Synod Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For the week ending February 2, 2025

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Psalm 84

One of the high schoolers in the small, rural congregation where I was filling in was the reader for the morning. When it came time for the first lesson, she bowed carefully before the altar, ascended the steps to the lectern, found her place in the missal, and began reading. Suddenly, a bat began flying circles around the worship area. She looked up at the flying creature swooping over her head for a brief moment and continued reading without missing a beat, acting as if there was nothing unusual going on.

Today´s psalm rejoices that the dwelling place of the Lord is for all God´s creatures, people, sparrows, swallows, and maybe even bats too. Our hearts draw us to gather in God´s presence. It is the place where we hear the word and celebrate the sacraments, praise God, and give thanks for God´s mercy. Here we hear the story of Jesus and of the trustworthy God whom we can trust-even when bats are swooping overhead.

Lord of Hosts, keep us from distractions, and gather us in to rejoice in your word of grace. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home

 please contact the church office: at 805-983-0612

Click here to view this Sunday's bulletin

February Birthdays

✝Jade Wilson; (Peggy's daughter).

Please pray for communities in California impacted by the wildfires. May God's healing presence bring them peace and hope in their time of need and give strength to those working diligently to contain the fires and care for affected communities.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Synod Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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