JFS Middlesex was back in New Brunswick distributing food bags to families attending the YES-ELC St. Ladislaus Preschool's Open House on August 2. Run by Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, parents and children were greeted with bags full of food and faces full of warm smiles. Special thanks to the family workers at YES-ELC for inviting JFS to participate.
JFS welcomed 16 year old Adina, who helped prepare snack bags for this outreach service project. Having heard about JFS Middlesex programs and services from Congregation B'nai Tikvah, Adina was excited to join JFS in feeding local families in need. She hopes to use her experience to help others in the future.
If you are interested in volunteering with JFS or know someone who needs our services, please email office@jfsmiddlesex.org or call 732-777-1940.