News and Updates

February 9, 2024

Family Style Prep Days this Month

Each Thursday this month, we will have workdays in the dining room from 9-12 to prepare for the transition to family-style meals.

Also, before this transition on March 6th, all companions will have a training opportunity. If you can, join us on February 22nd as we will go over the new logistics and flow of the Welcome Table. Our time together will also include a family-style meal for you all to experience! We'll meet at 5:00 p.m. in the dining room.

Remembering Donny Lory

Donny Lory was one of Haywood Street's beloved congregants. He led the prayer time in worship, stayed in the Resipte where he thrived, frequented the Welcome Table, marched in the holiday parade beside the church float, asked us to preside at his wedding to Raven, and immediately returned to Haywood St. post-release from jail and prison.

Donny returned to Haywood Street one last time on January 23rd, where he spent his last night and took his final breath.

We're grieving Donny's loss, but forever thankful for our memories with him, the presence he shared with us, and the infinite ways he embodied Jesus.

Pastor Jody and Donny

Haywood Street Community Development will break ground this month!

The launch of construction on our first deeply affordable apartments in the West End/ Clingman Avenue Neighborhood is about to begin!

A small ceremony will take place on Wednesday, Feb 21st, at 12:45 pm to recognize this important milestone and commit to the next phase of work designing interior spaces, clarifying processes for lease-up, and more. We hope you will join us at the site for this groundbreaking event and site blessing.

In addition to this, the Wanda and James M. Moran, Jr. Foundation has presented a $250,000 matching gift challenge as we enter the new year! Help us keep the momentum going and double the impact of your gift by donating HERE!

Habitat for Humanity Workday


The next Habitat for Humanity workday is this Thursday, February 15th. We'll meet in the Haywood Street parking lot around 7:45 and carpool to the work site together.


If you have any questions, reach out to Pastor Seth.

Free Tax Resource

Learn more HERE.

On-going opportunities to participate at the Welcome Table:

  • Have a meal! - Join us on Wednesdays to enjoy a meal with our community!

  • Dining Room Clean Up - As always, clean up is one of the places that we need companion support. We promise to make it fun! On Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00

  • Kitchen Clean-Up - On Wednesdays from 12:00-2:00, we would love for a couple of companions to help us clean up the kitchen and help serve the folks who come in during that time for a meal. You can sign up for this role on the sign-up sheet below!
Sign Up

Haywood Street in Photos

Last week was the final Sunday meal and worship service. To mark the occasion, we had the opportunity to disarm a firearm through our partnership with RAWtools. The firearm, now being turned into a garden shovel, will be used to break ground for our housing project!

Having recently arrived in Asheville with his beloved companion, Jack, Daniel is acclimating to this new city. Jack, who is relentlessly lovable and unsuspectingly approachable, seems to think it's his job to bring a smile to a stranger's face. If you see Daniel and Jack around, be sure to welcome them! And then give Jack a little belly scratch!

If you've been to a Haywood Street worship service, you know that the sermons are a little different than in other worshiping spaces. Here, the pastors prepare a "conversational homily."

Central to Haywood Street's mission is inviting others to participate in ministry, to include the voices, faces, and opinions that make up our community--the ones most often marginalized. Therefore, the sermon is a collaboration of always welcome and deeply necessary voices.

Weekly Ministry Opportunities:


Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Tuesday Haywood Street Holy Ground Keepers:

8:30 a.m. in the parking lot. Walk the grounds of the church campus and our local neighborhood, cleaning up along the way.

Tuesday Prayer Group: 12:30 p.m. in Room 6. Gather for a time of communal prayer.


Wednesday Art Ministry: 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, and art-making.

Thursday Card Making: 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Gather together to make cards for our community and friends in prison or in the hospital. 

Weekly Sermons

Read each week's sermon and previous sermons on the sermons page of the website.

Community Resources

Click below to see a list of places in the community to donate and find clothes, and when recovery meetings are held.

Click Here

Fresco Viewing Hours:

Sundays 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

By appointment, contact April at [email protected].


Greater Works Than These

By Pastor Seth

You will do greater works than these.

We hear this proclamation from the mouth of Christ in the Gospel of John. And no, Jesus is not talking to another messiah, not talking to some heavenly being, not talking to God, but to his disciples. These words are part of Jesus’s departing discourse to his disciples, serving as a means of preparing them for the eventuality of his death. But he doesn’t just say: Good luck, try hard! No, he says you will do greater things than these — addressing his team of rag tag outcasts and lowly laborers, whom society would have labeled anything but “great.”

In our scripture for today, Phillip tells Jesus to “show us the Father and we will be satisfied,” to which Jesus replies by imparting a little theological lesson: “whoever has seen me has seen the Father…do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” (John 14:8-10). Language like this is typical of John, for, of all the Gospels, John is undoubtedly the most spiritualized. Having been written later than the Synoptics, the Gospel of John is a product of time: time to review and reflect and reframe the life and teachings of Jesus in more theological, spiritual terms. There are stories and teachings found in the Gospel of John that are not found in any other Gospel account, theological embellishments and flourishes that serve the purpose of providing more explicit language and ways of understanding Christ, the Son of God. And we see that in this passage.

Jesus is not shy about his identification with the Divine; there is no messianic secret like we find in other Gospels. Jesus says, whoever has seen me has seen God, for I am in God and God is in me. It’s quite a seemingly lofty statement, an elevating remark pointing to the divinity of his nature. And yet, even after identifying himself with such spiritual heights, such capacity for greatness, Jesus says, “you will do greater works than these” to his disciples.

How are we supposed to do greater works than Christ? What is Jesus trying to say here in John 14:8-14?

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A witness to include the most excluded, Haywood Street not only welcomes every child of God–especially sisters and brothers of every mental illness and physical disability, addiction and diagnosis, living condition and employment status, gender identity and sexual orientation, class, color, and creed–but we celebrate your presence, certain that the kingdom of God is coming closer because you are here.