Friday Devotional:
Luke 1:68-79
I like to run. One morning before sunrise, undoubtedly forgetting that "it is darkest before the dawn," I tripped on something and injured myself. Lack of physical light impedes our safe movement; lack of spiritual enlightenment impedes our ability to live peaceably with one another.
My dad had a habit of waking us kids by tousling our hair and saying, "Daylight in the swamp!" The priest Zechariah alerts us to a dawning light. The steadfastly present God of our ancestors is doing a new thing: "By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us... to guide our feet into the way of peace" (vv.78-79).
I once heard of a rabbi who asked his students to describe when we can be certain night is over and a new day has begun. They offered a few ideas, like when one can tell an apple tree from a pear tree. The rabbi replied that the new day has begun when you can see a child of God in the face of each person you meet, for until that moment, it is still night. The dawn Zechariah foretells-the coming of Christ-helps us do just that.
Bright Morning Star, guide us into your peace so we recognize all people as your beloved children. Amen.
An excerpt from Christ in Our Home
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