Growing in Faith. Creating an Inclusive Community.

Serving with Compassion. Working for Social Justice.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist 

in person at

 8:00, 9:15, and 11:00 am

and online

  Vimeo link for 11:00 am

Service Bulletin Here

Online services can be viewed on our live Vimeo feed.


Tuesdays at 1 pm

21 March 2023

Lana Krakovskiy

Brooklyn New York


28 March 2023

Ellen Wright

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Park Slope


4 April 2023

Paul Richard Olson

Peter Campbell Memorial Service

Friday, March 17, 2023 at 4 pm

Grace Church Brooklyn Heights is holding a Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Peter Bartlett Campbell on Friday, March 17th at 4 pm. A reception for family and friends will be held immediately after at the Heights Casino.

Come Back to Red Hook Farms

Grace Church is returning to Red Hook Farms on our designated second Saturday of the month, April 8, 10 am–1 pm, and we need you! This second Saturday commitment will continue throughout the farming season and the dates are May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, and November 11, 2023.


Our relationship with Red Hook Farms aligns perfectly with Grace’s Core Values! By contributing your time and talent, you serve with compassion in an underserved community.  In addition, by supporting a sustainable urban agricultural enterprise that financially benefits the local community, you are working for social justice to address food insecurity by improving access to healthy and affordable food. 


On April 8, we will meet at the Columbia Street Farm, 560 Columbia Street. Coincidentally, that is also the same date of a Farm Volunteer Kick-off and Ribbon Cutting to celebrate the water installation and beginning of the farm season. Click here to register. For questions, email Theresa Seabaugh, Hope to see you at the farm!

Pictured from left to right: Virginia Crawford (St. Mark's Church), Scott Parker (St. Ann & the Holy Trinity),  Deacon John Musco (Co-Mentor), Ann Herendeen (Grace), Brother Ephraim (Holy Cross Monastery), Benjamin Graham (St. Ann & the Holy Trinity) and Race Hodges (Grace).

Education for Ministry Retreat

The Education for Ministry (EFM) group enjoyed their first retreat since the pandemic at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY, March 3-5.  Brother Ephraim lead us in four sessions on Intimacy in Prayer and Crafting a Rule of Life. Other highlights were worship in the chapel, quiet time for rest and study, fresh snowfall along the Hudson River, and delicious meals.  

The fellowship group for spiritual development, prayer, study, and reflection meets weekly from September through June on Wednesday evenings. We invite inquiries about the new class in September, which is open to area parishes. Speak with Kim Lovejoy, Co-Mentor (

Update on the Red Hook Initiative Library

While it's still a work-in-progress, last week the furniture was delivered to the Library and they are thrilled!

A huge thank you to everyone at Grace Church for your support of our Advent Initiative. 

Stay tuned for a date to see the Library in person later this spring.

Upcoming Baptism Dates

The Easter Sunday, April 9th, Baptism service is now fully reserved. We still have space at the remaining Baptism services in 2023. Please contact Melissa Kelly, Parish Administrator, for more information or to sign up for one of the available slots.

Additional 2023 Baptism Dates

April 16th

May 28th

September 17th

November 5th

East Brooklyn Congregations is an interfaith, multi-racial, non-partisan grassroots organization of committed individuals, religious congregations, and voluntary organizations who believe in making Brooklyn a better place to live, work, and raise a family. A Grace team working on improving mental health resources in Brooklyn will meet on March 23, April 20, May 25 and June 22 from 7-8 pm on Zoom.

For more information, including the Zoom link, please email Mark McIntyre at

Justice Journal logo

The most recent issue of the Justice Journal, a newsletter of our Social Justice and Reconciliation Ministry is now available. Click here for an e-copy. Hard copies will be available for pickup at the church.

Scholarships Available


Bishop Barbara C. Harris Scholars Program for Truth and Reparations offers scholarships for Black, African Americans and Caribbean Americans for higher education or vocational training. 

Application deadline: March 31, 2023

Episcopal Church 2023-2024 Educational Scholarships limited to Episcopalian full-time students and part-time students enrolled in a degree program or equivalent certificate program at an accredited, post-secondary institution.

Application deadline: April 12, 2023 

Sunday School 

Children in grades K-5 are invited to participate in Sunday School. Classes meet immediately following the 9:15 am service in the Poplar Room (classroom 2 downstairs at the bottom of the stairs). Trained volunteers lead children in 45-minute sessions focusing on the week’s Bible readings, using the Storymakers curriculum. Please email Jess Smith, Intern for Youth Education, with any questions.

Rector's Bible Study

The Rector’s Bible Study group meets in person on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 am in the McKittrick Choir Room. All are welcome to join Bible Study.

We are currently discussing the book of Proverbs. If you would like to attend via Zoom, please use the following link:

The Rector's Discretionary Fund

As the Grace Church community continues to deal with the after-effects and continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to ask parish members to consider making an offering to the Rector's Discretionary Fund.

With this fund, the Rector is able to help those in our community when they need it most.

If you would like to contribute to this important fund, you can do so by check or via our online payment system, Realm. If you prefer to make a donation by check, it should be made out to Grace Church with "Rector's Discretionary Fund" in the memo.

Evening Prayer

Grace Church offers Evening Worship every Tuesday - Friday at 5pm online.

To attend Evening Prayer online, please use the following Zoom link: .

Parish Prayer Concerns & Thanksgivings

That we may work the works of God while it is day, bringing God’s light and hope to the world. That our Lenten observances may wake us from the darkness of sleep to live as children of light, doing what is pleasing to the Lord and bringing forth all that is good and right and true. That God will grant Joe, our president; Kathy, our governor; Eric, our mayor; and all national and local public officials in this country the strength and discernment to tackle the hard challenges of today’s world; and may they act with charity and true concern for the well-being of those they are meant to serve. That leaders and decision makers throughout the world may put aside hostility and aggression, and strive instead to lead their people out of the darkness of warfare into peace; and may God shine the light of his countenance on all who suffer brutality, loss and famine because of war. That God will free all who are bound by the blindness of prejudice from judging others, and open their eyes to the value and dignity of every human person; and may the Spirit help us all to see and nurture God’s potential in all beings, and especially those who seem least likely to us. That, in times of darkness—in these times of instability and trouble all around us—we may in all things turn to the Lord, our Shepherd, who will guide our steps, take away our fear—even in the shadow of death, keep us from all evil, and refresh and restore us, if only we trust in him. For all who walk the Lenten journey. For all who seek a closer relationship with God. For those in any need or trouble, and for those commended to our prayers, especially, Lauraine; Patricia; Anne M.; Claude; Sonia; the Vasile family; Heather; Isabel; Vivian H.; Trey; Gwen; Cary; Tom K.; Anita; Heleen; Joe D. & family; Marcelle & family; Janice; Sean & Fiona & family; Max; Jesse; Chris; Kathy; and Lally. For those who endure chronic or incurable illnesses, and those who care for sick or aging loved ones. For those who are near death. For those whose names and needs are known only to God. For all who have died, especially former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop Frank T. Griswold III. For God’s consolation for all who mourn.  Merciful God, Hear our prayers.

Sunday Services

Grace Church holds in-person services at 8 am, 9:15 am, and 11 am each Sunday unless otherwise noted. All are welcome. Masks are no longer required to attend Sunday services. We have child care available for those who need it during the 9:15 am and 11 am services. 

Join us for coffee hour! Please join us for coffee and snacks after each service. 

The 11 am service will be live-streamed for anyone unable to attend in person.

If you have any questions about our worship schedule, please contact Melissa Kelly, Parish Administrator, at or (718) 624-1850 x 10.

Giving to Grace

We are happy to let you know that you can make a pledge or general offering donations by text! 

Please send a text to 73256 with the message "GraceBrooklyn". The first time, you will be prompted to provide your name and address, including your card number. If you save that information for future use, the second offering by text will be immediate. You can also make one-time pledge payments and general offering donations online here.

If you would like to set up a recurring pledge payment on Realm, please contact Melissa Kelly, parish administrator, for an invitation to join. 

In Remembrance or Gratitude...

Altar flowers are a wonderful way to express gratitude for life's blessings or to memorialize a loved one.

If you would like to contribute Altar flowers, please contact Marilyn Grant. An acknowledgment will be included in the service bulletin.

Weekday Visits to Grace

When you visit, please use the Clergy Door, which is the first door on your right in the Hicks Street courtyard. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. 

Grace Church | 254 Hicks Street | Brooklyn NY 11201 
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