- The Great JCC SleepUnder
- Model Matzah Bakery
- Total Eclipse Activities
- Youth Rec
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Keep scrolling for all the details. | |
School Recess – Extended Family Pool Hours
April 1–5
Monday–Thursday: 9am–7:30pm
Friday: 9am–5:30pm
Guest passes can be purchased in person at Member Services.
One-Day Pass: $15/Adult, $5/Child
Learn more here.
Monday, April 8 – Pool Hours (Eclipse Viewing)
Lap Pool: Closed 3–3:45pm
Family Pool: 9am–12pm and 3:45–7:30pm, 15min delayed afternoon opening.
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The Great JCC SleepUnder - NEW!
Thursday, April 4, 5:30–8pm
All ages with a caretaker
Join us for a fun night full of swimming, games, crafts, a family movie, and more. Enjoy a Kosher Pizza dinner, and plenty of snacks. Pajamas and a sleeping bag are recommended for our movie time! Registration is required. If you have any questions, please contact Biffy Borg at bborg@jccrochester.org.
Member: $15/Family Non-member: $18/Family
One Day Choir
Saturday, April 6, 1–3pm; Erdle Lounge
All ages
Join us for our next One Day Choir session: Let It Go from Frozen – fun for adults and kids! Practice at home, come ready to sing! No experience required, all are welcome! No auditions. No judgement. No registration. A link to practice is here. We’ll rehearse, then record our dazzling performance to post online. For extra-fun, we'll serve some frozen-themed snacks.
Singing with Morah Silvana
Sundays, 9–10am, April 7, May 5, June 2
Classroom #6 (before/after care area)
Ages 0–5
Join us at 9am for schmoozing, bagels, coffee and fun. Silvana Bacman will lead a 30-minute Jewish-focused, engaging, and interactive session which will include music, singing, and dance.
Model Matzah Bakery
Sunday, April 7, 1pm, 2pm or 3pm; Auds
Don’t miss out on this engaging, fun and free opportunity. Ensure your spot and schedule your family’s visit to the Matzah Factory today. Email Rachel Kest at rkest@jccrochester.org to make a reservation.
Eclipse Day at the J!
Monday, April 8, 12–4pm
All ages
School's out, so join us for a day of fun eclipse-related activities. Bring your lawn chair or blanket for a safe viewing of this once-in-a-lifetime total eclipse event — in the J's backyard! Free AAS-certified-safe eclipse glasses supplied, plus glow sticks, and a telescope with a solar filter! Activities include:
Silent-Disco Moon Dance Party, 1–3pm; Auds
- Rent our free headphones courtesy of Rochester Silent Disco and boogie to three music options!
- Camp Seneca Lake swag table
- Fox's eclipse-moon cookies
Eclipse-themed crafts including a straw rocket ship
Goodnight Moon storytime, 12:30pm; Erdle Lounge/Cafe Area
Temple Emanu-El's “cosmic Judaism” table including: "noshes" (snacks), colanders for cool shadow-viewing, bling for dressing up your eclipse glasses, spirographs, Jewish lunar calendars, and NASA’s “Eclipse in Six” project
Oreo-cookie phases of the moon treats, and more!
Check your inbox for complete details.
Free to JCC members, guest passes available for non-members.
Mitzvahs, Mensches and Maccabi - NEW!
Thursdays, 4–5pm, April 11 and 18, May 9–23; Auditorium B
Ages 8–12
Explore multiple elements of the upcoming Jewish spring holidays
through interactive and hands-on learning.
Member: $45 Non-member: $65
Jacqui’s Jewish Table: A Monthly Series for Parents Raising Jewish Children - NEW!
Sundays, 10–11am; Classroom 6
April 14: Passover Prep for a Kid-Friendly Seder
Build community and learn tips and tricks for bringing Judaism into your everyday life in this monthly class with Jacqui Lipschitz. Bagels and coffee provided. Bring your child with you and a qualified adult will engage them while parents learn with Jacqui.
Biddy Tee-Ball - NEW!
Sundays, 12–12:45pm, April 14–May 19; Gymnasium
Ages 4–7
Learn the basics of tee-ball. It’s designed to introduce kids
to team sports in a fun learning environment helping with
motor skills and developing the prerequisite skills for baseball.
Member: $66
Non-member: $83
Group Basketball Training - NEW!
Sundays, April 14–May 19; Gymnasium
Ages 6–9 and 10+
Come to the J and get the tools you need to be a better basketball player. We’ll work on every facet of the game–dribbling, shooting, defense, passing, and finishing at the basket.
Member: $100
Non-member: $125
Biddy Basketball
Sundays, 10–10:45am, April 14–May 19; Gymnasium
Ages 3–5
Member: $66
Non-member: $83
Bo’s Preschool Gym Extravaganza
Wednesdays, 12:30–1:10pm, April 10–May 15; Gymnasium
Ages 3–5
Member: $44
Non-member: $55
FAMILY POOL: 9am-5:30pm
PLAYGYM: 7:30am-5:45pm
FAMILY ROOM: 7:30am-5:45pm
INZONE: 7:30am-5:45pm
FAMILY GYM: 9-9:45am
PLAYGYM: 9am-3pm
FAMILY ROOM: 9am-12pm
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FAMILY POOL: 9am-3:30pm
PLAYGYM: 7:30am-3:45pm
FAMILY ROOM: 7:30am-3:45pm
INZONE: 7:30am-3:45pm
FAMILY GYM: 10am-12pm and 2-3pm
PLAYGYM: 9-3pm
FAMILY ROOM: 9am-12pm
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Climbing + Crafts in the PlayGym every Saturday + Sunday, 9am-3pm | |
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on any of the family fun at the J! Click here to join our Family Facebook Group... and be the first to know about fabulous new activities custom-made for kids and families.
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