We need your help to make the Rummage Sale happen!
The last day of donations is today, Wednesday, June 5. Now, our focus is on execution. Please join our cheerful team!
TODAY(Wednesday) we need volunteers to help us continue to sort donations.
On Thursday, our main task is to price items: we still need volunteers to help us separate any items that should have special pricing -- if you have experience in resale, your skills are particularly important to us this Thursday!
On Friday and Saturday, as we execute the event, you can help us by assisting shoppers as they make purchases and move items to their cars, reorganizing displays, serving at check out and being a part of our cleanup crew.
On Sunday, come in before the worship service for last-minute shopping and stick around for cleanup.
This is a great opportunity for us to gather as a community to serve Grace with our strength, skills and talent. We look forward to seeing you!
Please sign up for any slot on the button below.
Proceeds from the Rummage Sale will go towards Slovak Mission Ministries and Youth Ministry projects.