GHNO News & Updates
Great Hearts Northern Oaks | Upper School | May 25, 2021
Community Engagement
Community Engagement
GHNO Community Investment

Let's Finish Strong Griffin Families!

As we’re encouraging our students to finish the school year strong, GHNO also asks our families to help us finish strong. At this point in the year, families have had opportunities to give towards our Community Investment Campaign, and we are so thankful for those who have given so generously! If you have yet to support GHNO and would like to you can make a donation here!

We currently have only 50% of our families participating in the Community Investment Campaign- 15% less than last school year! Please help us meet our budgetary needs and give today. Our fiscal year ends June 30, help us finish strong! Remember, even a small gift is helpful.

Every gift counts and matters to us, if you would like to make a gift you can do so here.

We recognize this year has had its struggles, which is why your support is more important than ever!

 Questions? contact DeAnna Macias.
Advocacy Corner
Great Heart Texas Advocacy
  • The Texas Public Charter School Association has been tracking the non-discrimination bill -- HB1348 – that would prohibit cities and municipalities from creating a separate set of rules for charter schools to open and operate. The bill has been sitting in the House Calendars Committee for nearly a month, after which it must be scheduled for a vote on the House floor. Stay tuned for updates and action alerts on this priority legislation through the Texas Public Charter School Association by signing up here.

  • Time to rally our charter community for the last week of the 87th Texas Legislature! Our most urgent issue will be discussed on the House floor on Monday. This issue addresses how cities are discriminating charter schools when it comes to zoning, permitting, and fees. Opponents are telling House member to stand against anything at all that supports charter schools. We need to ensure our community is heard. 

You can help do this in any of these 3 ways:

  1. Complete and share this action alert with fellow charter parents and charter supporters.
  2. Sunday: Virtual March! Virtual March at the Capitol for Students Over Politics on Sunday from 4:00-6:00 pm. Subscribe now to the Texas Public Charter School Association’s action alerts for forthcoming information here
  3. Monday: In Person At The Capitol  Meet at the Capitol at 8 am (or if you can join later) to meet your lawmakers and head to the House gallery Wear GREEN to show your support for public charters . 
Can’t physically get to Austin? Then participate in the social media campaign throughout the day! Follow Texas Public Charter Schools on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For more information, email Great Hearts parent advocacy manager Bridie Chaudoir at
PSO-Parent Service Organization
PSO News & Events
Thank You Teacher Appreciation Week Committee, and for all the parent support in contributing towards the gift card pool! It was a wonderful week honoring wonderful people.

A special thanks to these woman, who lead, served and supported us during the week:
Mary Dobecka
Magali Hernandez
Sabrina Herrera
Frine Maldonado
Diana Nagao-Mojica
Lisa Nerad
Sybil Stokes

We are still looking for parents to lead committees for high school grades. Please contact Amy Elkins if you are interested in supporting a grade level.

News to Know
Parent Resources
Faculty emails, Parent Handbook, Supplies, and Classics to Keep lists along with more school-specific information can be found on the Great Hearts Northern Oaks Website.
Follow us on our official Facebook and Instagram!
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