Yamilka Portorreal Grantee Feature

"Aging Elders" exhibit and project

See Ben Altman's "I Own This Stolen Land"

CAP ArtSpace Exhibit

January 26th, Kenzie Allen Poetry Reading

part of Ben's exhibit with "Making Mends Meet"

Celebrating CAP's grantees, donors, & sponsors

CAP Honorees Yen Ospina, Caleb Thomas, and Martha Frommelt

Thank you for an amazing 2024

We wish you the best for an artful and creative 2025!

Ithaca is ranked #2

Top 10 most arts-vibrant medium-sized communities in the US

Upcoming Area Arts Events

Take part in our remarkable arts community

Grantee Feature - Yamilka Portorreal

"Aging Ithacans" exhibit through March 17 at Lifelong

Yamilka Portorreal is a multimedia artist born and partially raised in the Dominican Republic, and is currently based in Ithaca.

Yamilka approached CAP over a year ago with a wonderful idea that was a perfect fit for our Artist in Community Grant.

Their funded project and resulting exhibit is deeply inspired by a commitment to celebrate the joy, wisdom, and experiences of elders in Tompkins County.

Yamilka spent ten months interviewing, drawing, and forging connections with residents of Lifelong and McGraw House.

The resulting exhibit, Aging Ithacans, features ten drawings with accompanying interviews, and is currently on display at Lifelong through March 17th. Be sure to check it out!

Here's a pdf of one of Yamilka's interviews with Betty Spero (left)

A passage from Yamilka's artist statement beautifully captures their ethos: “Through my art, I invite viewers to join me on a visual journey where the beauty of life, culture, and memories converge. I hope that my work sparks appreciation for the beauty of everyday life and everyday people.”

Exhibit Location:

Lifelong, 119 W. Court Street, Ithaca, NY 14850

To See Exhibit through March 17!

Call Lifelong directly to learn when the exhibit is available as the room is often hosting classes) 607-273-1511

Learn more about Yamilka: yamilkaportorreal.com

See Ben Altman's Exhibit through January 31

Come to Sunday, January 26th Events!

Come see this exhibit!

Ben Altman’s "I Own This Stolen Land" explores the artist’s ownership of 38 acres of rural land in rural Tompkins County. “My title to this land originates in settler-colonial genocide. What are my responsibilities? What threatens the land? What are the possibilities for repair?”

The project includes text-sculptures, photographs, video, and performance. It also provides collaborative access to the land for Gayogohó:nǫˀ (Cayuga) people, the displaced Indigenous inhabitants, for traditional and arts activities and for an enriched relationship to their homelands.

Learn more at benaltman.net.

Sunday, January 26th events

12:30pm Make Mends Meet

2:00pm Kenzie Allen Poetry Reading

Make Mends Meet will hold a session of mending and conversation starting at 12:30. Bring clothes that need repair, socks with holes, or new sewing projects, and discuss repairs to the world - or anything else - while you work. Some patching materials, needles, thread, etc. will be available, and/or bring your own.

At 2:00 Poet Kenzie Allen (Oneida) will read her poetry and speak with artist Ben Altman. This event is co-sponsored by Buffalo Street Books and Story House Ithaca. Kenzie will sign copies of her new book, Cloud Missives (Tin House, 2024).

LOCATION: CAP ArtSpace, 110 N. Tioga Street (Tompkins Center for History and Culture on the Commons)

See all 2025 CAP ArtSpace Exhibits and Hours: Artspartner.org

Thank you to our annual CAP ArtSpace sponsor, Coughlin & Gerhart!

Celebrating CAP's grantees, donors, & sponsors

CAP Honorees Yen Ospina, Caleb Thomas and Martha Frommelt

On November 15th, 2024 CAP held a Celebration of the Arts for our donors, sponsors, and recent grantees.

Over 100 people gathered at the Downtown Ithaca Conference Center for an evening of food, music, and celebration.

We were thrilled to thank our generous sponsors and donors, and to recognize our 2024 Tompkins County grant recipients.

(Left to right: Megan Barber. CAP Executive Director, Yen Ospina, Caleb Thomas, Martha Frommelt,. Robin Schwartz, CAP Program & Grant Director)

In 2024, we awarded 63 organizational grants and 100 individual artist grants, totaling $595,000 in funding. Since 1993, we’ve distributed over $7.5 million to support local initiatives and artists, and we look forward to continuing this vital work for years to come!

Three awards were given to community leaders in recognition of their efforts in building a vibrant arts community in Tompkins County. The recipients were celebrated for their dedication and leadership in supporting the arts, and their heartfelt comments were appreciated by all.

Yen Ospina and Caleb Thomas were the recipients of CAP's Community Arts Catalyst Award for spearheading the creation of vibrant art and arts opportunities in Tompkins County, and Martha Frommelt was the recipient of CAP's Friend of the Arts Award for her generous support of the Community Arts Partnership’s mission and her commitment to advancing the Arts throughout Tompkins County.

Read the full article with lots of details about our honorees!

Thank you to our supporters, sponsors,

and friends for a powerful 2024!

Because above all, the Community Arts Partnership is just that – a partnership. And it takes all of us working hand in hand to make our community a work of art.


The arts groups and organizations that collaborate and adapt and make opportunities for all of us to experience the arts.

The artists that through their creations help us make meaning of the world, understand our interconnectedness, and light a way forward to the world we want to live in.

The audiences that open their hearts to art and allow themselves to feel, learn, grow, and connect.

The donors and sponsors whose combined generosity gives energy to help the arts flourish.

We wish you the best for an artful and creative 2025!

1st Column top to bottom: LilySilly Puppets Parade - GAP Grant; Artists Sarah Lopez and Tia Eytina, artists in Yen Ospina's BIPOC exhibit in CAP ArtSpace. / 2nd Column top to bottom: Rachel Beverly at GAP funded Ellis Hollow Concerts; Winniebell Zong reading at the our Spring Writes Literary Festival; Award Ceremony with CAP E.D. Megan Barber, awardees Yen Ospina, Caleb Thomas, Martha Frommelt and CAP's Robin Schwartz / 3rd column top to bottom: Caroline Elementary students in Ann Reichlin's Arts Education grant project; Ryan Curtis at CAP's Ithaca Artist Market; CAP ArtSpace Exhibit / 4th column top to bottom: Painters at GAP grant funded Reggae Fest; Kathy Lucas GAP grant funded dance project with Hospicare

Ithaca is ranked #2 among the top 10 most arts-vibrant medium-sized communities in the US!

SMU DataArts, the National Center for Arts Research, releases an annual ranking of the 40 most arts-vibrant communities in the US.

This year, Ithaca is ranked second of the10 most arts-vibrant medium communities in the nation— the highest ranking it has ever achieved!

“The recognition of the Ithaca area as a top arts-vibrant community underscores the importance of the arts to our region, both in terms of quality of life and as an economic engine,” says Megan Barber, CAP's Executive Director. "Join us in celebrating Ithaca's remarkable arts community and the passionate creators who make it all possible!

Read the full article.

Visions Cares

Need support for your community project or nonprofit? Through Visions Cares, it’s easy

to apply online for grants, sponsorships, volunteers, and more. Learn more or submit your request at visionsfcu.org/cares.

Thank you to Visions for sponsoring our monthly ArtsLetter!

Arts Opportunities

Roberson Museum is seeking submissions for the Museum's Regional Art Exhibition in May (held every five years). Submission is free. First, second, and third prize winners receive $2,500, $1,250, and $500.

Deadline: February 7th, 2025. roberson.org/regional2025

Upcoming Area Arts Events

Great Sources for Local Events Listings:



So much music - so many concert series!!!


Comedy Events


Buffalo Street Books  


Canaan Institute

Traditional Music / Outdoor Activities.


Cayuga Chamber Orchestra

Chamber Series: Mozart and Shaw, Unitarian Church

Sunday, Jan 26, 3:00 pm


Cherry Arts Gallery

Signal Flow, a Collection of Curious Machines by Norm Scott

Jan. 31 - Mar 9



See what's playing at


Circus Culture

Check out their drop-in classes


Community School of Music and Arts

Explore their programs. Check out their latest exhibit, rent rehearsal and event space!


Cornell Concert Series


Corners Gallery  

See their latest exhibit: Drawing Invitational through Jan. 10


Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers

Watch concert recordings


Gallery Nights!

First Friday of every month in downtown Ithaca


Gallery at South Hill  

Small Works Invitational, Jan 25-Feb. 23


Greater Ithaca Activities Center

Do you know about all of their programs?


Here's where you'll find their events!


Hangar Theatre

Always something happening. See schedule


Ink Shop Printmaking Center

Exhibits and workshops!


Ithaca Ballet

WinterDance 2025

Feb. 8, Hangar Theatre


Ithaca Community Orchestra

National Sounds

Saturday, May 10, Ford Hall, Ithaca College


Ithaca Concert Band

Spring Concert

Ford Hall, Sunday, March 16th, 4:00 p.m.


Johnson Museum   

Free and open to all.


Kitchen Theatre

The Brobot Adventure, Feb.12-23


Mix Art Gallery


Opus School of Music

Classes! Scholarships available!


Poetry and Prose Open Mics and other great events!

at The Downstairs

Southside Community Center

Check out their social media on facebook and follow them on instagram

State of the Art Gallery  

See their programs and exhibits


State Theatre

Upcoming shows at


Story House Ithaca

Upcoming events: book club, story nights, mending circle, listening room and more!



Tompkins County Public Library  

There are always great events at the library!



Your support makes art happen.

Learn more and donate now at our website: ArtsPartner.org


Facebook: /ArtsPartner

Email: Programs@artspartner.org