In 2019, Miravis-Ace was evaluated for controlling Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) and Deoxynivalenol (DON) content in wheat. Miravis-Ace is a new, SDHI mode of action, fungicide from Syngenta for controlling FHB in small grains. It is claimed by the company to provide a broader window of application. A susceptible wheat variety was used for the study and the effect of the new fungicide at four-time points (50% head emergence, early flowering, late flowering, and end of flowering) was evaluated. Although no major statistical differences were observed, still numerically the best stage of application of Miravis-Ace was found to be flowering. Application at flowering with Miravis-Ace provided the lowest DON content and disease index in the wheat variety tested as compared to other stages of application.
For 2020, the University of Maryland is working on developing a robust of best management practices for controlling FHB and DON in grains, working on a two-year project where they can experiment with various combinations of genetic resistance, fungicide combinations to control FHB and DON content. A cost-benefit analysis of fungicide application on small grains wheat and barley will also be performed.
MGPUB has funded this research since 2018, totaling $40,000.