January 12, 2024


A Prayer for the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery, and made them free at last: Grant that your church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may strive to secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Nursery Open | Staffed 8:45 AM-12:30 PM, the worship service can be heard within the Nursery. Changing table available.

Worship @ 10:00 AM| In the Church & Online (Youtube or Facebook)

Children’s Chapel |Available during the sermon for children 3 yrs old- 5th Grade.

Children's Sunday School or Youth Faith Formation | There will be no Sunday School or Youth Formation, families are invited to attend our Family Worship Service at 4 PM. 

Rector’s Bible Study @ 9 AM | Join our clergy and volunteers as we explore the readings for Sunday worship. This informal setting offers the opportunity to ask questions, get to know others, and learn how to navigate the often- tricky and mysterious world of scripture. No prep work required. This will take place in the Norwood Room.

On Second Sundays We Wear Orange | On Second Sundays, St. Paul's wears orange to raise awareness about gun violence. Join us as we lift up our community in prayer.

Second Sunday Worship @ 4 PM | Gather for a late afternoon worship service geared towards our children and families. Drawing from the Book of Common Prayer, this will be a casual and engaging intergenerational service with communion.

Stone Soup

Second Sunday Supper @ 5 PM | Please join your friends and fellow parishioners for a social and fun evening. Sunday Suppers are pot-luck dinners held the second Sunday of each month. Our January Second Sunday Supper will be the annual Stone Soup micro-fundraising dinner. This year, the theme is creation care and environmental justice, featuring Shalom Farms, Southside ReLEAF, and Friends of the James River Park. Representatives from each of these local non-profits will give a presentation about their organization and the projects generously supported by St. Paul’s. Sunday Suppers are a great time for fellowship, whether you are new to St. Paul’s or have been here for years.

Tickets can be purchased in the Gathering Space on Sunday or online. Dinner will be a meat chili, vegetarian tortellini soup, homemade bread and dessert. Money collected from ticket purchases is pooled and divided among the three non-profit groups. For more information please contact Laura or Dabney Carr ([email protected]).

Tickets for this event cost $10 per individual, or $70.00 for a table of 8. In the online memo field, please enter the number of tickets you want to purchase. Please collect ticket(s) on Sunday after the 10 a.m. service at Stone Soup table in the Gathering Space or when you arrive for the dinner at 5 p.m. that afternoon in Scott Hall.

Compelling Preaching Project | Our Rector, Charlie, is participating in a nation-wide project connected with Luther Seminary (where he received his Doctorate in Biblical Preaching)! The project is exploring the question: What makes a sermon compelling? Over the decades and centuries, the church and society has changed. In a 21st century, post-covid culture, what makes a sermon effective? What speaks to you in sermon? What do you need the sermon to “do?”

Each week in January, you are invited to listen to the sermon preached at St. Paul’s and provide feedback by using the QR code. This survey allows us to collect high level data related to what the listener is experiencing. The feedback is shared only with the project team, not with the preacher. I hope you’ll participate, and I pray that this experience might allow you to engage more deeply in the active participation of God’s inbreaking word.

To comment on the sermon preached on 01/07/2024, follow the QR code. The view the sermon, click here.

To use the QR code, access the camera on your mobile device and point as if you’re taking a picture of it.

Second Sunday Collection | On the second Sundays of each month, the collection will be directed to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.  This fund is used by the St. Paul’s clergy to offer financial support to parishioners and/or other members of our community. On your behalf, the clergy are able to help in a variety of ways: utility bills, food support, wellness, medical, funerary support, etc.. This is another way that your offerings extend beyond our walls and into the lives of those in need. May God bless the gifts that you offer and bring healing and hope in difficult times

St. James Choral Evensong | 5 PM, St James Episcopal Church (1205 West Franklin Street) will host an annual tribute to the inspiration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This powerful and moving service will feature St. James’s Choirs and the Concert Choir of Norfolk State University. There will also be a special appearance by Dr. Carl W. Haywood, former director of the Norfolk State Concert Choir, preeminent organist, conductor, composer, and editor of Lift Every Voice.


Evening Prayer on Facebook Live

Tuesday and Thursdays at 6 PM for Evening Prayer

General Assembly | General Assembly began on January 10, for some highlights of St. Paul's upcoming involvement and exciting engagement opportunities please read the full announcement!

Strategic (re)Orientation | In Weekly Chapel our Rector, Charlie, gave an important update next steps for the Strategic (re)Orientation Process. By filling out the survey, you are providing guidance for the future of St. Paul's.

Epiphany Stars | After the twelve days of Christmas, the season of Epiphany begins on Saturday, January 6th. Epiphany is a season when we recognize the manifestation or “epiphany” of Christ to the peoples of the earth. We also remember the star (the light) that guided the magi to find baby Jesus. Just as the magi were seeking to find Jesus, we continue to discover ways that God is present in our own lives and reflect the light of Christ to others.


We invite you to receive a star word as a gift to help your experience of and response to God this year. Epiphany Stars will be available in the Gathering Space and Narthex beginning Sunday, December 31. If you would like a star mailed to you, please email your address to Rev. Keli at [email protected].

Shrine Mont Registration Open- Few Spots Remaining| Join us for our Annual Parish Retreat at Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, VA on May 3-5, 2024. This is a time when all are welcome to join us for a weekend in the mountains. Our theme is Flourishing in Faith: Pausing to Be With God, One Another, and Ourselves. Our retreat leader is the Reverend Callie Swanlund, Episcopal priest, spiritual companion, and coach trained in the wisdom of Brené Brown. There will be plenty of opportunities for fellowship and spending time in nature with one another- not to mention sharing meals!

There are still a few spots still available, as well as our waitlist for anyone unable to sign up. For more information please visit our website!

Episcopal 101 | Tuesdays, February 20th, 27th, March 5th, 12th @ 7:00-8:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, In-Person Only. Register here! Are you interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church? Do you have questions about what makes our expression of Christianity unique? Do you wonder why we worship the way we do? If you answer yes to any and all questions above, Episcopal 101 is for you! This is a four-week, in-person opportunity to gather with clergy, meet others, and explore what it means to call ourselves “Episcopalians.” Please contact the Rev’d Keli Shipley Cooper at [email protected] with any questions.

The Emmaus Lunch Ministry Needs Volunteers | We are recruiting volunteers for the first quarter of 2024 to serve hot, homemade meals and Christ-like hospitality! Each Thursday, we need a total of 16 volunteers for shifts of 1-2 hours, between 9 AM and 2 PM to ensure a sustainable and effective program. 

Please go to the updated Emmaus SignUp Genius to sign up!

January 13

Environmental Stewardship Ministry Field Trip | Crow’s Nest Nature Preserve, meet at St. Paul’s @ 8:30 AM. Register by January 9, by contacting Tom Smith ([email protected] (804)350-8074) and providing you name(s), phone #, and email. Crow's Nest is 3,115 acres of beauty and considered highly significant from numerous standpoints. The peninsula is deeply dissected on both its northern and southern flanks by a series of deep ravines cutting into ancient coastal plain marine sediments and feeding tidal marshes along the bordering creeks.

January 15 MLK Day

32nd Annual Virginia Vigil

And Advocacy Day to Prevent Gun Violence | 2 PM, the State Capitol Grounds Bell Tower. We invite you to join the 32nd Annual Virginia Vigil and Advocacy Day to Prevent Gun Violence on MLK Day, Monday, January 15th. At 1:30 PM on Monday, parishioners will gather at St. Paul's and walk to the Bell Tower in Capitol Square for the 2 PM vigil and rally to remember the lives lost to gun violence and hear from speakers about gun safety bills introduced this session. At 3 PM, participants will meet with lawmakers to advocate for these legislative solutions. More information will be sent to those sign up as the event approaches.

January 19

Grace Street Sisters | Happy New Year and happy new name for our group!  The newly named Grace Street Sisters will be meeting for food and fellowship on Friday, January 19 at 7:00 at the home of Kristi Mullins. 

 This is a group for St. Paul's women who don't still have children at home, women who aren't yet retired, or may be just partly or newly retired (a slightly different group than the Women of a Certain Age groups at St. Paul's)...  So, join us if you think this description fits you!  We meet every 6-8 weeks for dinner on a Friday night in different women's homes. 

Email Jennine Sherrill ([email protected]) if you would like more information.

January 20

Bach at St. Paul’s | The Richmond Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will present a recital of the organ music of Johann Sebastian Bach on Saturday, January 20 at 4:00 PM. It will feature four Richmond organists, including: Dr. Christopher Reynolds (St. Paul’s), Scott G. Hayes (All Saints Episcopal), Joel Kumro (St. Benedict Catholic Church), and Christopher Bono (Augusta Stone Presbyterian Church, Fort Defiance). The recital is free and open to all. Come hear the St. Paul’s Rosales Organ in all her glory.

January 21

Prayer Partner Breakfast | 9 AM in the Atrium, for children, youth and their Prayer Partners. For more information, contact Bo Cresswell([email protected]) or Linda Willis ([email protected]).

Faith & Action Forum: Criminal Justice Reform | 11:45 AM in Scott Hall. In Virginia’s prisons, people are charged excessive fees for emails, phone calls and video calls. The exorbitant cost for basic communications has had a profoundly negative financial impact on Virginia families. Join us for our Faith & Action Forum to learn about how advocates, St. Paul’s, and the legislature are addressing this issue!

Senator Jennifer Boysko- 38th Virginia Senate District 

Abbey Philips- Policy Director, Legal Aide Justice Center

Sheba Williams- Founding Director, Nolef Turns

Kim Bobo- Executive Director, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

January 23

St. Paul's Movie Night- A Case for Love | 7pm @ Regal Short Pump and IMAX (11650 W Broad St). We will gather at 6:40pm in the lobby.

St. Paul's has purchased 25 tickets, fill out the form here to claim yours or purchase tickets here

This documentary, inspired by the teachings and writings of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, examines the question of whether or not love, specifically unselfish love, is the solution to the extreme societal and political divisions and the current rending of our social contract. A team from Grace-Based Films travels across the country, interviewing everyday people from various walks of life and different ethnicities striving to live out a call to love selflessly. Well-known figures, including Pete Buttigieg, NBC News Al Roker, and historian Jon Meacham, weigh in on how love can bridge the divides we face today. Bishop Curry brings the conversations into context to close the documentary.

January 28

Sunday Forum: St. Paul’s Sunday | 11:45 AM -12:30 PM, Sanctuary. Why does St. Paul’s look like it does? Dr.  Beth O’Leary provides an illustrated journey through the changing 178-year-old “envelope” of our spiritual home: architecture, windows, ornamentation, plaques, expansions, renovations, and one ginormous organ. Beth is an art historian and retired curator of American art at VMFA. Also a community historian, she was an active researcher for St. Paul’s multi-year HRI endeavor.

February 4

Annual Parish Meeting | Join us following worship for our Annual Parish Meeting. These meetings are a time to come together to explore issues of leadership, vision, and mission. We celebrate St. Paul’s diverse ministries and rededicate ourselves to being good stewards of that which has been entrusted to us. 

February 7

Youngish Adults Bowling | 6-7:30 PM at Bowlero-Richmond. RSVP by Tuesday, January 30th.

February 14

Ash Wednesday | Join us this Ash Wednesday for the start of the Lenten Season. We will be offering services at 12:00 PM and 7:00 PM.

Ashes-on-the-Go | Don’t have time to attend one of our services? Drop by our front steps anytime between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM to receive ashes and a blessing from one of our clergy. We will have parking available in front of the church for you to pull up and park briefly for Ashes-on-the-Go. 

Did you miss last week's sermon? You can find all our Sermons HERE.


Bruce Yoder | I served as the pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond in the mid-1970s and ‘80s. It was during that time that I participated in the morning Eucharist at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. Fletcher Lowe was rector there at that time. He and I shared a commitment to the priesthood of all believers; everyone has a ministry.


Upon leaving pastoral ministry, I worshipped from time to time at St. Paul’s, since I lived in Church Hill. I became a regular attender and participant about 20 years ago. The beauty of the sanctuary and the liturgy filled a spiritual need that had gone wanting.

My service as the pastor of a congregation, as well as my work in non-profit development, primarily at Richmond Hill and the YMCA, inform my perspective on St. Paul’s. These two professional experiences, along with my Mennonite roots, ground my belief in the power of lay people who are committed to spiritual growth and community engagement.

I currently chair the Pastoral Care Ministry team. Prior to that, I chaired the Spiritual Formation Committee. I’ve lead Sacred Ground groups. I also usher and occasionally lead the Rector’s Bible Study. 

My prayer for St. Paul’s is that we use our personal and corporate resources to help God answer the prayer we pray every Sunday: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And may we do this work humbly, wisely, and with gifts of joy and wonder.

Debbie Cole | As I reflect on my relationship with St. Paul’s, I am aware that is marked by many seasons.  In 1993, I joined St Paul’s and was married here in 1994.  While raised in the Presbyterian Church, as a lifelong Anglophile, I was attracted to the traditions and liturgy of the Episcopal church, as well as the freedom to find my own way spiritually.  My faith journey has not been a smooth and confident one.

As a parent to Stephen and stepparent to Emily, I became involved in children’s and youth’s ministries and became a regular at Shrinemont.  Stephen spent many summers at Shrinemont camps.  I am grateful for the many mentors, both official and organically, who helped me raise these two precious children.  Mom’s dinners gave me much-needed time out with others who shared my parenting values.  Currently, my focus has been on pastoral care through Cook Angels, LEM, and Eucharistic visiting.

I am honored and humbled to have been asked to serve.  I have a longitudinal perspective and understand how ones’ perspective can change with life’s seasons.  As a mental health professional working with children and teens for much of my career, I care deeply about their future.  Because my parents are in their 90’s, I understand the needs of those who cannot be with us in person. 

My prayer for St. Paul’s is that we continue to give to our community and reconcile our past as we nurture our relationships within.  Our city needs us!

Mike Francis | When I first visited St. Paul’s in the late 1980s, I had been searching for a progressive and diverse church with intentional community involvement . St Paul’s was definitely in the vanguard . 


 When St Paul’s later remodeled and expanded its parish house, the vestry created a goal: to offer the space for greater community use . I had the opportunity to become St. Paul’s first facilities manager and we did achieve expanded community building utilization.

During my tenure at St Paul’s, I often encountered various community members with housing , occupational, legal, substance use, and mental health challenges; that involvement led to both a personally transforming spiritual refocus and my eventual transition to my current career as a social worker. 

 I continue to reflect upon what St Paul’s does especially well. What resonates with me is from Mathew’s gospel: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” More than hospitality, my hope is that our ongoing parish reorientation process enhances our spiritual discernment, challenges our community presumptions, leads to pragmatic outcomes, all while maintaining our balance between “being”and “doing”. 

David Ready | My relationship with St. Paul’s is one of two chapters. Having grown up in the church in the 1980s and ’90s, I owe much of my early spiritual formation to youth and family programs like Acolyting, Youth Group, and the Nine O'Clock Service.

After moving back to Richmond ten years ago, my wife, Emmy, and I chose to make St. Paul’s our home again in the fall of 2017. As parents of two young boys (Tommy and Curtis), we are grateful for the formative experience they have both enjoyed here. I see the sincere love and support with which they are welcomed each time they walk through the doors — and I am inspired to extend that same welcome to visitors and newcomers. 

I have witnessed the church’s ministries and congregation evolve over the past four decades, and I appreciate how St. Paul’s has balanced the spiritual power of tradition and ritual with clear-eyed engagement with our modern society and the needs of the world. As a school communications professional for more than two decades, I have worked to strategically advance the mission of educational organizations, most recently at Trinity Episcopal School. I am honored to be asked to serve St. Paul’s and advocate for its long-term health and sustainability. I pray that, as followers of Christ, St. Paul’s continues to shine a light outward into Greater Richmond and that our community remains guided by the respect for the dignity of all humanity. 


Pastors, priests, problem solvers, and prophets: Everyday Leadership in Extraordinary Times | February 21, 28, March 6, 13 and 20 @ Noon. Since 1921, the St. Paul’s Lenten Lunch and Speaker series has brought the Richmond community together. The 2024 Lenten Speaker Series will explore the often-unseen aspects of inspirational ministry. Join local spiritual leaders as they reflect on their vocation during moments of decisive change.

  • February 21 – Rev’d Jim Somerville, First Baptist
  • February 28 – Rev’d Marlene E. Forrest, St. Philip’s Episcopal
  • March 6 – Rev’d Floretta Barbee-Watkins, Lead Presbyter of the Presbytery of the James 
  • March 13 – Rev’d Amy Starr Redwine, First Presbyterian Church-Richmond
  • March 20 – Rev’d Lance Watson, St. Paul’s Baptist Church


Read the latest Children & Family Newsletter Here.

Read the latest Youth Newsletter Here.

Dismantling Racism: Youth Edition | Sundays, February 11- March 24. A Lenten series developed utilizing resources from the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing. Creates a space for our youth to address systemic inequalities and expand racial justice.

Volunteer for Children's Sunday School and Youth Formation | Sign up here! Volunteers are needed each Sunday beginning September 17th, from 9 - 10 AM Contact Linda Willis ([email protected]) to help with grades K-5 or Bo Cresswell ([email protected]) to help with grades 6-12. Guidelines require two Safe Church certified adults for all activities involving anyone under 18 years old. Certification is fast and easy!

Worship Bags| Every child is welcomed to utilize the Worship Bags in the Narthex. Our Worship Bags contain drawing paper, crayons and children's bulletins, ensuring that all of our families are part of St. Paul's vibrant worshiping community. Our book cart is regularly updated and contains books for children of all ages. Please return bags to the Narthex and books to cart.

Family Worship Space| St. Paul’s is committed to creating an inclusive worship experience for every child. Families are invited to join their young children at the Family worship space in the front of the sanctuary. This carpeted area with pillows and games allows our youngest members to fully participate in the service. Our ushers will be happy to direct you.


St. Paul’s to host the United Way’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) with University of Richmond

February – April, 2024

For the third year, St. Paul’s will host the VITA program administered through the University of Richmond’s Center for Community Engagement and Robins School of Business. VITA is an IRS program that offers free tax preparation for families and individuals with incomes of $60,000 or less. This program lightens the financial burdens of many in our community. In 2023, the UR VITA program filed 329 tax returns for a cumulative federal refund of $345,000 that was comprised of Earned Income Credits, Child Care Tax Credits, and Education Tax Credits. More than 30 UR trained student volunteers along with two volunteers from St. Paul’s made this all possible. VITA will be open to the public in the Undercroft this tax season between February 7 - April 12, 2024 on the following days and times:

  • Wednesdays, 3:00-8:00pm (closed 2/14, 3/13)
  • Thursdays, 3:00-6:00pm (closed 3/14)
  • Fridays, 12:00-5:00pm (closed 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 2/19)
  • Select Saturdays, 9:00-2:00pm, on 2/17, 3/2, 3/23, & 4/6

VITA welcomes volunteers from St. Paul’s. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary, and training is provided for a variety of roles from greeters to tax preparers.   Let’s welcome the community to our space. Please contact Dr. Joyce van der Laan Smith at  [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering.  

St. Paul’s RISC Network Upcoming Meetings & Important Dates

Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities (RISC) (www.riscrichmond.org) is a grassroots, direct action, social justice ministry organization made up of 22 congregations from throughout Richmond, Henrico, and Chesterfield—including St. Paul’s. This year, RISC will continue to focus on affordable, safe housing as well as gun violence reduction. Please consider attending the following meetings and event to get involved with the St. Paul’s RISC Network—all are welcome! 

  • Sunday, February 11 @ 10 AM @ St. Paul’s: Commissioning of St. Paul’s RISC Network Members during Service of Holy Eucharist followed by Network Team Meeting @ 12:30 PM in Scott Hall after the Alleluia Sunday Pancake Brunch. 
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2024 @ 7:00 PM, Location TBD: RISC Rally for all network members to prepare for upcoming Nehemiah Action.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024 @ 6:30 PM St. Paul's Baptist Church: Nehemiah Action where RISC presents our research, hears testimonies, and asks public officials for serious commitments to address the problems.


For more information about RISC and to get involved, contact Dr. Michelle Whitehurst-Cook ([email protected]).  

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