The Grand Voice
Summer 2020 
Vol. 4, Issue 1
Top Stories

New Tools Elevate Cultural Strengths and Helps Organizations Better Support Families

Generations United is excited to release two new toolkits that feature grandfamilies-related content on the racism, bias and justice in the juvenile justice system, policing and courts and how it impacts Black and Brown people. The first, created in partnership with the National Indian Child Welfare Association, focuses on American Indian and Alaskan Native grandfamilies. The other focuses on African American grandfamilies. Learn more

Virtual Racial Equity Convening 
In Mid-July, Generations United hosted our third Racial Equity Convening supported by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's convening was held virtually over three days. Members of Generations United's Racial Equity Initiative joined the convening from across the country and participated in workshops and plenaries to further hone their advocacy skills. The below picture is a snapshot from our closing celebration. We asked members of the network to wear hats or head coverings to celebrate three years of their hard work.

Grandfamilies in the NewsGFNews
Other Articles of Interest

Policy in ActionPIA

COVID-19 Response
Congress passed several bills in response to the impact of COVID-19. The largest to date-the CARES Act-includes funds that could benefit grandfamilies, but state and local governments are given some flexibility on how they may use the money. They need to be educated on the needs of grandfamilies and the types of supports and services that can help in order to ensure they use the funds to help grandfamilies. These documents can help

Congress is currently negotiating another major federal COVID response package. 
Generations United has been advocating for the inclusion of provisions to specifically help grandfamilies.

Generations United supported the following relevant bills: 
  • Child Welfare Emergency Assistance Act: Includes additional funds for kinship navigator programs and funds to child welfare agencies to provide emergency assistance to grandfamilies such as housing, utilities and transportation. 
  • Pandemic TANF Assistance Act: Includes emergency assistance TANF funds to help families avoid emergencies including keeping children in the homes of relatives.

Executive Order on Child Welfare
In June the White House released an Executive Order on Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America's Children. It included language about enhancing support for kinship families and youth exiting foster care, addressing barriers to accessing federal assistance and benefits, and promoting Guardianship Assistance Programs.

Racial Equity and Justice
Recent protests across the country calling for racial equity and justice have led to the introduction of relevant legislation led by the Congressional Black Caucus and has inspired increased discussion about how to address racial biases and disproportionately in the child welfare system. While it is not likely that Congress will come to agreement on legislative action until after the election, stay tuned for updates on relevant briefings and other opportunities to raise your voices with Congress on issues related to racial justice and child welfare. 
Grand Voices on the MoveGV
Here are some additional highlights of GrAND Voices activities:


Affirming and Nurturing Racial Identity and Equality in Children
This workshop explores messages and actions that caregivers may adopt to promote equality and justice as core values for children. Specific guidelines will be addressed for creating an environment where children learn to value diversity and prejudice and discrimination. Learn more.

Episode 12 of The Generations United Podcast
In this episodeRobyn Wind-Tiger explained the racial inequities faced by American Indian & Alaskan Natives and discussed the importance of culturally relevant supportive services for grandfamilies of color. 

Healthful Tools On Deck for Alliance for Early Success
The Eatable Alphabet Cards and Sprout  Magazine are part of Chop Chop Family's ongoing effort to democratize nutrition education with expert content, beautiful photography, and fun, culturally-inclusive and engaging content. Learn more

COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families
This fact sheet provides information for grandfamilies to stay healthy, informed and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more

Hoja informativa de COVID-19 para familias lideradas por abuelos y otros parientes ("grandfamilies") y familias multigeneracionalesAprende más.

New Resources from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) and from the IRS to Help Eligible People Get Their Economic Impact Payments (Stimulus Checks)
CBPP just issued a new analysis on the estimated 12 million people who are eligible for EIPs but who must file an online form with the IRS to claim the funds. The paper provides demographic information about the group, includes state by state numbers, and offers suggestions for steps that states as well as community service providers can take to help this group of very vulnerable individuals claim the substantial EIP payment ($1,200 for adults and $500 for children). They also developed resources, through their Get it Back campaign, that organizations can use to support EIP outreach. Learn more.

The IRS also released some new information at the Economic Impact Payment Information Center. This includes information about how individuals who used the non-filers tool and did not get the child payment can receive that payment. Learn more.

Episode 6 of the Family Voices United Podcast
In this episodeBette Hoxie and other guests discussed how COVID-19 affects the everyday life of families connected to the child welfare system. 

Supporting Grandfamilies through the COVID-19 Crisis
The document highlights actions local decision makers can take to support grandfamilies during these crises. Learn more

Helping Agencies Prioritize Kinship Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked economic turmoil, leaving child welfare agencies bracing for budget cuts at the local, state and federal level. The Annie E. Casey Foundation's latest fact sheet, written for child welfare agencies nationwide, explores how kinship care can support children. It also shares ways that agencies can support kin families during these challenging times. Learn more.

Grandfamilies as Advocates
This doc raises the visibility of the unique challenges and solutions for grandfamilies with people who can make change in your state or community. Learn more

Episode 19 of the Last Day Podcast
In this episodeJoanne Cough shared the heartfelt story of how one family is adjusting to raising a child, spreading awareness about addiction, and advocating for better policies to help families like theirs. 

Weaving Community: Telling your Story During the Crisis
The pandemic and recent killings of black men and women have, once again, put a harsh light on America's divisions, broken politics and suffering. Weave: The Social Fabric Project launched the #WeavingCommunity campaign along with 300 community partners to ensure this crisis drives us together, not apart. Learn more.

Coronavirus Pandemic, Opioid Epidemic Converge to Affect Grandparents and Traumatized Children
While the United States struggles to manage the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic continues to ravage individuals, families, and communities. In their commentary, Grandparents and Traumatized Children: Where Two Epidemics Converge, the authors suggest ways that policymakers can strengthen these families and the social service organizations that support them. The commentary, along with a number of other articles about the COVID-19 pandemic, can be found here.

COVID-19: Child Welfare Resources
The National Conference of State Legislatures has published four resource guides to help state legislators address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on children, families and caseworkers involved with the child welfare system. There is one guide focused on kinship caregivers. You can access the guides here.

Episode 4 of the DC KinCare Alliance Podcast
In this episode, special guest Marie Cohen discusses the intersection of child welfare and virtual schooling during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

14 Ways to Turn Your Coronavirus Cabin Fever into Climate Action
Grist put together a to-do list of daily climate-related activities that can done while physical distancing. Learn more

Internet Options for Families on Low Income
For students of low-income families, the classroom's dependence on technology poses an issue not considered by teachers and policymakers. Thankfully, families can sometimes save as much as $50 a month through government-funded programs and options from internet service providers. These options are generally underused, oftentimes because families are not aware of them. Learn more.

Nine Steps to Respite for Grandfamilies
This fact sheet is a guide for getting the respite care you deserve. By reading it, you will have a better understanding of the resources that are available, what you can expect, and how to select a high quality service that best meets the needs of your family. Learn more.

Episode 5 of the Family Voices United Podcast
In this episodeVictoria Gray and other guests share what authentic engagement looks like, tips/advice for those looking to engage constituents well and discuss what language welcomes and values constituents. 

Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance
Using his own personal experiences as a Native American grantmaker and foundation executive--along with field data and dozens of funder interviews--Edgar Villanueva reveals the racial and colonialist dynamics at play in philanthropy and finance, including banks, investment funds, and aid organizations. Learn more.

Episode 7 of the Family Voices United Podcast
In this episode, Magdalena Andreozzi and other guests discuss the importance of prioritizing self-care to keep you and family mentally, emotionally and physically well during a crisis. 

Guidance for Children and Families Involved with the Child Welfare System During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During crises such as the current pandemic, the protection of family integrity for children and families involved in the child welfare system remains extremely important. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) affirms that a stable home and caregiver are important to nurturing a child's development and preventing trauma that can affect a child across the lifespan. This guidance is designed to support the continuation and improvement of that critical work so that all children and families may flourish. Learn more.
Grand Voice is an e-resource for
grandfamily advocates and their allies distributed by Generations United's National Center on Grandfamilies. Grand Voice seeks to highlight key resources, policy updates, action opportunities, and program highlights to inspire and improve services and supports to grandfamilies across the U.S. Sign up for Generations United's weekly e-newsletter, Generations This Week here.

Do you have something you want to have considered for inclusion in an upcoming issue of the Grand Voice? Please contact Alan King at