Six Months with Much Bigger Things to Come.

My "new wonderful," will be marking its six month anniversary in less than two weeks.  To celebrate the occasion, I wanted to share something really big with you. No...I take that back. I wanted to share something REALLY, REALLY BIG.

Having been on a health conscious diet for quite some time, this aura of "bigness," brought naughty thoughts to my mind ---and palette. Tantalizing temptations of a Big Mac served alongside a Big Gulp immediately taunted me. Then I started envisioning how we would devour this sinful indulgence together during a screening of, "My Big, Fat Greek Wedding," followed  "Big Mama's House," with none other than Mr. Tom Hanks topping off the evening in "Big."  Yes, this has now become a Big Adventure that will require more time to digest and decide.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the launch (pun intended) of our first official newsletter featuring "grief," along with big ideas on marketing, branding, and more. Your comments are welcome and encouraged.

As always, thank you for your support, friendship and trust.

My Graphic Grief.
I’ve had the absolute privilege to organize and direct exhibition activities from Shanghai to Shenzhen, from Munich to Mumbai, from San Diego, San Jose and beyond.  No matter the location, I just can’t seem to get over my, “graphic grief.”  

Graphic grief can be debilitating for anyone responsible for managing their company’s trade show involvement. At times, many of us have been known to succumb to this scourge by allowing ourselves to produce graphics with headlines that involve a big yawn, teeny tiny text that rambles, and imagery that lacks the creative and instead defaults to generic pictures and cliché slogans that add no compelling or differentiated value.  Given the large investment your company makes in booth space and structure, as well as the growing cost of show services and booth staffing, not taking the time to treat graphic grief would be regrettable.
Launch Letters
Published by The PCB Magazine, and other  I-Connect007 media outlets,  Launch Letters offers "no holds barred" perspectives and best practices on marketing, branding, public relations, events and much more! As a long time friend and colleague said, "Watch out world, Barry's off his leash."
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