At The Well Ministries April 2024
Outreach adventures into UC Davis, Sonoma State, Cal State Bakersfield, Santa Rosa College
Project Truth visited the Peoples Republic of Davis for an intense day of engagement. We obviously caught them off-guard by our presence.
A few of the Christian students whispered to us as they passed by "You are the bravest people we know."
The student above shouted to other students walking by, "These people believe Jews are human beings! They are Zionists." She aimed her yelling toward a Muslim club seated not too far from our display wearing what appeared to be Hamas terrorist bandanas. At the end of the day, an Antifa misfit wrote down my license number after following me to the van.
So what did you expect from UC Davis?
We received the same surprised reaction at Santa Rosa College. "Who do you think you are coming onto my campus with your religious propaganda?"
Our team has several loving responses to these silly kinds of questions, including, "We are here today to rescue you from the echo chamber," or "We are here to offer the counter to your anti-Christian hate speech."
This staff member, above, of Sonoma State angrily stated that "nobody can tell me what to do with my body." I replied, "Ma'am, there are many good laws in our society that do not allow us to do with our bodies what we may want."
As I sought to ask her about some of those laws, she huffed at me and walked away. So much for common sense and logic.
Another student at Sonoma State, above, decided she would sit on our display and block our message. I nicely asked her to remove her posterior from our table, but she refused until I called the police to teach her good behavior with those whom she disagrees. The campus police did the right thing, making her step away, as she looked foolish in front of her friends.
At Bakersfield College, above, Bernard watches as the campus police were summoned to stop us from being so effective with the students. One staff member even asked the police to remove our display from close proximity to a fire hydrant.
I'm not joking.
The campus police at the various colleges see the folly of the liberals attempting to curb our outreach and usually handle the troublemakers well. We always thank them for their professionalism and continue our conversations. We didn't have to move our display.
As our team leafleted a local high school in Bakersfield, a security guard, above, lost control and shouted at me to stop handing out our brochures to the students and then he assaulted me, cutting my hand with his watch.
Other security guys pulled him off of me and led him away. The vice principal came out to apologize for the security bully's reckless actions. The guard has been suspended and may lose his job after we turned over our video clip of his actions to the administrator. This is a great example of why we have GoPros constantly running.
Below, a crazed student at UC Davis, kicked over our signs and threatened us. The police stepped in, after I called them, and made her leave.
So much for tolerance and diversity.
Some of the resistance we encounter is encouraged by the college. Below is a sample of a flyer handed out to the students or sent to their email accounts during our visit to Bakersfield College. This offensive paper stirs up some of the "snowflakes" and we find ourselves working past the snarky words of a campus hit piece to have good dialogue with the students.
As I often spend my time trying to keep the misfits from disrupting our outreaches, the rest of the team have great conversations, directing students to the truth about abortion and the hope of the Gospel.
Two girls at Cal State East Bay in Hayward listened to the Gospel and said, "Thank you for sharing this Gospel story. We have never heard this before and will go home and think about this. I will never be the same. Don't stop doing what you do."
Lee and Linda Haskell, above and below, are our senior team members and travel with us. They love college students. Lee is 76 years old and Linda is...well, an effective communicator.
As seen below, I often seem to draw a crowd. Santa Rosa College has been a great place to present the truth. The administration always has police surrounding our team because this college has a number of wild students.
There is a professor at this college who teaches a course called "The History of Satan." The course code online is 6.66. He told us on one of our last visits that he prides himself in converting Christians away from their faith.
Santa Rosa College is a dark place where we love to bring the light.
A few Christian students at this college will join us to show their support for being on their campus.
We're so thankful that the colleges provide us with picnic tables and benches...well, maybe not just for us. At Bakersfield College, an administrator told me our team could not sit at some of the tables they had set up and she called the campus police to remove us.
Again, I'm not joking.
Below, this student danced around us with those small homosexual flags in her hands until she got tired. Ed and I invited her to sit with us and offered her some water...and some living water. She actually told me that many of the things I was saying she had never heard before. She admitted our thinking on abortion was reasonable and her heart seemed softened.
Please pray for her to eventually come to a heart of repentance and be transformed by the renewing of her mind in Christ.
Bernard, below, is our chief evangelist, walking around the campuses focusing on the Gospel with students. He is a biologist by trade with the State of California, but takes vacation days to travel with Project Truth.
At UC Davis, below, the guy in the middle of the crowd is the leader of the Debate Club and wanted to show off for his fellow classmates. Carole, Tanya, Donna, and eventually Matt, didn't help him look good in the middle of the group.
Because this student's debating skills weren't going so well with our team, he eventually contacted the police to try to have us removed from the university. But even that didn't work for him.
It was great to have Scott, above left, and his fellow warrior, Lee Stacy, join us in Bakersfield. They are our Central California Project Truth members who go on the Fresno area colleges every week, keeping the message in front of the students.
Below, this young man approached James and told him how excited he was for our team to be at his school. He told James that his mother was told to abort him because he would be handicapped. The young man's mother said she would not abort her baby. Today his only problem is that he is deaf. With implants, he can hear just fine and is thankful to be alive. We thanked him for being an encouragement to us that day.
Below, Carole is witnessing to Sonoma State women in my favorite spot on the campus. It is a God-thing to declare God's truth under the sign for the "Darwin Hall" classrooms. Charles Darwin did so much damage to our world with his fairytale ideas.
At one point, Carole told me a professor walked by and said, "Thank you for being on our campus. You are the best thing that has happened on this campus." She wasn't being sarcastic. She loved the light.
Another story of interesting moments shared during one of our debriefing sessions after a day on a campus was of a student who told us he is being taught that "birthing a baby is NOT natural." His professor had explained that when women walked on all fours, it was more normal to give birth, but once women evolved to standing upright their hips changed through evolution and it is not safe to have children.
Carole, a registered nurse explained to the student that he was getting complete foolishness from the teacher. Simple logic would show that and she tried to walk the gullible young man through that. The student was still leaning towards accepting the foolishness.
Here is the warning from God for such thinking:
"...although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God,...but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools...and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man...exchanging the truth of God for the lie...and served the creature rather than the Creator." Romans 1
Below, is our newest and youngest member of Project Truth, Kendall. He is getting a lot of "on-the-job" training and is Pastor James Cook's son.
Ethan, on the right above, is a very logical communicator. He is applying for a fireman's job at this time in his life. I don't want to lose him from our team, so my prayers for him are conflicted.
Below, Hannah knew if she sat with one of our most effective signs, she'd draw a crowd...and she did. Hannah is also another great messenger for the cause of the Kingdom. She has been with Project Truth for over ten years.
Lucy was a welcome face on the Sonoma State campus. She reminded me that the Peanuts creator, Charles Schulz, spent most of his life in the neighborhood around Sonoma State.
We finished a great Spring tour and are setting up for the Fall Tour. With the upcoming elections, it should be spirited on the campuses. Pray for our protection and success.
Also, pray for Dori, Tammy, and the other warriors who are covering the abortion mills while we are on the road. Dori is a fearless witness, also going in front of an Oakland abortion center, alone. She needs prayer warriors.
Spring 2024
February 12-15 4 College Blitz -UCLA, Fullerton, UC Irvine, Cal Poly
February 21-22 Sac State University
February 26-28 Santa Rosa College, Sonoma State
March 18-19 Cal State Hayward
April 1-2 Los Medanos College
April 8-9 UC Davis
April 15-17 Bakersfield College and Cal State Bakersfield
Thank you for standing with me
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At the Well Ministries
P.O. Box 78025
Stockton, CA. 95267