On Sunday September 20,
following county guidelines, we held our first 2020 outdoor Sunday service. It was a wonderful opportunity to offer our collective thanks to God (in person, in vehicles using our FM broadcast, and via livestream), hear a challenging message from Bill, and connect with each other.

What about future times together?
Currently, the leadership at Grace of Christ is evaluating when it would be best to offer in person, inside, safe, socially distanced, Sunday services. We’ve discussed Sunday October 11 as a possibility. It may be then, or as soon after that date as is feasible. Our commitment is to communicate to you, and the broader community, when the decision has been made.

Until then, please continue to join us Sunday mornings
on the Grace of Christ website, on the church app, on Facebook and YouTube. May each of us find, in these challenging times, a faith and strength from Jesus to calm our fears and lead us to serve with love and grace.
The Homecoming - Lessons From Isaiah 35. 8-10
The Highway Of Holiness
September 27

Dear Grace of Christ Family,

I am honored to bring you God's word this coming Sunday and my thanks to Pastor Bill for again inviting me into his pulpit. 

On Sunday we conclude the series that Pastor Bill set out for us titled "The Homecoming" using Isaiah 35. Pastor Bill told us about preparing to go home; Pastor Curt told us about strength for the journey; then last week Pastor Bill told us about a vision for 2020 and beyond. Today we learn from versus 8-10 about how we get there.

The last couple of times I have brought you the message, I have used the American bald eagle as an illustration and example to communicate the biblical message. 

Well, not so today. This Sunday I bring you a message about a highway. By now you have come to realize that I am a retired civil engineer. So, when I had a chance to give a message about a highway, that really appealed to me. I am referring to the Highway of Holiness from Isaiah 35 verses 8-10.

The construction of this Highway of Holiness was the greatest engineering feat ever accomplished.  Charles Spurgeon, the great English Baptist Preacher, in the 1800's wrote:

“Engineering has done much to tunnel mountains, and bridge abysses; but the greatest triumph of engineering is that which made a way from sin to holiness, from death to life, from condemnation to perfection. Who could make a road over the mountains of our iniquities but Almighty God? None but the Lord of love would have wished it; none but the God of wisdom could have devised it; none but the God of power could have carried it out.” 

Because of Christ, and in His Grace,
Dennis Whitcher
Community Groups Start This Sunday!
Still Time To Register.
Current groups, and new groups will begin this ten-week experience. If you are currently in a group, let your leader know that you desire to continue with them. Or, you can branch out and join a new group that will be forming. Or, consider leading a group, or partner up to co-lead a group.'re interested in joining a group or leading a group!
Click here to sign-up at the bottom of the page!

All groups will be going through the same book: AHA: The God Moment that Changes Everything. It is based upon the Prodigal Son. The suggested donation cost is $7. If you can’t afford a book, one will be provided for you, compliments of the church. Books are available in the church office. Call the church (248-7940) to schedule a time to pick it up.
Meet The Newman Family!
Justin, Rachell, Jasmine, Conner, June (cat) & Cruz (puppy)
Book Donations Needed For Adams Kids At Home!
10-12n | parking lot by the playground
Please take new or gently-used, appropriate books for kinder-5th graders from your bookshelf and bring them to the church gym on Wednesdays from 10a - 12n. Books for 3rd-5th graders are especially needed
Wednesdays | 5-6:30ish | meet at Adams parking lot
More people are needed to help distribute books Wednesday’s at 5:00. Contact: Meet at Adams. Volunteers will be paired up with a Spanish speaker. Takes about 90-120 minutes.
NEW TIME - Love Well With Drops Of Grace
Join us as we walk, masks on, and pray over the neighborhoods
surrounding Adams Elementary.

Are you interested in learning what it looks like to Prayer Walk
so you can walk & pray in your own neighborhood? Join us!

Meet at Adams Elementary School parking lot at a New Time 6:30pm. We will divide in groups of two or three to walk and pray together in neighborhoods surrounding Adams. After 30 minutes, we will meet again in the parking lot to share and pray with one another. #MaskUp!
God At Work In Our Lives
During this time to Pause
to be still and to see God at work,
our Church Family has been so blessed to see God moving mightily in our hearts, minds, families, and neighborhoods.
Witness Of Love
Prayer Testimonies From July
From Our Intercessory Prayer Team
Since we have been in quarantine, our Intercessory Prayer Teams have continued praying! We’d like to share some of their testimonies – what they have been hearing from God. We hope these words - God’s love, promises and truths – inspire you in your walk with God and as you pray for our Church.
Ghormley Goodness Continues!
Menus updated through Nov 13
Order by Sunday, Sept 27 for Oct 3 Pickup!

We're Planning A
Ghormley Goodness Thanksgiving!
We need to know if you are interested please email us and let us know how many meals you may be purchasing.
Download The Yakima Grace App
On Your Tablet or Smart Phone - It's Free!
Be sure to allow notifications & location services!
Difficulty Watching The Message?
We have heard from some that they have experienced difficulty watching the message online - especially on Sunday mornings. We need your help so we can work with our provider to work toward a solution.

Go to & Bookmark
for links to alternate viewing options plus an online form for you to share information with us about the difficulty you are experiencing. Thanks for Helping Us!
Grace Continues Online Worship
Until Further Notice!
Thank you Church, for your patience, prayers and grace during this time.

If you are curious about anything going on, or not going on, at church, visit our website, the App or call us!

We hope to see you soon!