December 3-10, 2024

For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.

What's Going On At Grace

Dec 4, 11, 18 - Advent Midweek Evening Worship

Dec 12 - Peter Mayer Concert

Dec 21 - Grace's Christmas Festival Concert

Dec 24 - Christmas Eve services at 5pm and 8pm

Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.

Family Promise - Thank you!

We hosted 4 families last week!

This hosting week coincided with Thanksgiving, and we are so grateful for everyone who took part in ensuring that we could provide a warm, safe home even in the midst of a very busy time.

Your work made a huge difference for our guests!

A Thank you note from Carla Harrison:

I wanted to say many words of thanks to my Grace Family. Since being diagnosed I've received many cards from individuals, Rachels Ring, food delivered, gifts, phone calls, text messages, emails, hugs, in person check-ins, visits at home, prayers, assistance and offerings of assistance, and received a cancer quilt that I wrap myself up in for warmth and comfort.

To say that I am thankful is an understatement, my Grace family has uplifted my spirits, given me strength, warmed my stomach and my heart. Thank you all for your support throughout my cancer journey.



Click HERE for a letter from Council President Jeff Ranges

Seniors@Grace will host their annual Jubilee Christmas Party a week earlier than usual on Thursday December 5. The time is the same. Gather at 11:30am with lunch at noon. Bring your favorite potluck contribution to lunch and wrap up a gift for the Christmas White Elephant gift swap! It will be as much fun as it is every year! Also if the spirit moves you dress up in your best Christmas apparel.


Please let Annie Laurie Wheat know by TODAY December 3 if you can come and join in the celebration. Cell phone: 803 517-0626, home phone 803 980-1834 or

The Home Dedication for the Better Together Build,

done in honor of Earl Gatlin and sponsored by Grace,

is happening THIS Sunday, DECEMBER 8

and all Grace members are invited!

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary for Christmas Eve services.

You have an opportunity to purchase one or more Poinsettias.

Please call the Church Office for more information on how to pre-order them.

The price per plant is $14.00

Christmas Eve Worship Assistant Roles are open!

We invite you to be part of leading our services to welcome Christ, the Newborn King!

Click on the service times below to add your name to the worship assistant schedules for Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve 5pm
Christmas Eve 8pm

What's Happening with the Elevator?

You may be aware that Grace's elevator has been out of order for an unfortunate number of weeks now. Water leaked directly onto the elevator operating equipment, damaging several electrical parts. The first fix revealed additional damage that required more parts to be ordered, and that is taking time.

We want you to know that the church office and property committee have been communicating daily with the elevator company to keep our project at the top of their list. Council held an emergency vote to approve the required pre-payment, which has been made. Once the replacement parts arrive, they will be installed, and we are hopeful that no other issues will be found.

As soon as the elevator is working again, we will joyfully announce that news!

Thank you for your patience as we all wait. We look forward to sharing good news soon.

Looking for a Christmas Present that includes Christmas Past and looks to Christmas Future?

Look no further than our Grace 100th Anniversary History Book!

We will be selling a limited number of our 100th Anniversary History Book for $7 each.

Consider these books for your loved ones who have moved but still love Grace!

Please contact the church office to purchase your copy.

If you pay online, please designate your payment to the Current Budget.


Offering envelopes for 2025 are available in the fellowship hall. We have not prepared envelope sets for those of you that only give online and/or have not been using envelopes this year. However, there are extra sets, so if you do not find a set with your name and would like to use giving envelopes, please let the office know and we will get a set for you.

An update on Commitments for 2025

We have surpassed our goal of $750 in new giving per week, and we are so grateful for your generosity!

We celebrate meeting this goal and we look forward to seeing what ministry we can do in 2025 as we continue to surpass it!

If you have not yet had a chance, there are several ways to join in supporting our ministry and make your Commitment:

+Bring or mail your Commitment Card to the church office

+Use the digital Commitment Card found HERE.*

+Enter your Commitment directly into Realm, using the instructions found HERE.*

Thank you to everyone who has made a Commitment!

If you have questions, please contact Pr. Rachel or the church office.


Angel Tree and Giving Tree

Please wrap your gift(s) and return them to the Fellowship Hall with their tag by December 15th.

Thank you for your generosity!

Children's Attention Home

Updates and Opportunities

You are invited to drop by for the Children's Attention Home's holiday open house! On Dec 6, from 9am-1pm, come see the mission in action, visit with our team over a cup of hot chocolate or candy cane, and bring a friend. Get more info and RSVP today by clicking HERE.

This time year is full of joy for many but can be a tough time for these teens who are away from family or have never experienced the magic of the holiday season. Check out opportunities HERE to make the season bright and support the teens and young adults at the Home during the holidays!

Finally, you can join CAH at Texas Roadhouse on Giving Tuesday for a great meal that gives back. Present this flyer to have 10% of your bill donated to the Children’s Attention Home. Plus, stop by the connection table at the entrance to enter a raffle for a gift basket generously provided by York Electric Cooperative. *MUST bring flyer in order to donate (digital or print).

Better Bound Bookstore

Updates and Opportunities

Better Bound Bookstore & Youth Development invites you to their Holiday Drop-In as we celebrate and thank BBBS's incredible volunteers and supporters. Drop by for holiday treats, good company, and festive cheer as they express our gratitude for everything their supporters do to empower youth toward successful lives!

This event is Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 1-3pm at 232 S. Cherry Rd, Suite 130, Rock Hill, SC. Get more info by clicking HERE.

If you'd like to make a donation to BBBS, they are seeking hats, gloves, scarves, and thermal socks to help young adults stay cozy and safe during the cold months. Click HERE to learn more.

Biggest needs this week at HOPE:

Snacks, cereal, oatmeal, wipes, hygiene products, and diapers (all)

Please make sure to check expiration dates!

Grace donated a total of 87.8lbs items/food in November! THANK YOU!

Congregation Connections
Click here for our current Prayer List
Click here to submit your prayer requests
Click here for our Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click here for our December Birthdays

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of December is given by Eddie and Mary Hinson in celebration of the birth of our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Altar Flowers for Sunday, December 8th are given by Charisma Cahulugan and Doug Ludwig in honor of their wedding.

Click HERE for the Current Worship Assistant Schedule.

Click HERE to sign up to sponsor Altar Flowers.

Grace's new group, Eye On The Arts, crowdsources local arts & culture opportunities. If you'd like to be part of this group, receiving and sharing opportunities, please add yourself to the special e-news mailing list by clicking the button!

Click here to add your name to our new mailing list
Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!

Click HERE for the October Treasurer's Report

If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!


426 Oakland Avenue

Rock Hill, SC 29730


(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)

(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm