Repairing Homes, Revitalizing Communities and Rebuilding Lives
November 2020
A Note From Our Executive Director
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I am reflecting on the many things we are thankful for – our dedicated board and hardworking staff, the opportunity to help homeowners in need, and our rockstar volunteers and partners. Despite a global pandemic, we continue to serve the most vulnerable in our community and couldn’t do it without the tremendous team effort.

Thanksgiving may be different this year, yet the spirit of the holiday remains. On behalf of the entire RTMC team, I want to say thank you. Your commitment to our transformational work is appreciated and we are grateful to have you on our side.

Here’s to moving forward and helping others.
All the best,
Maury Peterson Signature
Maury Peterson
Executive Director
Rebuilding Together Montgomery County
We Need You This Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday, an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the holiday season, is coming soon on Tuesday, December 1. With many of our low-income homeowners in Montgomery County desperately needing help to ensure their home is a safe and healthy place to stay, you can do something this Giving Tuesday to help our neighbors in need.

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County helps provide warmth, safety and independence to the most vulnerable. We currently have a long list of low-income homeowners with no heat, leaky roofs, and major electrical issues that need fixed before the winter weather arrives.

Neighbors helping neighbors — that’s what the world needs right now. With your help, we can accomplish anything!
Getting Ready for Winter
We’re working overtime to complete critical repairs that will prepare our vulnerable neighbors for the upcoming winter. We recently replaced an HVAC system for Mr. and Mrs. W, a senior citizen couple. Our important work means that they will have reliable heating to stay safe and warm in the coming months.

Have you made sure your home is ready for winter? We have some tips for you to help you prepare for whatever may come our way!
A Kind Thank You Note
Our work can be difficult, but it’s never thankless. The neighbors we serve understand the importance of what we do, and they aren’t shy about expressing gratitude for our services. This note that we recently received from a client really moved us, and we want to share it with you. We don’t do this work for praise, but we feel lucky to collaborate with such humble and considerate neighbors.
Honoring Veterans in Our Neighborhood
In honor of Veteran's Day this year, we want to introduce you to John R., a Montgomery County resident, veteran, friend, and recent client of RTMC. Read John's story and his message to our community.
Jerry Liu Recognized For His Dedication
Jerry Liu, a 30-year volunteer with Rebuilding Together Montgomery County, was recently recognized as the 2020 Rebuilding Together Volunteer of the Year! Jerry’s recognition was well-deserved, and we couldn't be more proud of him. Learn more about who Jerry is, what he's done for us, and why he's so special to the team.
COVID-19 Update
We continue to monitor the spread of the virus and adjust our work accordingly for our team and clients’ safety. We will announce any updates to our procedures on our website and social media. For COVID resources and assistance, please visit the county's information portal.
High-Impact Career Opportunity
The AmeriCorps Project Coordinator will have opportunities to interact with residents daily with the goal of improving the application intake process. This position is perfect for a caring, hard-working, and proud MoCo resident. To learn more, visit our careers page.
Shop at Giant and Support Our Mission
Did you know that Giant Foods is raising money for RTMC? When you purchase a Community Bag at the Goshen location this month, Giant will donate $1 towards our essential work. Say goodbye to the bag tax and hello to helping our neighbors!