Growing in Faith. Creating an Inclusive Community.

Serving with Compassion. Working for Social Justice.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The First Sunday of Advent

Worship Service

with Holy Eucharist

in person at

8 am, 9:15 am, & 11 am

online at

11 am

Vimeo Link 

Online services can be viewed on our live Vimeo feed.

Service Bulletin

Advent and Christmas Services and Events

Sunday, December 3rd: The First Sunday of Advent

Worship Services at 8 am, 9:15 am, and 11 am

Sunday, December 10th: The Second Sunday of Advent

175th Anniversary Worship Service at 10 am

Thursday, December 14th: Blue Christmas Gathering

An Informal Service at 6 pm in the Guild Hall

Sunday, December 17th: The Third Sunday of Advent

Worship Service at 8 am and Worship Service/Christmas Pageant at 11 am

Lessons and Carols at 5 pm

Sunday, December 24th: The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Worship Service at 10 am

Sunday, December 24th: Christmas Eve

Worship Services at 4 pm and 10 pm

Prelude of Christmas Music and Carols at 9:30 pm

Monday, December 25th: Christmas

Worship Service at 10 am

175th Anniversary Commemorative Service

Sunday, December 10, 2023

10 am

Have you ever wondered what Sunday morning worship was like when Grace Church was first established, in the mid-1800’s?


Did you know that the first service to be held in our sanctuary was on Sunday, December 10, 1848, the second Sunday in Advent?


By wonderful coincidence, this year the second Sunday in Advent also falls on December 10th – exactly 175 years from the date of the first service in Grace Church.


To commemorate that historic morning in 1848, and to thank God for 175 years of Grace Church worship and ministries, we will hold a special 175th Anniversary Commemorative Service on Sunday, December 10th, at 10 am.


We will celebrate Morning Prayer, following the Rite I liturgy, as would have been done in 1848, with period-appropriate Scripture readings, prayers, and music.


This will be a special opportunity to reflect on words that may have been spoken at the first service, and the profound impact that the founders of our congregation have had on our own lives today, as we prayerfully strive to continue our work within our parish, in the wider Brooklyn community, and beyond.


Following the Commemorative Service, we will enjoy a Festive Reception to continue this special celebration.


Please note that this will be the only service on December 10th, so mark your calendar now for this very important Sunday morning in the life of Grace Church Brooklyn Heights!


Tuesday Noon Organ Recitals  


  1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

5 December 2023

Paul Richard Olson


12 December 2023

Bernadette J. Hoke, AAGO


19 December 2023

Paul Richard Olson

Annual Pledges vs Plate Offerings:

What’s the Difference? 

Why should I make a pledge to Grace Church’s Annual Giving Campaign when I put an offering in the plate every time I attend?

This is a good question that often comes up as we talk about Grace’s annual funding needs. You may be asking it yourself. 

As we’re now in the midst of the 2024 “All In for Grace” Annual Giving campaign, here is a helpful guide to the main differences:

  • A pledge is a way to show your commitment to supporting Grace and our many ministries on a regular basis. You make your Annual Pledge after prayerful consideration and personal assessment of what Grace means to you.
  • A plate offering is a donation that you make when you are moved to do so at any given service. 
  • Your pledge helps the church to plan and budget for all of our upcoming activities, programs, building maintenance, and staff. Grace builds our entire annual operating budget around Annual Giving pledges.
  • Simply put, Grace treasures and is most grateful for weekly donations in the plate, but we cannot budget or plan based on plate offerings, which can vary. 

Grace welcomes pledges of all sizes and amounts. The Rector and the Wardens chose the 2024 Annual Giving Theme “All In for Grace” for a very simple reason: We’d love everyone in our community to get involved and pledge their financial support! 

If you contributed last year (thank you!), please consider increasing your support by 5%.

Once you are ready to make your All In for Grace pledge, go to and make your pledge online.

Let’s go All In for Grace!

North Room Chats

North Room Chats are back! Join us on Sunday, December 3, from 10:15–10:45 am in the North Room, where Kate Hill (they/them) will present information about gender and pronouns as related to daily life. Learning about diverse gender identities can help us connect with ourselves and others and allows us to offer each person care for who they are and how they identify. There’s no need to prepare for Chats in advance; just be open to learning something new, sharing your own experiences, and, most importantly, growing in the Christian faith. Contact Brianna McCarty at [email protected] or Anne Silver at [email protected] with questions of if you’d like to lead a future chat.

East Brooklyn Congregations

On Saturday, December 9, Anna London, a leader from East Brooklyn Congregations, will train Grace parishioners in the North Room on how to conduct one-on-one meetings with fellow parishioners.

The aim is to train a small group of Grace parishioners who, in the new year, will meet one-on-one with all those who regularly attend Sunday services to learn what they want the world to look like outside of Grace's doors.

Any parishioner is invited to the training, and attendance does not imply a commitment to conduct subsequent individual meetings. Participants in the training will learn how EBC can work with Grace to advance its goals in the outside world.

The training will be from 10 am to noon on December 9th. For further information, please contact Mark McIntyre at [email protected]

Grace Church Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 17th

IT'S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT TIME! The Pageant will take place on Sunday, December 17th at the 11 am service. Though all prominent roles have been cast, there is still room for participants ages 3-14 as angels, shepherds, sheep, and villagers; sign up at We have three rehearsals: December 2nd, 9th, and a mandatory rehearsal on December 16th; each begin promptly at 9 am and end by 11 am. The 9:15 service will not take place on December 17th. Please contact Brianna McCarty ([email protected] or 785-550-1598) to volunteer, or with questions.

Gingerbuild 2023

Sign ups for the 2023 Gingerbuild are open!

Please read below for more information on this festive & fun Grace tradition. 

It’s that time of year and the Gingerbuild is back! The 2023 Gingerbuild will be held on Saturday, December 16th at 11 am (after the conclusion of Pageant practice).

Children of all ages are invited to come and decorate a mini-gingerbread house. This is very much a community event; all are welcome! Please help us spread the word to children who you think might love to partake but don’t traditionally hear about Grace events. Potluck-style brunch snacks will be available for kids and adults alike.

This year, sign-ups MUST be done in advance and space is limited to 50 children. Sign-ups will end on Sunday, December 10th, or sooner, if the 50 child limit is reached. Unfortunately, we will be unable to accommodate exceptions to the sign-up policy this year.

To reserve a place, please first use this link to register & then submit a suggested donation (you’re of course welcome to donate more!) of $15 per house to, (select "CHIPS" from the dropdown menu and put "Gingerbuild" in the Memo line.) All proceeds from 2023’s Gingerbuild will benefit CHiPS (Community Help in Park Slope).

We are really looking forward to another fun event filled with frosting, sprinkles, plenty of yummy snacks, lots of noise, and most importantly, community friends! We hope you’ll join us!

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help make this event a success please email: [email protected] and/or [email protected].

Blue Christmas Service

Sometimes the holidays can be hard. Maybe we are missing a loved one or separated from family or weighed down by a sad memory. A Blue Christmas Service is one way to acknowledge difficult feelings and know that you are not alone. Our Blue Christmas service will include meditative music, prayers, readings, and a reflection given by parishioner, Matilda Garrido, MS, CT. Join us and bring a friend on Thursday, December 14 at 6-6:45 PM in the Guild HallIf you would like to help with the readings or prayers, please contact Rev. Erika, [email protected].

A Festive Service of Lessons and Carols

Please join us for the beautiful service of lessons and carols on December 17th, 2023 at 5 pm. Come hear the inspiring voices of our gifted choir led, by our Choirmaster extraordinaire, and our wonderful readers, as we celebrate the coming of Christ. A reception will follow with cookies and champagne punch.

Please contact Marilyn Grant at [email protected] if you would like to bake or bring cookies for the reception. Your contributions are very much appreciated. Thank you!

Love Hope

Advent Offering: Support the Ahli Arab Hospital

Each Advent, Grace Church identifies a worthy organization to be the recipient of our parishioners’ generosity during this holy season of giving and gratitude. This year, Grace has chosen to support Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza through the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ). In the face of the many challenges posed by the Israel-Hamas War, the generosity of the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) community continues to be a beacon of hope for Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, its staff and doctors, and the people it serves. Together, since October 7th, AFEDJ has raised over $1.4 million, making it possible for Ahli Hospital to continue to carry out its mission of care for the most vulnerable children and families. Many have asked us how Ahli Hospital is able to replenish necessary supplies; the Diocese of Jerusalem continues to coordinate with trusted international partners to ensure the procurement of vital medical supplies to support Ahli’s ongoing efforts.


If you are wondering how you can best stand in solidarity with the diocese, please know that support in the form of both prayers and donations is critical. Your donations are a vital lifeline for Ahli Arab Hospital and its staff as they continue to provide medical care and refuge for families and children in the midst of horrifying conditions. You can donate through Realm ("Advent Giving") or by a check made out to Grace Church, indicating “Advent Offering” in the memo line.

Ahli Arab Hospital

The Greening of the Church

Every year at this time, we decorate the Church with greens and poinsettias to celebrate the season. We will be placing our swags, wreaths, greens, and boughs on Saturday, December 16th beginning at 10 am. Please contact Marilyn Grant at [email protected] if you would like to volunteer for the decorating team. We look forward to seeing you!

Christmas Flower Dedications

Parishioners and friends who would like to contribute Christmas flowers and greens in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving for blessings in their lives may do so by filling out the form on the Welcome Table in the rear of church. Please place it in the offering plate or send it to the Parish Office. Or, go online to: and select "Christmas flowers.” Please make sure to note whether this gift in is "memory of" or "thanksgiving for" and provide the name of your loved one(s). Suggested minimum donation is $25. For names to appear in the Christmas services bulletins, please respond by Monday, December 18.

Parish Wide Justice Read

Gender Queer: A Memoir



Our text is Maia Kobabe’s Gender Queer and is available for purchase here. According to the American Library Association, which tracks banned books in American public schools and libraries, Kobabe’s memoir was the most challenged book of 2022, the second consecutive year it topped the list. In the form of a graphic memoir, Kobabe uses the illustrations to chronicle the journey of coming out, and address questions about gender identity – what it means and how to think about it. You’re invited to read at your leisure. In January, we’ll gather in the North Room for lunch and conversation, facilitated by Flourish Klink, friend of the author, a seminarian at Union Theological Seminary, candidate for the priesthood, and the first non-binary transgender person who will be ordained in the Diocese of New York. For more information, please email Rev. Leandra Lambert at [email protected].

Rector's Bible Study

The Rector’s Bible Study meets each week in the McKittrick Choir Room on Tuesdays from 10-11:30 am. As a class, we will read Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love. If you cannot make it in person, participants can also join via Zoom: 

Should you have any questions, please reach out directly to the Rector at [email protected].

Robbyn yoga

Yoga at Grace Church

Join certified yoga instructor Robbyn McCauley at 1pm on the first Sunday of each month for a yoga class in the gym at Grace Church. Our next class will be held this Sunday, December 3rd.

Robbyn began her yoga practice in 1998, and has been practicing off and on since then. In 2020, she earned her 95 hour certification in youth, children's and trauma-informed teens' yoga. Most recently, another opportunity came to light and Robbyn immersed herself in a weekend long retreat and earned a certification in restorative yoga. Robbyn has a love of Iyengar's teaching and always focuses on alignment, safe sequencing, and trauma-informed language during all of her classes.

Email [email protected] to register and please tell us the following: 1. Do you have any yoga experience? and 2. Do you need a mat?

Observance of World AIDS Day at

St. Ann's and the Holy Trinity

St. Ann’s LGBTQ+ Action Group will sponsor an observance of World AIDS Day tomorrow, Friday, December 1st from 12:30–1:30 pm. The event will take place, weather permitting, in front of the Parish House at 157 Montague Street. In case of rain or extreme cold, the event will move into the Parish Hall. We will gather to remember all who have died of HIV/AIDS, honor survivors, and pray for an end to the global pandemic. There will be music and testimonials, and all will be invited to hang red ribbons on the fence in memory of loved ones.

Sunday School & Fall Calendar

Children in grades K*-5 are invited to participate in Sunday SchoolClasses meet from 10:15–10:45 am in Classroom 2 (on Sundays with one 10 am service only, Sunday School meets from 9:15-9:45 am). Volunteers lead children in 30-minute sessions focusing on Bible stories, using the Storymakers curriculum.


Please note: Snacks will be served upstairs in the Guild Hall at the end of Sunday School. Please eat in the Guild Hall and not in the classroom.


Please click here for the fall Sunday School calendar.


*If your child is not yet a reader but would like to attend Sunday School, they can attend with a parent to help with the activities.

Grace Church and St. Paul’s, Atlanta are pleased to announce a 2024 Pilgrimage to highlight racial equity and social justice. In partnership with Faith Journeys, we’ll travel June 30-July 7, 2024 through four states visiting select sights along the United States Civil Rights Trail. By visiting museums and meeting with local leaders, members of Grace Church and St. Paul’s will leave with deeper relationships with one another and a renewed commitment to individual and collective action to dismantle oppressive systems and rebuild a just and equitable church and world. For more information, please email Rev. Leandra Lambert at l[email protected].

The Rector's Discretionary Fund

Even the most meticulously crafted budget can’t always cover an unexpected emergency, e.g. a child’s trip to the ER; a car vandalized and needing an expensive part; an elderly parent in another city requiring help.

Since it was established in 2004, the Rector’s Discretionary Fund has given to parishioners in circumstances like these. The need is great, especially after the pandemic, with more on the horizon, and the sole source of funding for this important fund is the generous contributions of our congregation, helping members of our Grace community when they are facing temporary financial hardship.

Contributing to this important fund fulfills our parish goal of Serving with Compassion. If you would like to participate, you can do so by using our online payment system, Realm. If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to Grace Church Brooklyn Heights with Rector’s Discretionary Fund on the memo line.

Thank you for your faithful generosity.

Evening Prayer

Grace Church offers Evening Worship every Tuesday - Friday at 5pm online.

To attend Evening Prayer online, please use the following Zoom link: .

Parish Prayer Concerns & Thanksgivings

As we look forward to the hope of Jesus’s birth, may we also remember and give thanks for the hope of the resurrection. As we wait and hope both for Jesus’ coming and his return, may our hearts be open and our spirits quiet; may we remain alert for signs of God’s presence and mindful of God’s will for the world. May the Spirit guide us as we prepare a way for God’s Kingdom, and lead us on his right path. May we have the courage to be honest with ourselves when we wander, and may we be eager to amend our ways. We pray that God, in his mercy, will not remember our iniquities forever. We pray that in this time of Advent, the Church may impart God's love and presence to all people. That the people of Grace Church, who know God’s power and bounty, may be alert to each day’s opportunities for serving others. That the memories and hopes of this Advent season will open the doorway to the loving God for all who have wandered from their relationship with him. That God will guide and sustain Joe, our President; Kathy, our governor; Eric, our mayor; and all elected officials in this time of great challenges. That the poor, the hungry, the homeless, those who are alone, and all who eat the bread of tears, and drink from the bowl of weeping, may come to know God’s mercy and love through the kindness and generosity of others. And may all who are living through times of deepest darkness and loss not be overcome with fear or despair, but rather awaken to God’s power and glory, and the assurance that He is very near. That God will shine the light of his countenance upon all places and people wracked by warfare, persecution and violence, and bring peace, justice and healing. For prisoners and captives, and their families who long for their return. For refugees, migrants and asylum seekers. For all who serve the poor and the disenfranchised. For those commended to our prayers, remembering especially, Wendy C.; Tom C.; Brady & Gretha; Donna; Paul; Murray; John; Vivian H.; Rosemarie; Lally; Judy; Kathy; Chris; Jesse; Max; Sean & Fiona & family; Marcelle & family; Heleen; Anita; Tom K.; Trey; Lenore; Marilyn; Lauren; Ladson & Xandria; and Christine.  For those who endure chronic or incurable illnesses; and those who care for sick or aging loved ones. For all who have requested private prayers, and those whose names and needs are known only to God. For all who have died, and especially God’s faithful servant, former first-lady Rosalynn Carter; and for all who mourn.  Lord God of Hosts, Restore us and save us.

Sunday Services at Grace

Grace Church holds in-person services at 8 am, 9:15 am, and 11 am each Sunday unless otherwise noted. All are welcome.We have child care available for those who need it during the 9:15 am and 11 am services. 

Join us for coffee hour! Please join us for coffee and snacks after each service. 

The 11 am service will be live-streamed for anyone unable to attend in person.

If you have any questions about our worship schedule, please contact Melissa Kelly, Parish Administrator, at [email protected] or (718) 624-1850 x 10.

The Common Cup

Holy Eucharist will again be offered in both kinds, bread and wine.The wine will be offered each Sunday at the 11 am service. The wine is offered from the common cup (drinking directly from the chalice). Intinction is not permitted.  At communion time, after receiving the bread, one may proceed to the eucharistic minister to receive the wine by drinking directly from the chalice. Those not wishing to drink from the chalice may cross their arms and reverence the cup.

Giving to Grace

We are happy to let you know that you can make a pledge or general offering donations by text! 

Please send a text to 73256 with the message "GraceBrooklyn". The first time, you will be prompted to provide your name and address, including your card number. If you save that information for future use, the second offering by text will be immediate. You can also make one-time pledge payments and general offering donations online here.

If you would like to set up a recurring pledge payment on Realm, please contact Melissa Kelly, parish administrator, for an invitation to join. 

In Remembrance or Gratitude...

Altar flowers are a wonderful way to express gratitude for life's blessings or to memorialize a loved one.

If you would like to contribute Altar flowers, please contact Marilyn Grant. An acknowledgment will be included in the service bulletin.

Weekday Visits to Grace

When you visit, please use the Clergy Door, which is the first door on your right in the Hicks Street courtyard. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

The church offices and parish hall will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24.

Grace Church | 254 Hicks Street | Brooklyn NY 11201 
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