November 27, 2020
Gratitude & Thanksgiving
Tis the season for expressing gratitude - and here at BRC we have so much to be grateful for.
Despite everything 2020 has thrown our way, we had an amazingly successful Baby Bird Season. We learned to navigate through the chaos with fewer volunteers - but the ones who were able to be here rose to the challenge brilliantly!

We were successful in rehabbing our first ever baby Golden Eagle and returned him to his parents in the wild. Read the entire story as published in the beautiful wildlife magazine Wild Hope (see below for more information).

We have maintained a survival rate of over 80% and admitted over 2,500 birds. Our phone team skillfully evaluated situations with callers preventing over 200 more birds from being 'bird-napped'. (Bird-napping occurs when Good Samaritans with the best of intentions bring birds to the center unnecessarily.)

Our resident Ambassador birds entered the virtual world as we introduced new online learning materials and presentations to replace our in-person activities.

In addition, we successfully surpassed the halfway mark in our efforts to fund a brand new center. The final leg of this journey is to raise the last $3M and we have a Challenge Match underway to kick-start this effort (read more below).

In every accomplishment this year, we recognize how very fortunate we are to have you with us. It is because of you that we are able to continue our life-saving work during this time - a time when it is perhaps needed more than ever before.

You are what I am most grateful for during this season of Thanksgiving.

With all my heart,

Executive Director
Challenge Accepted - And We're Halfway There!
Thanks to tremendous support from our community, I am happy to report we have raised $150,000 toward our Challenge Match goal of $250,000 in just over one month!

If you'll remember, Mary Love is donating $250,000 in memory of her late husband David - that's if we can match that amount with another $250,000 from our supporters. Every dollar donated will be matched by Mary, dollar-for-dollar, all the way up to $250,000. All proceeds will go toward building our new center.

We still need $100,000 to meet the challenge.
With your help, we'll turn Mary's generous gift
of $250,000 into a cool half million!
We've asked a lot this year, and I know many of you have given generously already. Your support has truly been our anchor. If you've given what you can, you have our deepest gratitude.

If, however, you are still willing and able to make a difference, now is the perfect time. Your gift will be doubled in value, dollar-for-dollar, all the way up to $250,000. Will you help us get there?
Wild Hope Covers Our Baby Golden Eagle Story!
This spring, we admitted our first-ever baby Golden Eagle. He had plummeted over 80' to the ground when his nest literally disintegrated out from under him. Fortunately, his nest was being closely monitored by human neighbors who had been watching his parents for many years. They brought him to us for care.

BRC was successful in healing this adorable eaglet, rebuilding his nest and reuniting him with his parents.

Wild Hope, a stunningly beautiful magazine focusing on stories intended to inspire action to preserve our biodiversity heritage and the amazing species with whom we share our planet, covered the story.

We hope you enjoy it!

The story begins on page 24 of Volume 9. Click here to read the full story...
Giving Tuesday is December 1st this year. It's a wonderful reminder to support the organizations doing the work you feel is important.

This year, please consider participating in our Mary & David Love Challenge Match on Giving Tuesday. Any amount you give will be doubled up to $250,000. What better way to make a difference! Click on the box below any time between now and midnight Tuesday to participate in this global event!
The Bird Rescue Center | 707/ 523-2473 | Email