Great Falls Montana Economic Development
Index 1st Quarter 2023
Number of company and partner presenters at Great Falls Ignite 2023: 18
Montana Specialty Mills oil seed plant expansion announced at Ignite: capacity increase from 50 tons/day to 150 tons/day
Pasta Montana plant expansion announced at Ignite: $7 million
Number of 2023 Fire Within female entrepreneur award winners: 26
New developments in West Bank Landing planned for 2023: $26 million
Funds raised by C.M. Russell Museum’s Art and Soul of the West campaign: $40 million
Number of apartments planned in Discovery Meadows development approved by Great Falls City Commission during quarter: 264 units
Soon to be America’s largest producer of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF): Calumet Montana Renewables
Brownfield cleanup grant GFDA approved to support Baatz Permanent Supportive Housing development in downtown Great Falls: $583,925
Number of manufacturers in Cascade County: 233
Number of manufacturers in surrounding rural Golden Triangle counties: 211
Total new companies added to our CRM during quarter: 194
Companies we actively engaged with during quarter: 517
Target activity this quarter (companies and developers we have targeted to try to attract into Great Falls trade area): 87
New targets we identified during quarter: 18
New project leads generated this quarter (companies and developers with planned investments that are considering Great Falls trade area): 77
Existing project leads we worked on during quarter: 24
New projects generated this quarter (investments in Great Falls trade area planned by companies and developers): 25
Existing projects we worked on during quarter: 48
Food, ag, and bio processing companies we worked with during quarter: 66
Business Pitch events we hosted across region during quarter: 2
Entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs, and businesses in Great Falls trade area advised by GFDA during quarter: 125
Of these, number of new advising clients: 72
New capital secured by small business advising clients during quarter: $3,076,175
Entrepreneur and business training sessions offered during quarter: 10
Number of training participants: 116
Businesses active with our Procurement Technical Assistance Center during quarter: 171
Amount of government contracts won by clients during quarter: $43,200,807
GFDA gap and bridge loans approved during quarter: $7,200,000
Additional private investment to be leveraged by GFDA loans: $16,520,000
GFDA gap and bridge loans closed during quarter: $1,788,997
Additional private investment leveraged by GFDA loans: $1,016,263
SBA 504 loans approved by High Plains Financial: $142,000
Additional private investment to be leveraged: $327,870
New loan capital secured by GFDA during quarter: $2,802,275
Current SBA 504 fixed 25-year effective loan interest rate with 10% down: 6.329%
Current 10-year equipment effective fixed rate: 6.768%
Free Brownfield assessments completed during quarter: 2
Free Brownfield assessments in progress: 2
Nonresident tourist spending in Montana in 2021: $4.48 billion
Nonresident tourist spending in Cascade County in 2021: $256 million
Number of Montana businesses that will no longer have to pay equipment tax after legislature raised exemption from $300,000 to $1 million: 5,000
Montana top income tax rate change approved by legislature: lowered from 6.75% to 5.9%
Montana ranking for Overall State Tax Burden before this change: 8th lowest
Number of Montana economic development organizations and CDFI’s that have earned GuideStar Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency: 1 - GFDA!
Economic development organizations that have earned international accreditation: 73
Number in Montana: 2 – GFDA and Big Sky Economic Development
Percentage of cyberattacks aimed at small businesses: 43%
Corporate executives ranking availability of skilled labor as important or very important as a site selection factor: 86%
Ranking availability of energy as important or very important: 82%
Quality of life: 87%
Available land: 78%
Raw materials availability: 61%
Shovel ready sites: 56%
Number of Russians arrested for protesting against the Ukraine invasion: 20,000+
Russians who have fled their country since start of war: 500,000+
Increase in number of people globally suffering an acute shortage of food in 2022: 62 million
New world record for farthest flight by a paper airplane: 88.318 meters
First recorded sighting of Loch Ness monster: 565 AD
For info contact Jolene Schalper at or 1-406-750-4481
PDF of GFDA 2023Q1 Index