold water, and half of a lemon.   I walked outside and sat on that big beautiful swing.  Sipping my citrus water I let out a great sigh of relief and self-satisfaction.  I fell into my newly constructed contraption and rocked back and forth with my feet swinging in the air. I leaned back, and looked up at the blue sky. It was then, at that moment when something caught my attention…I looked up at the frame and glanced at the springs and the bolts and the nuts holding everything together. Suddenly, my relaxation turned to hesitation.  Is this really going to hold me?  Did I put it together right?  Did the product engineer design it properly?  Are the products built to hold or are they just trying to squeeze out the most profit?  What would happen if it broke and I fell to the floor?  Would I land on my back or crash on my tailbone?  What if the frame collapses and crushes my skull?! 

Sitting in that swing, I put all my trust and confidence in people, products, and even myself.  Why did fear enter my heart?  Simple, because I don’t fully trust any of the above.  I have had people, products, and even myself let me down in one way or another throughout my life. 

This Sunday, we explore the question, “Where do you put your trust?” 

Speaking through His prophet Jeremiah, the LORD makes it very clear where your trust should fall. 

5 This is what the Lord says: 

“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,

    who draws strength from mere flesh

    and whose heart turns away from the Lord.

6 That person will be like a bush in the wastelands;

    they will not see prosperity when it comes.

They will dwell in the parched places of the desert,

    in a salt land where no one lives. 

7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

    whose confidence is in him.

8 They will be like a tree planted by the water

    that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

    its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

    and never fails to bear fruit.”

-Jeremiah 17:5-8

As we receive blessings from God we are to remember they come from God’s grace and incredible provision.  Thankfully our LORD never ever fails us, and He is trustworthy forever.  Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD!

See you Sunday, I can't wait! 

Pastor Austin

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
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PO Box 4280
Gypsum, CO 81637

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Sylvan Lake Camping 2023 Memories

Connect Groups will resume on July 30th. Stay this Sunday for fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Fellowship Sunday Connect Hour is July 23rd!

Join us between the 9 am and 11 am services for our Fellowship Sunday Connect Hour. Connect Groups will not meet this day, instead, join us for ice cream fellowship and connect with someone new!

Grace Fellowship has a new AED located in our lobby! A 1-hour training will be provided by Starting Hearts Sunday, July 30, at 12:15 pm. Anyone is welcome to come and learn how to use the defibrillator. Please RSVP to Missy HERE by July 23rd.

Season 2 of The Chosen Watch and Study will begin Wednesday, August 2nd from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Meet at Grace Fellowship on Wednesday nights to watch season 2 episodes together and then study and discuss what the episode was about. This season is 8 weeks long. Click on this link to RSVP. Contact Tiffany with any questions you have @ 970-331-3759.

Back to School is Around the Corner!

Join us at 9 am on Sunday, August 20, for a special

back-to-school blessing for all:

students, teachers & administrators, school workers, etc.

  • Bring your backpack or work bag
  • Preschool-Aged to College
  • Receive a special gift from us
  • Be "adopted" by a Grace Fellowship Family and receive special prayer throughout the school year

Don't be anxious; God has you covered!

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

-Philippians 4:6

Sign up for Jackie's Fall Bible Study - Precept Upon Precept Acts-Part 1 of 2

  • 8-Week Study beginning September 12th/13th (if you are new to the class) or September 19th/20th for returning students. The study of Part 1 ends November 7th. Part 2 of the study will resume in January. (More details to come for Part 2 later.)

  • Dig deep into the transitional time of the beginning of the church period in the Book of Acts.

  • Join the Tuesday night Co-ed class or Wednesday night Women's class.

Feed your soul by connecting with God's Word!

Please call Jackie if you'd like to sign-up or if you have any questions...970-401-3810

The Calendar at a Glance 

  • July 23rd, Sunday Services, Fellowship Sunday, Ice Cream Sunday- join us for a cool treat from 10:00 – 10:45! (Details above).

  • July 30th, Sunday Services, Connect Groups Meet, AED Training Class @ 12:15 pm in the barn door classroom

  • August 2nd, The Chosen Season 2 Watch and Study begins @ 6:30 pm at Grace Fellowship (details above.)

  • August 6th, Sunday Services, Connect Groups Meet

  • August 13th, Sunday Services, Connect Groups Meet

  • August 20th, Sunday Services, Backpack Blessings (details above), Fellowship Sunday

  • August 27th, Sunday Services, Connect Groups Meet

Sunday Services

July 23rd, 2023

9:00 or 11:00



KIDS' CHURCH at 9:00 am service

(Ages 3 through 5th grade)

Kids' Church follows the kid's sermon. They will further explore the day's sermon theme with their group. We can’t wait to see them!


Nursery for Newborns – 2 year olds.

Nursery is open during our 9:00 am service and during Connect Hour from 10:15-10:45!

Join us on Facebook this Sunday morning at approximately 9:15 AM, or view the recording anytime on Facebook, Vimeo or YouTube.

Click the image below to connect.



Please pray for. . .

  • Nicole Atencio's grandpa, Denis, who is still recovering from his accident that took place a few weeks ago. He has been struggling with some complications in his recovery. Pray for God to take care of all these challenges and to restore him to complete health again.

  • Rita Rodriguez, who fell last week and will be having surgery on July 25th. Pray for comfort, relief from pain, and complete healing.

  • Larry Arguello, who is suffering from a knee injury and dealing with pain and mobility. Pray that the treatment available to him at the moment will bring relief before he is able to schedule surgery in the near future.

  • Praise for baby Cora Grace Sheffler, who was born July 7th to Rachel and Cody who attended Grace Fellowship before they moved out of state. All are doing well! Praise God for the gift of new life!

  • Hope in Jesus to rise within our valley and our world for the many hurting people out there. Help us to continue to shine the Light in the darkness, share the Good News with others, and minister to those around us.

  • John Kirchner who began chemo treatments. Prayers for protection and complete healing.

  • Carol Proffitt, who has been sick and is homebound, and her daughter Pam who is caring for her. Grant them peace and comfort.

  • everyone in our congregation and their families who are dealing with the pains and trials of cancer and other illnesses including Todd Purse; Connie Kerr; Keith; Chris; Sharon Hlavinka; Rance Ketterling; Darlee, Amanda; Jerry Wiisanen; Rosemarie; April; Suzanne, Mary's sister-in-law; Bonnie Lamotta; Mark Von Soosten, Aaron, Ryan, John Kirchner, Oliver, Sue Carver,


See you Sunday!
Contact Information
Phone: 970-445-3101

Staff and Volunteer Staff
Pastor Austin Kraft, 970-688-1100, [email protected] 
Missy Kraft, Administrative Assistant/Youth Director, 970-445-3101, [email protected]
Susan Flock, App and Website Coordinator, 970-361-4771, [email protected]
Israel Hernandez, Worship Team Leader, 970-331-6177, [email protected]
Pastor Dan Rohlwing, Pastor Emeritus in Memoriam

Sunday Schedule
Worship Services: 9:00 and 11:00 am (nursery provided at 9:00).
Sunday School: 10:15-10:45 for all ages (Nursery provided)
Kids Church: During sermon-time at the 9:00 am service.

Grace Fellowship is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (lcms.org).

Our Mission
Proclaim, Nurture, and Serve. 

Proclaim Jesus as Savior. 
Nurture faith in Jesus. 
Serve in the name of Jesus.

Our Purpose
Embrace Christ!