January 26, 2025
Third Sunday after Epiphany
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Readings and Psalm
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Ezra reads the law of Moses before the people
Psalm 19
The teaching of the Lord revives the soul. (Ps. 19:7)
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
You are the body of Christ
Luke 4:14-21
Jesus reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah
God’s glory is revealed in the reading of scripture. People stand at attention. People weep. People prostrate themselves in prayer. The unity of the church is another reflection of God’s glory. Most gloriously, the promises of God are fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Gather round. Listen up. Glimpse the glory of God.
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Worship Support
Presiding Minister: Pastor Chris Repp
Assisting Minister: Kathy Bowersox
Reader: Meg Loven
Deacon: Nancy Marshall
Cantor: Erica Ancell
Ushers: Grigorescu & Thackery Families
Greeters: Jeff & Tina Fehrenbacher
Livestreamer: Kevin Vail
Sound: Kevin Vail
Music Director: Nicholas Pierle
Organist: Dana Robinson
Coffee Hour: Claire Vail
Chancel Flowers: Mary Jo Erickson, In Loving Memory of My Parents, Jo & Paul Erickson
For the upcoming Worship Support schedule, see the spreadsheet found here on Google Drive.
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The Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26th at 10:45am in the Sanctuary. Members should attend to vote on Synod delegates, the 2025 Budget, new Carpeting for the hallway, and sale of the 910 Springfield house.
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Giving Statements and New Giving Envelopes
The giving statements for 2024 are on the table in the Narthex. PLEASE pick them up before the end of the month to save us the postage to mail them.
Also, the new 2025 Giving Envelopes are out in the Narthex. We only ordered envelopes for those of you that signed up last fall to get Monthly Envelopes.
If you have any questions, please contact Gail Hug, our Financial Secretary, or Debbie Peterson, our Treasurer.
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Funeral Arrangements for Roger Yarbrough
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 25th at 1:30 pm at Grace Lutheran Church. There will be a visitation beforehand at 12:00pm in the Narthex, and a luncheon afterward in the Fellowship Hall. The funeral service will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook, both accessible by clicking the titles above or by going to the Grace Lutheran website at glccu.org.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Roger's honor to the charity of your choice. Condolences may be offered at morganmemorialhome.com.
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The Grace Food Pantry will be celebrating
40 years of service this year.
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Games and Fellowship Evening
There is a new opportunity to gather with friends and enjoy an evening together! Beginning on Thursday, February 13, at 6 pm in the Narthex, a group will meet for Games and Fellowship. The group intends to gather twice monthly (watch the Grace Notes for specific dates) to enjoy each other's company and engage in card and board games. If you are interested, please add your name to the sheet in the Narthex or let Jim Fleming know. Come and join us, and feel free to bring along your favorite game!
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St. John Lutheran School and Little Lamb Preschool Community Open House
St. John Lutheran School and Little Lamb Preschool will be hosting a Community Open House for prospective students and their families on Tuesday, January 28th, 5:00-7:00p.m.
Prospective families will have an opportunity to meet our teachers, see the classrooms, and ask questions about our school. Please invite friends, family members, or others interested in an excellent, Christ-centered education for the 2025-2026 school year.
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Brown Bag Bible Study
Our bi-weekly lunchtime Bible study resumed this week. It will be held on Thursdays, at 12:30 p.m. in the narthex on the dates below. We’ll be studying the book of Romans.
Future dates are:
February 6 & 20; March 6 & 20; April 3; May 1 & 15 (and 29 if we need it to finish the book.) Join us!
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January Stitch & Craft, Tonight!
The next January meeting date for Stitch & Craft is tonight! Friday, January 24th at 7:00pm in the narthex.
Start 2025 off right by starting a new project. We can help each other to make the best articles, mittens, scarves, hats, chemo hats, blankets, or anything you choose.
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Upcoming Evensong at Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church | |
Two Ways to Help With the California Wildfire Disaster Response
(click either image for more information)
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Prayer Requests
We have two formal ways of praying for one another at Grace. One is in the Sunday morning worship service, where we pray for people by name in the Prayers of Intercession. They will also be listed in the emailed and printed versions of GraceNotes, but not in the web version. Please send prayer requests for the Sunday-morning prayers to office@glccu.org. You may also submit prayer requests on our website at https://glccu.org/prayer-requests/.
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Using GLC Facilities
Our facilities are available for use by members and by outside groups. If you would like to use any part of the facility, please fill out a Facilities Use Request, found on the web site, and contact Karen in the office to ensure that it is on the calendar, so that the space is ready for you and that you are aware of how to adjust the appropriate thermostat.
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Pastor's Discretionary Fund
The Pastor's Discretionary Fund allows the church to offer financial assistance to people in our community. The office receives requests for help with rent, utilities, and other needs, and your donations make this important work possible! To donate to this fund, you can give online at https://glccu.org/donate/ or by mailing a check to the church office with "Pastor's Discretionary Fund" in the memo line.
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