A big thank you to all GIV members and guests for your continued patronage throughout the year. We couldn't be more excited for 2024 and what it has in store for all of us.
For the new year, GIV is starting 2024 off with a new, upgraded winery software system. Things may look a bit different to you on the web and mailings, and while some things are still under construction and being finalized, this change will make store, winery and events processes easier and more secure.
Those of you who have customer or club accounts with us should have received an email to update your password. If you missed it the next time you log in your old password will not be recognized and you will be forced to reset. Once in the customer dashboard you can see and update your information, so if you need it, you can find the Grand Island Vineyards Account Login here.
In the upcoming months we also plan to launch a huge benefit to our customers, a LOYALTY feature, where in that same dashboard you can see all the points you've earned. Look out for upcoming club packages and save the date, February 17th, from 1-4pm for our winter pickup party. See details here.
January Tasting Menu (free to members)
2022 GIV Chenin Blanc
2022 GIV Vin Gris
2022 GIV Symphony
BRIDGEHEAD Rouge et Blanc
2019 GIV Petit Verdot
2019 GIV Cabernet Sauvignon
2019 GIV Cabernet Franc
2017 Reserve Premier
Special note: The xmas sale has been continued on all Red Wines listed above!