June 29 - July 6, 2021
We have a member in immediate need of several bedroom furnishings.

If you able able to donate any of these items, please contact Pr. Rachel at 864-230-3816. We need to know if these items are available by Wednesday (tomorrow) at noon, for delivery on Thursday.

Items needed are:
+Twin Bed Frame
+Twin Bed Mattress
+Twin Bed Linens
+Chest of Drawers/Dresser

Thank you for helping fill this need!
Returning with Grace UPDATE

At Sunday's Council meeting, the Council approved several updates to our Returning with Grace plan.

You can click HERE for the full updated protocols, which we encourage you to read thoroughly, especially numbers 2, 3, 5, and 10.

Two highlights from these updates:

+ Masks will be optional for fully vaccinated individuals (those who are two weeks past their final COVID-19 vaccination shot) except for the times noted in the worship service section (singing and passing the peace). In keeping with CDC guidelines, masks will continue to be required in the building for those who have not been fully vaccinated. 

Congregational singing will return. Everyone must wear a mask while singing, regardless of vaccination status, with the exception of the worship leaders in the choir space. Those who do not wish to put their masks on may meditate silently while others sing on behalf of the congregation.

These updates are further steps forward, and we are glad to be making them together! If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office.
Grace Special Congregation Meeting Place of Grace
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Congregation Meeting this past Sunday. We appreciated the thoughtful discussion around the recommended change to the Bylaws. The recommendation passed with one amendment.

You can click the video link to see the meeting in its entirety.

Click here for the revised Bylaws.
Council Comments - Sharing Good News!

At the end of every Council meeting, Council members share a 'takeaway' - something they're excited about that's happening at Grace, a place where God is working, which they hope to share with someone in the coming month. Recently, we decided we want to share this good news even more widely, and so, each week in the e-news, a different Council member will share a takeaway with us! Through these stories, we hope you'll see even more of what God is doing at Grace and through each of you!

This week, Melissa Tucker shares about growth and resilience.

After our June council meeting last week, I left thinking about the Japanese repair art of kintsugi. Our discussions ranged from safety protocols to concerns about our voices not being heard. It was clear that the past year has pushed our church leaders and congregation to feel fragmented and alone too often. Yet, we never wavered from voicing our concerns. In fact, there is a deliberate effort to allow space for everyone. While I realize that we seem divided on how quickly things need to return to “normal,” I feel that we should embrace this time. The pandemic has brought opportunities for tough conversations and amazing upgrades to our technology offering. Some may feel that we’re not moving quick enough, and others may feel overwhelmed by the changes. Our cracks and flaws are not signs that should concern us because our faith should call us to examine and accept ourselves and others, “to serve all people following the example of Jesus.”

In his 2012 book Love Does, Bob Goff suggested, “It has always seemed to me that broken things, just like broken people, get used more; it’s probably because God has more pieces to work with.” We are not the same church that we were a year ago, but then again we are not the same church that we were 100 years ago when we began. Yet, if we continue to rely on God’s word, “to live among God’s faithful people,” we have the opportunity to embrace and celebrate our growth and resilience. I encourage you to share your thoughts, but more importantly, I encourage you to really listen to others.

God’s peace be with you,
Melissa Tucker

Click the video image for the
worship service for The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost -
Sunday, June 27.

Click here for the worship guide.
Click the video image for the Children's Sermon
We invite you to "like", comment on, and share these videos!
Worship Assistants at Grace

Worship Assistants return to in-person worship.
If you are interested in leading us with a reading, creed, prayers, serving as a greeter, or usher,
please click here to signup. All slots refer to
in-person worship services at Grace.

Thank you for being a part of our worship experiences at Grace!

Sundays with Grace

We are currently worshipping in-person and online!

Service of Holy Communion:
Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am (no sign-up required)

Facebook Premiere worship begins at 11am on Sundays and is available any time afterward on the Grace Facebook page and website.

We look forward to worshipping with you!
The Stewardship Committee appreciates and recognizes people and groups that are Growing Grace and Planting Seeds in Faith!
Click on the image to read the latest recognitions from the Stewardship Committee.
Partnership Update
We're already at the 3 month mark of our yearlong Outreach Partnerships! This week, we have an update from Pilgrims' Inn
Pilgrims’ Inn is an organization that provides shelter, assistance and supportive services to vulnerable citizens in the community. It operates a shelter, transitional housing services, an academic/development program for young (6 weeks to 4 yrs.old) children and operates a food pantry. Its three major services are housing, child care and emergency assistance.

Grace has provided a $5,000.00 grant towards the operation of Pilgrims’ Inn and, as partners, seeks to have the congregation become actively involved in furthering its mission. The leaders at Pilgrims’ Inn welcome our involvement with both financial and in-kind contributions, and especially with volunteer services that are critical to their operation. You can click here for donation needs and here for volunteer opportunities that are available to our congregation.

Volunteers are welcome on either an individual or group basis. If you are interested in volunteering as an individual, you would need to register with Pilgrims’ Inn at the website that appears at the bottom of the “Volunteer Opportunities” page, or, if part of a group, only the group leader needs to register. If you are interested in organizing a group for volunteer service, please contact Doug Gay at or 803-324-4442.

Contributions can either be made directly to Pilgrims’ Inn or brought to the church, provided that you let me know what you are bringing to the church, and when, so that I can arrange for its delivery.

This can be an exciting opportunity for us to make a real impact on vitally important community services.

-Doug Gay, liaison
The Endowment Committee invites you to participate in our brief Planned Giving Survey in celebration of Grace Lutheran's 98th birthday!

On June 21st, 1923, this congregation adopted the ULCA (United Lutheran Church in America) model constitution and chose the name "Grace". While they could not have known what the world would look like 98 years later, they did know they wanted to make an impact in the world in God’s name. 98 years later, that is still true! We continue to work for God’s glory here at Grace and intend to continue that work for many years to come.

Part of our ability to support ministries comes from our Endowment. The Endowment provides grants for unbudgeted ministries here at Grace and in our community, allowing us to follow the Spirit’s guidance where it blows!

The Endowment Committee is tasked with overseeing and growing the Endowment on Grace’s behalf, and we need your input to continue to do this work well. We want to know your thoughts related to matters of estate planning and leaving a legacy through a gift to the church.

The facts don't lie…
+35% of members want to leave a gift to the church but never get around to doing it.
+70% of people who establish charitable giving in their wills end up not giving any donations to those charities, due to improper will setup.
+The ELCA provides a Regional Gift Planner free of charge to assist with your estate plan.

Please provide feedback on our Planned Giving Survey today. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and will be available through July 4th. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and helping us support Grace’s ministry for years to come! If you’d like to learn more about Grace’s Endowment Fund, please click here
This past Saturday, June 26th, the 2021 SC Synod Assembly was held virtually. In the coming weeks, we will share some of the videos and news from this Assembly, so keep an eye out on the e-news!

A special thanks to Lori Brown and Walker Stockley for serving as our voting delegates this year!
The Health and Wellness Committee is pleased to announce an update for the First Aid Kits and First Aid Stations at Grace.

The First Aid Kits have been refreshed and restocked. To find out more click here.
Camera Operators Needed
Growing the Reach of the Gospel!

Now that we have achieved our goal of installing a great camera in the Sanctuary, we need camera operators! We are continuing to add back music and participation to our in-person worship services, and we want to be able to capture those pieces well for our recordings and eventual live-streaming.

Much like our sound panel operators, camera operators will be scheduled to help on Sunday mornings. You will be trained to use the software to guide the camera and computer (we promise it's easier than you may think - mainly clicking buttons!).

In participating in this ministry, you are helping Grow the Reach of the Gospel, sharing our service and God's word beyond our walls.

If you'd like to be part of this Gospel-sharing ministry, please contact Craig Allen here.
Camp is open this summer! If you're interested in going to one of our local ELCA camps this summer, click here to check out the programs and register.

We have scholarship funds available to help pay for camp as well! If you'd like a scholarship application, please contact Pr. Rachel.
Dear Grace Family,

The outpouring of care and concern and beautiful memories of Larry have been so appreciated by our family.  
Though this is a difficult time, I have great faith that Larry is free from his earthly burdens and is now able to enjoy his new heavenly home.
God's Peace and blessings to you all.

With gratitude,
Congregation Connections
Click the image for
our current
Grace Prayer List
Click the image for
our current
Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click the image
for our
June Birthdays
Click the image
for our
July Birthdays
The Sanctuary Candle for the month of June is given by
Julie and Max Elder in memory of Hazel Bagley and Myrtle Rollins.

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of July is given by
Mary and Eddie Hinson in memory of Louise G. Mason.

The Altar Flowers for Sunday, July 4 are given by
Nora and Bill Sliney in honor of our grandson Liam's 17th birthday.

If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers please click here.
Taking Faith Home carries the previous Sunday's themes throughout the week. These devotions include daily Scripture readings, prayers, hymn suggestions, milestones, conversation starters, service opportunities, and at-home rituals.

Click here for the week of June 27
Click here for the week of July 4
Men's Bible Study

Join us for conversation about one of the more fascinating books of Scripture: Revelation.

Using an overview written by Max Lucado, we will be talking about some of the themes present in Revelation and how they impact our lives. The group meets Sundays at 9:30 for about an hour. Contact Pr. Gregg to be added to our group.
INSPIRAR - a new choir in South Carolina conducted by Dr. Jeremy Mims will be performing at Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, Rock Hill on July 11 at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.
Covid-19 Information and Updates

Click here for updated information regarding local sources for the Covid-19 vaccines.
Offering Our Gifts to God

Part of our worship is offering our gifts to God. You can give in several ways:
  • Give via the offering plate in the Sanctuary
  • Give online by clicking here (and you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.
Thank you for continued faithful
Gifts & Talents Pictures

Our worship has been enhanced by your photos of projects, experiences, and joys - thank you for sharing!

We would love to see more of what you're doing - please send photos to our Video Editor, Craig Allen by clicking here.
Can We Help?
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect, please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
May Giving and Expenses

May Received $45,798
May Expenses $44,212
Budgeted to Spend $57,902

YTD Received $250,383
YTD Expenses $240,944
YTD Budgeted to Spend $289,510
Stay connected! Click on the links below!
In-person activities at
Grace Lutheran Church are beginning again. All in-person activities need to be scheduled in advance at this time.

Please contact the church office if you need to schedule an activity.

We are praying for the health and well-being of our community and world.
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730

(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm