Updates from the Green Business team!
The Green Business Leaders team is in full swing again providing our core services, resource deliveries and on-site visits for Green Business certifications! While we shifted gears earlier this year and provided a lot of virtual content and a modified certification program, we're happy to offer our full outreach services once again and eager to help your business reach its sustainability goals. Below are just some of the services we can provide for free! For even more information, check out our website.

  • Virtual or in-person presentations for your staff. Choose one or more of the topics below or let us know if you have a specific area of focus you would like to learn about:
  • R101: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Food Waste Stops with Me
  • Green Cleaning
  • Beyond the Bin
  • Create customized posters for your recycling, garbage and compost collection bins. We can update our standard posters to add photos of specific items that may be confusing for staff at waste stations. We can also add your company logo to support your business's dedication to sustainability. 
  • Green Business Award certification. We can meet onsite or virtually to answer questions and walk through your Green Business Award application, provide input on your sustainability plans or discuss other Green Business objectives. 
  • Update service levels. We can help you assess your current waste collection service to see if it could be right-sized and then connect with your waste hauler to make changes to your existing collection services.
  • Resource delivery. We can drop off internal recycling or compost collection bins, posters, decals and informational guides. Please contact us for more information or to coordinate a delivery.
  • Food scraps collection. Is your business ready to incorporate food scraps collection to your operations? We've got you covered! March of 2022, all food producing businesses will be required to separate food scraps from the garbage. We can assist your business in setting up a comprehensive food scraps collection program with instructional materials, bins, buckets. We can even do staff trainings.
Become a member of Washington County's Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee!
Want to inform garbage and recycling improvements in Washington County? The Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee (GRAC) has positions open. As a member, you’ll learn about the industry and meet key stakeholders. GRAC helps the county reduce emissions, support community health and well-being, advance racial equity and conserve resources by providing recommendations to the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Use your lived experience to advise on collection rates, system improvements and program development that will have positive and lasting impacts. 
Meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month from 6-8 p.m. either via Zoom or in person. For more information about joining GRAC, call 503-846-3605.  
Big Fair Fun!
We are excited to be back out in community! Come say "hi" at the Washington County Fair! We'll have a table in the new Wingspan event center tonight (Wednesday 7/28), from 5-8 p.m. Share with us one thing you did this year to reduce waste, sign up for our e-newsletter and we’ll put your name into a prize drawing!
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