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This Sunday...

8th Sunday of Pentecost

 Hosea 11:1-11 Psalm 107:1-9, 43 

Colossians 3:1-11 | Luke 12:13-21

Cords of Kindness

In part one of this stage, we were given the model of love of husband and wife. Now our text brings us the image of the love of children given to our care. This seems like familiar ground, even if we’ve not been parents. Maybe we’ve helped out in the nursery, maybe we have babysat, maybe we’ve just observed. There’s no question that caring for children is hard work. It’s often thankless. The other obvious point is that this is transformational love. You teach and guide and set boundaries and encourage and support, and more. There are ages and stages in the life of those in our care, and each one has its own struggles. Some find one stage easier than another, but all take effort and perseverance. 

Come join us...

We Aim to be Open and Welcoming

Even to the Smallest People...

In the back of the sanctuary, we have children's bulletins, paper, crayons, and books for children to use during worship.

We also have a moment in worship that is child-friendly called "Wondering Time." Anyone who wishes to get a closer view during our time to wonder about things is welcome to come sit on the front pew.

Church Directory, Click Here

For updates, corrections, or additions, email Jennifer

Collecting vases for Random Acts of Flowers

Our United Women in Faith are collecting collect vases—glass or plastic, 4 - 10 inches in size for the August District Social Action Event on August 27 (If you are interested in attending, see information below) We will collect vases at the back of the sanctuary through August 21. 

On the last Sunday of each month, we pass the Blessing Bucket and share a blessing and an offering. These connectional ministries help our understanding that congregations can do more together to transform the world for the sake of Jesus Christ. 

Updates and Calendar

*For corrections, additions, or updates to the calendar,

email [email protected]

Sunday Morning Small Group 9:30

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30

Sunday Evening Worship (Sudanese) 5:30

Church Council Meeting - Our Next Church council meeting is this Sunday, July 31 following worship. All our welcome to attend. 

   Minutes from the May 1st Church Council meeting can be seen here.

Church Yard Clean Up - July 26th @ 7:00

  We have about an hour's worth of clean-up. Bring yard tools with you.

For our 5th Sunday Fellowship 

Churchwide Ice Cream SocialJuly 31 @ 6:30 

  Come eat a Sundae with your church family. This will follow the Sudanese  Worship service that starts at 5:30 on Sundays. 

District United Women of Faith Officer Training - August 6 

  10:00-1:00 in our Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary.

UMCNEXT Holston - August 20 @ 10:00

  Safe Zone Training. 

District United Women of Faith Event - August 27

   See details below 

UWF Sunday - October 16 @ 10:30

  Betty Asha - From South Sudan with Love

Charge Conference - October 19 @ 7:00 at Immanuel Church

Trunk or Treat - October 31 @ 5:30 in our parking lot

Weekly 12-Step Groups:

  • Something More than Free NA: 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays

Coming this September...

Tuesday Evening Sing-Along 6:30 pm 

Our goal is to work toward putting a church choir together.

For the full church calendar, click here

One year of reading through the Bible together with the whole conference begins Sunday. Bookmarks with May and June's reading plan can be found at the entryway table.

Every Tuesday you can listen to a weekly podcast here.

If you are not already a subscriber to the "Daily Devotionals" and would like to receive the daily "Read Together" email, subscribe here. This sends the scripture straight to you inbox every morning.
Ways to plug in at Green Meadow

Sunday Morning Small Group

Our small group study meets at 9:30 on Sundays, and this 8-week study will be led by Carol Green

Who Can We Be Together? A Biblical Exploration of Luke 13, by Candace Simpson, brings participants deeper into Jesus' teachings in this chapter of Luke to explore what it means to be in community. As the author notes, “For followers of Christ 2,000 years later, it's important for us to sit with the range of emotions we have in response to these words. It's not easy to build and sustain communities, especially when there are forces that drain us, exhaust us, and even push us to act uncharacteristically. And yet, we are called to act on the most ethical principles of our faith so we can witness the kin-dom of God on earth.'' 

I have subscribed to this for our church and would like to share this information with you! This site has all of Applified Media's Videos that go with all of their book studies, Bible studies, Kids resources, daily devotionals as well as Bible Basics videos, N.T Wright teachings, The Great Courses Bible videos. This resource can be used either by an individual or in groups. To access this free to you resource, go to and create an account using this access code: TCYX

To learn more about this resource and how to sign in and create your account: Access Code: TCYX

If you still have trouble setting up an account, let me know and I will help you, Jennifer

Do You Enjoy Singing?

We have a small group of interested people. If this includes you, let me know. We are looking at gathering on Tuesday evenings at the end of summer to begin singing together.  ~Pastor Jennifer @greenmeadowpastor

Digital Ministry Team

If you would like to serve on the Digital ministry team either running PowerPoint or recording the worship service, email Jennifer @greenmeadowpastor
Communion Stewards

If you would like to serve as a Communion Steward, please talk with Ginny West Case. This service holds several opportunities from setting up the communion table to putting together the individually prepared elements.
We invite all women to join in our purpose "to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. We are turning “faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world.” 
Contact: Glenda Eastridge 865-984-8682 [email protected]
UWF 2022 Program Schedule

Healing and Joy on Our Journey to God 

Meetings currently are held at 6 p.m. on the third Monday of the month.

Often we meet via Zoom

If you would like to attend, you can either email Glenda or Pastor Jennifer.

AUG 15 For Everything There is a Season - Rev. Valerie Ohle                 

      Native American Ministries in Holston Conference​

SEP 19 Charter for Racial Justice                                    

      How does this guide us in our lives and communities?​

For the full Unit and District schedule, click here.


To register online, go to:

Local Ministries

Green Meadow UMC Volunteer Coordinator: Glenda Eastridge

Shelter Rotation: Delayed for now

Shelter Case Manager: Ciara Humphrey, who can be emailed at [email protected] or text/call at (865) 233-8284.

Upcoming weeks of commitment: Sept 4-11; Nov 27-Dec 4

** Amber and Ricardo's family as well as Chris's family have graduated as of June 1 from our shelter program into our transitional housing program! 

Current Occupancy

  • Static Shelter: 2 adults, 3 children
  • One family has officially moved to the Transitional Housing Program!
Connectional Ministries
Blessing Bucket

On the last Sunday of each month, we pass the Blessing Bucket and share a blessing and an offering. These connectional ministries help our understanding that congregations can do more together to transform the world for the sake of Jesus Christ.To see 2022's full list click here:

Heat Getting to you?

From Dianne: The Lucille Cassidy Fund will be offering free air conditioners again this summer to those in need. Requests should be directed to the Salvation Army office at (865) 983-7135.

August’s Tips identify ways you too can create a legacy. Ultimately, our legacy is who we are. Consider the bolded verbs below. Make a list for yourself for your fridge or one for your green team that starts with

“We are people who…”


Preserve: When you find something amazingly wonderful, take care to keep it that way! What you do for creation care is your legacy.


Conserve: When you realize something wonderful is being chipped away, take action to stop the damage. Visit the Nature Conservancy website.


Restore: When you see major damage to God’s creation, do everything you can to fix it. For example, find ways to plant trees either on your own land or worldwide.


Regenerate: When you despair over degradation, remember “The earth is the LORD’s (Psalm 24:1)” and dig in with hope. Work in harmony with God’s natural systems to bring back life. Composting, clearing waterways, planting for pollinators are ways.


Renew: Immerse yourself in nature. Try forest bathing, hiking, enjoying a park, hunting for waterfalls and wildflowers, going to a botanical garden or arboretum, getting out on the water in a sailboat, kayak, or canoe. Renew your commitment to care for the nature that renews you.

Prayer Concerns
*To add someone to the Circle of Prayer, email [email protected]
  • Ginny West Case: Please pray for our cousin, Josh Hollis. He has colon cancer and will have surgery on August 8 in Atlanta.  He is the son of my first cousin, Laurie, and in his forties. 
  • Linda Daugherty: Her father, Raymond Fayhee in your prayers. He has been placed in hospice care.  
  • Ginny West Case: Barbara Barton is receiving treatment for the recurrence of amyloidosis. Please pray for Barbara and Charlie.
  • Continued Prayers for Teri Hultquist for her upcoming surgery which has been pushed out to August the 1st. 
  • Harry Ailey has been moving forward in his recovery and received some encouraging reports. If you would like to send him cards of encouragement, you can send them care of Anita Walker @ 1106 Laurel Court, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
  • Judy Lovely: great-niece, 16-year-old Riley Kimmerer, had a PET scan which showed that the mass is down 80%! Riley has two more chemo treatments and she should be done
  • Tracy Gormley: Update on her nephew Josh Gildrie and his wife Amy. Josh, who has undergone a heart transplant is doing well and should be able to return home soon! 
  • Kay Dillard has moved to Indiana to be with her daughter Amy. She has signed up for Hospice and is pleased with their services. Her new address is Kay Dillard, 5695 Kenyon Trail, Noblesville IN 46062.
  • Hilde Phipps: 5-year-old Chance has completed his chemo treatments and is back home. Please keep him in your prayers for continued healing. 
  • Dianne Scent: Please keep our daughter-in-law, Charlotte, in your prayers. She is having a difficult third pregnancy. She is due in October.
  • Cathy Kudick: Please continue to keep their niece, Jill Corpuz in your prayers. Her last pet scan showed that her treatment seems to be working. 
  • Amy Wolz: Continue to keep her mother, Marilyn Depew in your prayers. Marilyn is healing well, but doctors and her family are assessing what the next steps for her recovery need to be.
  • Julie Hamilin: continued prayers for Tim Kopf's sobriety.