Light Route Cont. - Islands, Bays, Schooners, and More
We slalom through 100’s of pristine islands and and exquisite coastal mansions. Travel through Eggemoggin Reach - between Brooklin and Deer Isle, the Fox Island Thouroughfare - between North Haven and Vinalhaven, and along the coast of Camden to Rockland. We will have the chance to photograph sailing vessels, schooners, and lobster boats fishing. You will have ample opportunities to get your "Best Shot". During the tour we visit five bays including: Frenchman, Blue Hill, Isle au Haut, Jericho, and Penobscot.
Marine Wildlife and Acadia National Park
On many past all day light tours we have encountered much marine wildlife including harbor porpoise, harbor and grey seals, bluefin tuna, ocean sunfish, sharks, bald eagles and a great variety of seabirds. On some past trips we had up close and excellent views of Minke, Humpback and Finback Whales. In the morning, after departing Bar Harbor, we will travel along the shoreline of Acadia National Park and Ocean Drive and you will learn about early Native American, French, and park history.
Mike Leonard Bio.
Mike leads the Southern Maine Adobe Photoshop User Group and has attended 15+ Photoshop world training conventions and many classes. He worked for 36+ years in Television production and engineering and brings his expertise in technical knowledge to assist people in making the complex simple. Mike has been instrumental in bringing Photo Tourism to Maine through offering photography classes and working with the Maine Tourism Office. Mike also offers a wide variety of photo services. Visit to learn more and the Photo Events page.
Maine Coast Lights is not responsible for parking or any parking fees on the day of the tour. There is both metered and paid parking in Bar Harbor from May through October. On Sunday paid parking is required between 12 PM to 8 PM. We recommend you find paid parking near Harbor Place where the parking is $2.00/hour for Kiosk metered parking. To make sure that you are covered for the day you may choose to pay for parking from 12 to 8.
When you find a parking spot for your car in one of the Kiosk Parking Areas take note of your license plate number. When you get to the kiosk you will be asked to put in the license plate number, then a credit card and then you can adjust the parking meter for the time you need. The parking meter will begin at 12Pm so if you put 6 hours it will cover your parking from 12 to 6, or 8 hours will be 12 to 8 pm. Please see the map below which shows Harbor Place, the location of the Friendship V – your vessel, and the parking areas and Kiosks where you can purchase parking. You do not need to put the ticket on your car dash, it is recorded in the system digitally, but you will receive a printed receipt. For a more detailed online version of the Bar Harbor Town Parking map please go HERE.
We recommend that you look first for parking on or near the town pier in parking areas 78, 6, 8, and 10. If those spots are full you can proceed up the hill on Main Street past the downtown park known as the “Agamont Park” and turn onto Newport Drive into parking area 44 above the park. There is an electric charging station here. If that is full then next, try behind the West Street Hotel in parking area 42. Lastly, you can then try drive back down West Street until you reach the Kiosk parking at West and Bridge Street and from there all the way to Eden Street is kiosk parking.
Lastly and importantly. I recommend you download the mobile parking app on your cell phone before the tour. HERE is the link to that website/app. Once you load the app and the location (Bar Harbor) on your phone, you can then go on to the app if needed and add more time. You will need to remember which parking area you parked in. We should have WIFI service throughout most or much of the tour as we do not venture far from land. This app will be important to have to avoid a parking fee if for some reason the boat comes back to the dock late because of unforeseen circumstances. Another option would be to pay the additional fee for the whole day from 12-9 pm. If you have any questions please call me at 207-460-9575.