In this issue:
- Big Style with Giant Sacaton
- Grasses and Sedges for Erosion Control
- The Benefits of Raising Cattle on Native Grasses
- Video Glimpses
- We're Hiring!
- Cities Invest in Green Infrastructure
- Green Infrastructure Helps. So Why Isn't There More?
- Greener, Safer Streets
- Upcoming Events
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Big Style With Giant Sacaton
This lesser-known Sporobolus deserves more attention. Sporobolus wrightii is an adaptable Southwestern U.S. native with drought, salt, and alkaline tolerance. It makes a splendid specimen in the landscape. It's also a delightful accent in mixed plantings and a highly ornamental solution to erosion on a slope.
We love this graceful grass with big plumes as a substitute for Miscanthus. It has a visual presence that adds style and structure. And it's easy to manage.
Growers can pot up liners now for summer and fall sales. Our liners are also prime for spring planting on landscape projects
Get the full picture on our plant profile.
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Improving Landscapes with Grasses | |
Grasses and Sedges for Erosion Control | Runoff from steep slopes, banks, and impermeable surfaces can degrade the landscape and trigger erosion. That’s where grasses can help! See which grasses can help make sites better. | | | |
The Benefits of Raising Cattle on Native Grasses | Growing native grasses as cattle forage is an example of working lands conservation—balancing human use of the land with conservation goals. In this opinion article in Modern Farmer, Dr. Pat Keyser of the Center for Native Grasslands Management explains how making the switch to native grasses reaps benefits. | | | |
Video Glimpses
Crops are coming in fast and furious. On social media, we've been sharing greenhouse glimpses to give you a quick look at what's available.
Check out our YouTube channel to see what's prime!
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We're Hiring!
We've got grasses to grow and a nursery to run. To round out our team, we're hiring for several positions:
- Sales and Customer Service Manager
- Sales and Customer Service Assistant
- Section Grower 1
- Office Assistant
- Director of Sales and Marketing
For descriptions and links to apply, visit our Open Positions page.
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Green Infrastructure and Plants at Work | |
Cities Invest in Green Infrastructure | Cities are investing in green infrastructure to solve climate-related problems and promote the health of residents. Strategies include setting ordinances to build more green roofs, planting trees and native plants, and designing community green spaces. Find out what projects are trending and where cities are focusing resources. | | | |
Green infrastructure Helps. So why isn't there more? | Federal agencies are beginning to hand out billions of dollars in infrastructure spending, the largest investment ever made in the country's water system. Much of it will go to improving pipes, drains and stormwater systems. Some scientists and urban planners are pushing to fund green projects that are better adapted to the changing climate. But what are the barriers? | | | |
Greener, Safer Streets
Green streets can provide many environmental, social and economic benefits. The EPA's Green Streets Handbook helps communities select, design, and implement site design strategies and green infrastructure practices for roads, alleys and parking lots.
It's a fascinating look at how we can build a “green and complete street” that is safe and accessible for all users while also being friendlier to the environment and beneficial for the community at large. And yes, plants are a big part of that!
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June 10-11, 2022
Raleigh, NC
The Southeastern Plant Symposium was held for the first time in 2019 but was thwarted in 2020 by the pandemic. The initial symposium was a smashing success, and it's back in person for 2022!
This is a compelling event for plantaholics, plant nerds, nursery professionals, gardeners, and horticulturists. Hosted by the JC Raulston Arboretum and Juniper Level Botanic Garden, they've got plant explorers, plant breeders, nursery folk, and other experts. It's a deep dive into new and cutting-edge plants.
Our marketing director Shannon Currey is on the schedule for Saturday, June 11 to share her Carex intensity. Join us for two days of nothing but plants!
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July 16-19, 2022
Columbus, OH
Cultivate is a must-attend event for the green industry. We are excited to take part and see our friends and colleagues in person. Join us at Booth #3013 for a chance to catch up, share your stories, and hear what's happening with grasses.
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August 1-5, 2022
Lancaster, PA
Registration is open for the Perennial Plant Association 2022 National Symposium. From tours of public and private gardens to education crafted for diverse industry interests, this is THE event for perennial plant people.
The National Symposium will be hosted at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square from August 1-5 of 2022, with tours exploring surrounding areas. Participants will have the opportunity to attend education, tours, socials, dinners, and a trade show and can choose to participate in the weeklong experience (Monday-Friday), or a three-day Core Symposium (Tuesday-Wednesday).
Hoffman Nursery is proud to be a year-round partner with PPA, and we hope to see you there!
Get more information and register here. The early bird deadline is June 24, so don't delay!
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Download Availability & Order Form
Prices for liners, number of liners currently in stock, and future availability are listed in PDF and Excel files. You may also use these as order forms. Need details on what the numbers mean? Learn more here.
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