July 15 – August 14
Ali Salehpour (Electronic Systems Engineering, supervised by Dr. Irfan Al-Anbagi,)
Thesis: Machine learning-based models for failure prediction and propagation in smart grid systems
Michael White (Education, supervised by Dr. Pam Osmond-Johnson)
Thesis: Settler school psychologists readiness to decolonize practice
Chuyin Tian (Environmental Systems Engineering, supervised by Dr. Gordon Huang)
Thesis: Long-term responses of North Africa to climate change, spotlighting the Sahara’s fate
Leyuan Feng (Subject Area, supervised by Dr. Fatmakhanu (fatima) Pirbhai-Illich)
Thesis: Culturally relevant/responsive pedagogy in an EFL context: College English education in China
Md Saiful Arif Khan (Industrial Systems Engineering, supervised by Dr. Golam Kabir)
Thesis: Bridge infrastructure resiliency assessment against seismic hazards