Grace School News

July 17, 2024

We are grateful for Mrs. Koehne's service as our Resource Teacher. We wish her well as she has taken on a new role at Fullerton Elementary School.

Open Positions

Resource/Special Education Teacher

Advanced Math Teacher (Part-Time)

3rd Grade Teacher's aide

PK teachers' aide

Boys' Volleyball Coach

If you know of anyone who is interested in any of these positions, please direct them to our website. The link is provided below. Your network is our best bet for filling these openings with quality staff!


School News:

Summer Building hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 3:30

Friday 8:30 - 12:30


We will have a New Family Orientation in Fellowship Hall during "Back to School" Night on Monday, August 19. Please make every effort to be there from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm.

Summer Concert at Scoville Park

Come enjoy an evening with our Grace community and some live music. GPO will have a tent set up at the Summer Concert at Scoville Park in Oak Park on Sunday, July 28th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Wear your grace swag! Hope to see you there!


GLS Online Registration

Required for all students

We are excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 School Year! Please complete the registration form for each child attending Grace Lutheran School this year. The deadline for submitting this required form is August 9, 2024.


GLS+ (Before and After School Care)

Extended Day Care is undergoing a rebranding! We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Right At School. EDC is now Grace+ (Grace plus). We're excited about this change, which significantly improves our previous processes. Our goal is to address capacity issues, streamline sign-ups and payments, and offer more active, engaging, educational, and fun activities for our students.


School News

We want to spotlight a teacher who has been with Grace for a long time—Mr. Schultz! We are so blessed to have him continue at Grace, contributing to our community and investing in our students' education. Check out his spotlight here


Requirements for 2024-2025

SK - New Physical, dental exam and eye exam

2nd - Dental exam

6th - New Physical and dental exam

Sports Physicals are good for 13 months and are required for any student participating in a sport.

Grace Volleyball Clinic

August 10

5th/6th: 10am - 12pm

7th/8th: 1pm - 3pm

Cost: $20


Our mission at Grace Lutheran Church and School is to bring in, build up, and send out disciples for Jesus Christ

Our school prepares children for a life of discipleship by helping them to grow in faith, knowledge, and character.

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Grace Lutheran Church and School | 708-366-6900 |