There are too many people exhibiting bad driving behavior in Escondido. Period.
Month after month we hear about another tragic car accident in Escondido. Lives lost, families forever changed, and it continues.
Let’s recognize we have a problem. To many people are either driving above posted speed limits, accelerating when a light goes yellow/red or driving distracted.
Now, let’s do something about it.
This Friday we begin. Escondido City Councilmember Joe Garcia has organized a rally this Friday November 5th from 5-6p in front of City Hall. Joe is bringing together concerned citizens, businesses, and local government/authorities to raise awareness and address what can be done to correct bad driving behavior in Escondido. We encourage you to attend the rally and show your support.
A digital flyer can be found
And I have another ask of you. If you receive this newsletter and would, please share it with as many people as you can. Here is a link for signing up and there is no sharing of any e mails, or any information received.
We simply ask that you help us spread the word of what we at the Chamber are doing for the business community. This newsletter is one of the tools we use to communicate events, meetings, concerns, and updates all focused around making Escondido a better place to do business.
We also have a highly acclaimed podcast -
The Wonderland, hold regular open meetings with government officials, present various business education and information sessions and of course celebrate grand openings with ribbon cuttings. We do these things and so much more.
We conduct weekly polling of items of interest to the business community. And we address the tough issues affecting Escondido.
Escondido has much to be proud of and share. Too often the image portrayed of Escondido does not reflect the Escondido we want and have. We can all strive to be better, do better and the Chamber is here to help. Help us by sharing this newsletter and all the Chamber’s social media platforms. Links for all of these can be found on the Chamber's
Thank You,
James Rowten (JR)