We have been working hard in our community to make a difference for another year. It hasn't been easy since we took over the organization two years ago during a pandemic. As a result, we reestablished our relationship with the Contra Costa County Hispanic Community, becoming a valuable resource not only for small businesses but also for the county's residents at large.
We created partnerships with important organizations such as the Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County, Diablo Valle College, Contra Costa College and Pacific Oaks College since returning to live in our county, this demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the lives of our community through education and work.
As part of our commitment to promote civic duties, we held three candidate forums so that our members and residents could make informed decisions when they voted.
The Monthly Business Mixers have brought us together in a place where not only can we network and build business, but also be resources for one another. These mixers will continue to take place.
My gratitude goes out to our past and current board members for their commitment to our organization and our community to always provide our members with the best support possible.
Last but not least, a big thank you to you for keeping up the good work and being persistent, for not giving up, for staying positive, for thinking outside the box, for keeping your doors open against all odds, and for keeping together even when everything else seemed to be falling apart.
You have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at your fingertips, we are here to help, so let us know how we can be of assistance.
Douglas Lezameta
President & CEO