As you are aware, there has recently been an increased understanding of the growing cancer risk facing firefighters both on the fire ground and during post response operations. As understanding and acceptance of the long term danger to fire crews grows there are both facility design and procedural changes that can and need to be made in order to safe guard the continuing good health and welfare of first responders and their families. The key to safety is knowledge. The key to knowledge is understanding and the key to understanding is information. There are many resources that can be utilized to disseminate information to your department. The Firemen's Association of the State of New York has an informational page on their website, the link is listed below. The Washington State Council of Fire Fighters has also put together a guide to policies and procedures that when implemented will reduce the risk to Fire Department personnel. WSCFF has many resources available including a website and a printed booklet (Healthy In - Healthy Out). A link to the WSCFF website can be found below and a link to a video made by WSCFF can be found on the MAA website. If your department would like to obtain more resources for information on Fire Fighter Cancer please contact and talk with us about resources available as well as how the design of your fire station can reduce the risk of cancer and infection.