I recently received this email from a college student that is a total encouragement to our ministry. Please pray she also follows our Facebook page and reads the Gospel and joins the Family of God.
To the Pro-Life People Who Were at my School,
You probably do not remember me, but I remember you. It was on an afternoon when I was supposed to be in class that I saw you. I can't remember the reason why, but our teacher dismissed class just about as early as it had started and was basically very mad at the Project Truth group that was standing outside in the main walkway of our school. Being a staunch pro-choicer at the time myself, I too was very upset at the Project Truth group that was at the school.
Me and a few of my other classmates went up to some of the Project Truth folks and tried to confront them. Our arguments were incredibly flimsy at best, but I was still angry. A few other students and I then got the idea in our heads to go ahead and create our own pro-choice signs to hold up in order to protest the Project Truth group that had come to our school. So that's what we did, and I remember feeling so proud of myself and smug at the time... but, if I'm being incredibly honest, something small inside of me that day was thinking that maybe I was doing something wrong. That's why I kept trying to hide my face behind my sign and, shortly afterwards, gave the sign to someone else and briskly walked away. And now, looking back at that incident, I feel so embarrassed and ashamed of what I did, especially since what we did seemed to inspire other students to start violating the Project Truth's free speech rights that day.
I'm pro-life now, by the way, because of a sort of epiphany that I had. I won't get into that right now because that's a story for another time, but while I still don't agree with some of the approaches that your group takes to educate others about the pro-life stance, I can certainly say that I now appreciate what you guys were trying to do. I just wanted to write this open letter to the group and everyone that I encountered that day to say that I am very sorry for what I did. This occurrence happened maybe two or three years ago, but I still remember it very clearly, and I just feel pretty bad for backing the wrong horse and promoting something that harms children.
Please don't stop trying to teach the truth about abortion to those who are willing to listen to you. It makes more of a difference than you realize, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
A college student