Welcome to the Grass Roots Irregular!
Fun & frequent dispatches from Corvallis' indie bookstore

Virtual Event Alert!
Wednesday, October 7th, at 7:00
Join us and the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library for a conversation with Terry Virts, author of How to Astronaut: An Insider's Guide to Leaving Planet Earth.

This event will take place on Go To Webinar. Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6896489182254918157
Colonel Virts was the pilot of STS-130 mission aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour. In March 2015, Virts assumed command of the International Space Station, and spent over 200 days on board. Virts is one of the stars (and photographers) of the IMAX film A Beautiful Planet, released in April 2016. He is also the author of View from Above (National Geographic, 2017). He lives near Houston.

Joining the conversation with Colonel Virts will be Dr. Kyle Niemeyer, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at OSU. He leads the Niemeyer Research Group, which uses computational modeling to study fluid flows, including combustion and chemical kinetics, and related topics like parallel computing.