Grand Strand Running Club Newsletter 
Issue: #026
June 2015 
GSRC Events


July 25:

Battle at the Border

Cross Country style race pitting the GSRC vs. Wilmington Road Runners

Click here to register 


Aug. 1-Oct. 18: 

Half Marathon Training Program

Click here to register 


September 19: 

Park Sweep 5K


October 30: 

Running Dead 5K


November 21: 

Race to Save Hearts 5K


Quick Links

Grand Prix Races

Jan 24: NMB Winter Run 5K OR 15K

Feb 14: Myrtle Beach Marathon OR Half-Marathon

Mar 7: BFF Pink Ribbon Run 5K and/or 10K

March 28: Run for the Shelter 5K

May 3: Cinco de Mayo 5K

May 9: Little River May 5K 

May 24: Brookgreen Gardens 5K

July 4: Independence Day 8K
Click here to register 

Sep 19: Park Sweep 5K 

Oct 18: Myrtle Beach Mini-Marathon (half-marathon)
Click here to register 

Nov: Turtle Strut 5K

Nov 21: Race to Save Hearts 5K

Nov 26: Surfside Beach Turkey Trot 10K

Dec 5: Reindeer Run 5K

Membership Information 
Check your membership status and re-enroll online. 
Log in at  
to check your status. 
If you have any questions about membership, 
please contact
Special Interest

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers  are always
welcome and needed. If you would like to volunteer for an upcoming event, click here.


GSRC Board Members

Roscoe Griffin

Murray Honick

Matthew Cutright

Erin Walters


GSRC Committees

Jane Serues

Race Director/Scholarships
Jim Troxell

Christine Rockey

Kids Running
Terry Layton

Grand Prix
Melissa Kavanagh

Lorena Cutright

Erin Walters 

Dawn White

**If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please email Roscoe Griffin

Be sure to look for the GSRC table at the Independence Day 5K/8K race. Water will be available along with a place to stash your keys. Discounted club shirts also available for $5.00 each.

Dawn White-Editor
Cross Training For Runners
by Rachel Tipton

 I ran my very first 5K at Brookgreen Gardens, and I learned that you cannot judge the speed of a runner by the appearance of physical fitness. A person may not look like they spend a great deal of time in the gym, but run like the wind when the gun goes off. Running is truly the only activity that can improve running. However, cross training is important for runners to keep them injury free and maintain balanced overall health.

I believe the number one cross training activity runners should practice is stretching. To remain free of injury and to improve performance, a thorough stretching routine is essential. After a long run of 13 miles or more, the last thing you want to do is to put in a stretching session. You probably want a shower, some protein, and time to chillax! You may want to schedule your extended stretching routine on your rest day. At the very least, add a 5-10 minute stretching routine as part of your post-run cool-down. It should include stretches for your glutes, hamstrings, quads, IT band, and calves. Also, consider back flexibility and upper body in your stretching routine. Upper body arm swing and posture are still working hard when you run, even though most of your power is generated by the legs. Yoga is a fantastic stretching alternative to schedule for your days off running.

A compliment to running is swimming. Swimming can provide a break for the joints because it is non-impact. It is an activity that can keep you moving when you are injured. Swimming laps will strengthen the upper body, which is often overlooked by runners. Deep water running can enhance and strengthen the motion of running, given the resistance of the water.

Cycling is another low-impact activity that is complimentary to running. You can see why avid runners tend to gravitate towards triathlons! Because the quadriceps and muscles of the shin are slower to develop in runners, cycling can help balance out the leg muscles. Some running experts advise cycling the same day as running, since it is too strenuous an activity for an off day. So, run first and cycle after. Never replace a rest day with a cross-training activity. Give your body a break!

Walking is an overlooked activity for runners, but it is a great low-impact version of what we seek to improve. The same muscles are used to run as to walk, so a long walk is a nice way to recover the day after a race. You can still get a decent cardio workout with a brisk walk on your non-running days, allowing your joints a break from a pavement pounding run.

There are several other options for cross training, such as rowing, stair climbing, plyometrics (jump training), elliptical, or Nordic trak, that can get your heart rate pumping. Weights or resistance training are complimentary in building upper body and overall strength. However, remember that a heavy weight lifting routine could be counterproductive to your goals in running. My personal routine is currently focused on weight training and speed training. I have a scheduled date when I will back off the weights and shift back to a running focus, building distance for the next race season.

In closing, I want to repeat that cross training should not replace a rest day. Try playing around with replacing a regularly scheduled day of running with a different activity. You will challenge your body, and perhaps break through a plateau you have been fighting. It could be just exactly what you need to reach that next PR!

**Rachel Tipton has been a personal trainer and professional dancer for 20+ years. Currently living in Pawleys Island with her family, she became an avid runner only recently. She loves the challenge of the race and the community of runners that comes with it. She brings her dance background into play with her clients by focusing on perfect form, increasing strength and flexibility, and maintaining a balanced life. Rachel's current clients range from a 13-year-old with Cerebral Palsy, to an 80-year-old gardener, to an NFL line backer. She can take you to the next level in your fitness with one on one training, group classes, or virtual training anywhere you can get online. Find her at

Why Battle at the Border?

The days are getting longer, the air is getting warmer and the streets are getting fuller. And you know what that means, yes, another Boarder Battle against our northern rivals in Wilmington. We won our first match showing the group spirit as taught by our fearless leader, Roscoe Griffin. But last year Wilmington came back with a vengeance, changing their club rules to make participation a near necessity, while we were perhaps too complacent. 

This year we need everyone to come out for the most fun race of the year and show what a great club we are a part of with the Grand Strand Running Club. We aren't looking for the fastest of the fast ... we're looking for the club to come together as a group. Every runner, regardless of speed, counts as a member of the Grand Strand Running Club. Your paces don't count. We need strength in numbers and unity is the key to our success. Join for a fun run and an opportunity to bond with all members in the club.

The focus of this race is not a competition. The Border Battle was created to bring the GSRC together as a united front, displaying our uniformity and strength as a group of individuals with a common interest. Our number one goal is to gather our members together to illustrate the club's overall interest in running and friendship.

So mark your calendar, cancel your vacation plans and get out your war paint or tutu, whatever showing spirit might be for you! Join us for a fun run, good conversation and refreshing popsicles! This is our opportunity to get to know each and every member, regardless of your location in the Grand Strand. But most importantly, show up, because we all want you there. Win or lose, we do this together!

Click here to register. 
You must be a current GSRC member to participate.

Date: July 25
Time: 8:30am
Location: Indigo Farms market
--article submitted by Ryan Dion

Half Marathon Training Group

Start: Saturday, August 1
End: Sunday October 18
Time: 7:00AM
Meeting place: Behind YMCA, 62nd Ave and Hwy 17
Requirements: Should be able to run 3-5 miles by August 1

A half marathon training program designed to help you through longer mileage training days, taught by certified RRCA coaches and accompanied by GSRC members.

Half Marathon Training Program Details:
Target Event: Myrtle Beach Mini-Marathon - Sunday October 18, 2015
Weekly sessions meet on Saturdays at 7AM and include:
* Weekly Educational Component
* Supported long runs with hydration and mapped routes
* Access to Certified Running Coaches
* Warmup drills, Cooldown, Stretching
* Friendly, Enthusiastic and Encouraging Instructors and Participants!

$50 for non members, includes year long GSRC membership
$30 for current members

**Mini Marathon race cost IS NOT included in training fee. You must register for the race on your own. Click here to register for the Half-Marathon.
Pelicans Baseball Club Social
Even though the game was rained out, club members still 
managed to have a good time!

Ryan and Misty Dion
Matthew and Lorena Cutright
Alison Hamilton and Jane Serues

Jim Sibley
Joe Tiso and Danielle Hunt

Welcome to these new club members

Ashley Kronenwetter
Jennifer Barrett
Rachel Tipton
Judy Phelps
Kevin Pontiff
Shawn Petrill
Sherry Greene
Pat Brooks
Andrew Badi
Sally Brown
Traci Mincey
Janet Bunting
Tasha Litton
Kennedy Bassard
Julie Walsh
Jeremy Heinold
Heather Gannoe
Laura Jensen
Debbie Schuler
Russell Dozier
Alexandra Cooper


Hell Hole Hundred

by Cliff Cox


Some element of the unknown has to be there to entice me off the recliner, sweat some inconvenient workouts, eliminate the cheeseburgers, and cut back on Mom's homemade biscuits (can't possibly eliminate those). But winning or placing is not my motivation because it's simply not feasible so I need something else and I like the idea of something that's a little beyond my limits ...


The Hell Hole Hundred, "the most unfortunate race on the East Coast" and "a devil of a good time" seemed like a good choice.


June 6, 2015, put on by Eagle Endurance and race director extraordinaire, Chad Haffa. There were several distance processions; 140.6 miles dubbed the "El Diablo, "100 miles, 100k, and 60k all tediously engineered by Race Director Chad for maximum pain and mental anguish ensuring partakers a "devil of a good time" deep down in the bowels of the great and mighty Hell Hole Swamp. 100k had been my hankering since that day and night of riding volunteer on my mountain bike last year in June at the inaugural event. I was hooked on the idea ... and, the challenge. Somehow, it seemed cool to run all day and night. But could I pull it off with one year of trail training and not being a good or experienced runner of any sorts?


I trained as much and as specific as I could during the year and made the best race plan I could but in the end, I knew very well that completing 100k was a long shot ... VERY long. Walking, crawling, and a little light jogging, I was barely able to finish the Last Chance 50k back in December. Training afterwards had continued very well until May 2nd when I went up against 50k on the Hulk during X-terra weekend. Directly, I had my fanny handed to me and was brazenly sent home. Everything was going well until the 4th lap when my left foot went south and I figured my Hell Hole Hundred delusions, only 5 weeks away, was out the window. After 2 weeks of total rest, the injury relapsed on a light treadmill workout. I held off on HHH

registration. 2 more weeks of rest and I was able to make an easy run with no pain but for sure, it would be the shortcoming of my HHH attempt. At the last minute, I showed up for on-site registration and started running the plan...


I had 3 loops of roughly 18 miles plus a short out & back to make my 62. After the first loop, it was clear the next 2 loops were going to be nearly impossible. But as I checked in, I was given some news; news straight from Hell Hole!


The night before, the El Diablo nuts ran a couple loops (to complete their 140.6 along with the main event on Saturday) and they reported a particular part of the trail to be waist deep in standing water. Race Director Chad, always on the ball, decided to modify the course for the Saturday events.


I was only supposed to do 3 loops and now I gotta get my head around doing 3 MORE. Initially, I could see 2 and could faintly imagine 3 loops, but 4 loops was out of my realm. My brain was already cluster bungled after the first loop but I could still throw down some rudimentary math; 4 loops of 16.25 is 65 miles. Nobody said nothing about 65 miles! I DID NOT sign up for 65. 62? Ok. But 65? No!


Arriving back to the finish line, it was clear I could never do 2 more loops. I was cooked and my feet and ankles were so sensitive I could hardly stand upright without teeth gritting. At that point, I downgraded to the 60k and after a short breather, I went out towards Hell Hole Road again for the final 4.7 miles to complete the 37.2 miles.


So, another case of 'biting off more than I could chew' but I WAS able to slightly bump up my resume to include 60k. I like trail running and will continue doing some tough events at or beyond my ability until next year when, once again, I'll be flirting with 100k at the one and only ...... The Hell Hole Hundred


Bear Lake  Marathon Trifecta

3 marathons in 3 days in 3 states! 
Congratulations to club member Christine Rockey on winning all 
3 marathons at the Bear Lake  Marathon Trifecta last weekend! 


Volunteers needed for 
our upcoming events! 

July 25: Battle at the Border vs. Wilmington Road Runners Club

September 19: Park Sweep 5K

If interested, please email Erin Walters at


Thanks to our sponsors!
If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please email for more information.

Sports Radio 100.3
Black Dog Running Company
Festival Promotions
Coastal Timing
Troxell Chiropractic
Burro Loco