Grand Strand Running Club Newsletter 
Issue: #025
May 2015 
GSRC Events


June 18:

Thirsty Thursday at the Pelicans Baseball Game 7:05pm.

Meet at the ticket office by 5:30pm to get seats together


July 25:

Battle at the Border

Cross Country style race pitting the GSRC vs. Wilmington Road Runners

Click here to register 


Aug. 1-Oct. 18: 

Half Marathon Training Program

Click here to register 


September 19: 

Park Sweep 5K


October 30: 

Running Dead 5K


November 21: 

Race to Save Hearts 5K


Quick Links

Grand Prix Races

Jan 24: NMB Winter Run 5K OR 15K

Feb 14: Myrtle Beach Marathon OR Half-Marathon

Mar 7: BFF Pink Ribbon Run 5K and/or 10K

March 28: Run for the Shelter 5K

May 3: Cinco de Mayo 5K

May 9: Little River May 5K 

May 24: Brookgreen Gardens 5K

July 4: Independence Day 8K
Click here to register 

Sep 19: Park Sweep 5K 

Oct 18: Myrtle Beach Mini-Marathon (half-marathon)
Click here to register 

Nov: Turtle Strut 5K

Nov 21: Race to Save Hearts 5K

Nov 26: Surfside Beach Turkey Trot 10K

Dec 5: Reindeer Run 5K

Membership Information 
Check your membership status and re-enroll online. 
Log in at  
to check your status. 
If you have any questions about membership, 
please contact
Special Interest

Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers  are always
welcome and needed. If you would like to volunteer for an upcoming event, click here.


Specialists in Irish Marathon Trips


"Run Away with us to Ireland"


Lakes of Killarney Marathon

July, 2015


Killarney Marathon Information

or call

Ed@ 843-504-1440


GSRC Board Members

Roscoe Griffin

Murray Honick

Matthew Cutright

Erin Walters


GSRC Committees

Jane Serues

Race Director/Scholarships
Jim Troxell

Christine Rockey

Kids Running
Terry Layton

Grand Prix
Melissa Kavanagh

Lorena Cutright

Erin Walters 

Dawn White

**If you are interested in serving on one of the committees, please email Roscoe Griffin

Freedom Is Not Free
- Kelly Strong

I watched the flag pass by one day.
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.

I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.

Dawn White-Editor
Tips for Running in the Heat  
By Joe Muldowney
They dubbed it, "The Duel in the Sun." Alberto Salazar and Dick Beardsley, America's top marathon runners, battled for 26.1 miles, in 85-degree, mid-April heat at the 1982 Boston Marathon. Salazar prevailed, edging Beardsley in the final tenth of a mile. But Salazar paid a steep price. His body was severely dehydrated, and his core temperature soared to a near-death 105 degrees. He was plunged into an ice bath, and intravenous fluids were pumped into his arms. By his own admission, he was never the same runner after that race.

Make no mistake: running in the heat can produce potentially deadly results. If proper measures are taken, however, blast furnace temperatures and tropical humidity can be dealt with safely.

First and foremost, be sure you are properly hydrated. It is nearly impossible to drink too much during hot conditions. Water, the principal component of our bodies, is the best form of hydration. Drink plenty of it, before and after you run. Be sure to plant water along your route if you plan on doing a long run. Many of us enjoy the refreshment of a cold beer after a summer run. Keep in mind, however, that alcohol will dehydrate you, as will caffeine. Be cautious with both if the temperature is hot.

Seek shade, which can drop the temperature by as much as ten degrees. Try to run early or late, when the rays of the sun are not as direct, and apply a sunscreen that is designed for athletes.

Get to the nearest pool, hose, or ocean when you complete your run, as water will drop your body temperature quickly. Spraying cold water from a garden hose on your legs will refresh them for your next run.

Take advantage of the many quick-drying fabrics available for runners these days, and wear light colored clothing that reflects, rather than absorbs the sun.

Finally, summer is a time to go short and fast. Take a few weeks off from long runs, and concentrate on short, fast workouts.

And, if you feel dizzy, disoriented, or if your body stops producing sweat, these are signs of severe dehydration. Stop immediately, cool down, and drink water.

Summer is a great time of year for runners. By taking a few simple precautions, you can keep your summer running both safe and enjoyable.

**Joe Muldowney has been a competitive runner since 1976, owning a personal best marathon time of 2:22:54. He is a veteran of 54 marathons, 48 under the 3:00 mark, and 12 under 2:30. At age 57, he turned in a marathon time of 2:58:54. Joe has run the Boston Marathon 16 times, and in Personal Best, he writes his account of the events at the tragic 2013 race. Check out his website

Run Sunset Beach Half Marathon
by John Cord 

Sunset Beach, NC was a lovely location to run my first 1/2 marathon. I arrived about 1/2 hour before the start, which was plenty of time to pick up my registration packet and t-shirt. I even had enough time to use the facilities, despite the long line, once the men re-claimed the men's room. Drinking a coffee/energy drink before the race was a tough decision but it turned out to be the right call. I did skip breakfast but carried along numerous energy bars and drinks on my back.

Following a pacer was something new for me and I chose to run with the 3 hour pacer. They were a nice couple from Wilmington pushing along their newborn baby. I was able to keep up with the 13:40 pace pretty well until the bridge. Running and walking kept me within 100 yards of the pacer until about mile 9. At this point, I picked up my pace with a lady running in the name of Pat Tillman. We moved ahead of the pacer. She was very nice and a couple of miles disappeared rather quickly until I came to the bridge once again. It was here that I realized picking up the pace was the wrong thing to do. The pacer rushed by me as I became light headed and had to slow down and reach into my bag of goodies. I ate half of a peanut butter power bar and drank a green tea going across the bridge. The pacer had disappeared and my ability to run/walk disappeared with them.

The last two miles seemed to take forever but I finished in 3:08 and a welcome committee from the GSRC met me at the finish line, congratulated me, photographed me, and directed me to the food. 


3 things I loved about the 1/2 marathon
1. Finishing!  
2. Following a pacer
3. Seeing GSRC members at the end.  It means a lot to us slower runners to see a familiar face at the finish line

**John is a Special education teacher at NMBMS. He began running at the end of December with the Race Into the New Year in Barefoot and has been a member of the GSRC since the MB marathon.


Why Battle at the Border?

The days are getting longer, the air is getting warmer and the streets are getting fuller. And you know what that means, yes, another Boarder Battle against our northern rivals in Wilmington. We won our first match showing the group spirit as taught by our fearless leader, Roscoe Griffin. But last year Wilmington came back with a vengeance, changing their club rules to make participation a near necessity, while we were perhaps too complacent. 

This year we need everyone to come out for the most fun race of the year and show what a great club we are a part of with the Grand Strand Running Club. We aren't looking for the fastest of the fast ... we're looking for the club to come together as a group. Every runner, regardless of speed, counts as a member of the Grand Strand Running Club. Your paces don't count. We need strength in numbers and unity is the key to our success. Join for a fun run and an opportunity to bond with all members in the club.

The focus of this race is not a competition. The Border Battle was created to bring the GSRC together as a united front, displaying our uniformity and strength as a group of individuals with a common interest. Our number one goal is to gather our members together to illustrate the club's overall interest in running and friendship.

So mark your calendar, cancel your vacation plans and get out your war paint or tutu, whatever showing spirit might be for you! Join us for a fun run, good conversation and refreshing popsicles! This is our opportunity to get to know each and every member, regardless of your location in the Grand Strand. But most importantly, show up, because we all want you there. Win or lose, we do this together!

Click here to register. 
You must be a current GSRC member to participate.

Date: July 25
Time: 8:30am
Location: Indigo Farms market
--article submitted by Ryan Dion
GSRC High School Grant Winners

Congratulations to this year's 
scholarship grant winners!

Jimmy Recinos-Myrtle Beach High School-will attend Spartanburg Methodist College
Ingrid Edge-North Myrtle Beach High School-will attend Winthrop-Spartanburg Methodist College

Nicholas Beale-Carolina Forest High School-will attend the University of South Carolina

Courtni Hyatt-North Myrtle Beach High School-will attend Charleston Southern University
Pizza ala Roma
Thanks to George, owner of Pizza ala Roma for hosting our May Social. As usual, the food was excellent! The next social will be June 18 at the Pelican's Baseball game. Make plans to join us!
Volunteers needed for 
our upcoming events! 

July 25: Battle at the Border vs. Wilmington Road Runners Club

September 19: Park Sweep 5K

If interested, please email Erin Walters at


Stop by Black Dog Running Company and pick one up today! Enjoy the fresh, new colors for just $10.00 each!

Thanks to our sponsors!
If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please email for more information.

Sports Radio 100.3
O'Donovan Travel
Black Dog Running Company
Myrtle Beach Marathon
Coastal Timing
Troxell Chiropractic
Burro Loco