Friday Devotional:
Psalm 16
Have you ever lost sleep making a decision?
"Flip a coin," advises a counselor. "Assign one choice heads and the other, tails. When you see how the coin lands, are you glad or disappointed?"
"Look for another option," suggests a friend. "Solutions are rarely either/or."
I can imagine our psalmist's recommendation: Trust God with your whole self.
In Bible times the heart was understood as the home of thinking and decision-making, while the gut was the seat of emotions. We see this overlap in verses 7 and 9: sometimes the Hebrew word translated "heart" can also mean "kidneys" or conscience." With the whole of their being-mind, body, soul, feelings-the psalmist declares, "I bless the Lord who gives me counsel."
Applying our whole selves-body, thoughts, feelings-help us discern God's leading in our decision-making. Then, with the psalmist we can say, "My heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure" (v.9).
O God our refuge, path, and joy, all good comes from you. In Jesus' name, we give thanks. Amen.
An excerpt from Christ in Our Home
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