Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!

Year-end Review from Green Mountain
Porsche Club President Alessandro Iuppa:

A Great Year and Please Make a Donation to the
Vermont Food Bank!


As the year 2021 draws to a close I want to take this opportunity to make one last appeal to enlist your support for the Green Mountain Region’s Fundraiser on behalf of the Vermont Food Bank. With positive feedback from our members, your GMR Board feels the Vermont Food Bank is a great way for us to give back to our communities.

You may recall that the Food Bank was our charitable beneficiary in 2020 as well. Last year, thanks to 27 member contributions, the GMR match and a subsidy from national PCA, we were able to raise over $6,600 for the Food Bank! As of December 21, 2021 we have raised $5,563 in total through 19 member contributions, GMR and the national PCA contribution.

Did you know that food banks are able to purchase more food per dollar than the average consumer? In fact, with $5,000 from GMR the Vermont Foodbank estimates that it can purchase and distribute 10,020 pounds of food, including fresh produce. That translates to 8,350 meals for Vermonters struggling with hunger.

Please help to provide food to Vermonters facing hunger by making a donation to the Vermont Foodbank at the following page: . The GMR Fundraiser will remain open through December 31, 2021 and the process is fast, easy and secure.

Thanks so much for your support! And please consider sending the above link to any friends you think might be interested in helping.


2021 GMR Activity Recap

The 2021 events included several driving tours, a BBQ as well as our New Member Meeting. Typically, the summer tours are the most popular events among the members and this year was no different.

In May, Carl Wulfestieg put together a great a double gap“kick-off tour” culminating with a group lunch at Café Provence in Brandon. It was a great ride and good fun to socialize again.

In June, we held our new member meeting in South Burlington for the first time in 2 years with a capacity crowd.

The North East Kingdom was the focus of our July tour. Brad Kennison put together a memorable drive on some great roads with stunning views ending with lunch at the Burke Mountain Resort.

Also in July, Dave Steinman and Arlene Diesenhouse hosted a capacity crowd for GMR Potluck BBQ and tours of Dave’s “barn museum” treasures. Unfortunately, shortly after the event Dave passed away. He was a good friend to the GMR and will be missed by all. Rest in peace Dave.

In August, Bob Rubin put together a wonderful weekend program based at the Sawmill Farm Road Estate in West Dover. The weekend kicked off with a welcome reception under perfect summer skies with some very talented and enjoyable entertainment. On Saturday, over 30 Porsches took to the byways of southern Vermont and northern Massachusetts.

September took us across Lake Champlain where Stu Friedman organized his 4th GMR tour through Adirondack State Park. Rumor has it that may turn into a weekend event in 2022.

The club held its 2021 Annual Meeting in October at the Sugarbush Resort in Warren. The meeting and lunch were preceded by two tours: one from the Burlington area led by Lou Krieg and Ann Pettyjohn and the other from Chester led by Dave Whittall.

Unfortunately, November brought forth increasing Covid numbers in Vermont and the Board opted to cancel the 2021 Holiday party in an abundance of caution. Hopefully, we will be able to gather again soon in 2022.

Looking Ahead

The Board is looking forward to planning a full agenda of events for GMR members in 2022. Of course, the calendar will include several tours, our Annual Meeting and officer election and possibly some new types of events. The latter might include a GMR golf outing, regional coffee gatherings hosted by Board members or a tech session or two. If you have event suggestions or would like to host a GMR event please let the Board know at

The Green Mountain Region is a volunteer driven organization whose success and membership value is predicated on help from everyone, no matter the quantity.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year and stay safe.

“It’s not just the cars, it’s the people”
Alessandro (Al) Iuppa

Here's a graphic showing the status of GMR member donations in this 2021 Season

A note of thanks to the GMR club from longtime member
Gerald "Jerry" Hansen

To my fellow GMR members,

The past 2 years have been particularly challenging for many, including some who lives were unnecessarily cut short by covid. For me, covid was not the issue, but I too was confronted with life-threatening health issues. I will spare you the details, but suffice to say that the odds were not in my favor. As I look back it is not an exaggeration to say that I owe my life to others that made critical care decisions on my behalf at the right time.

While medical science can be credited for addressing my physical needs, the support and words of encouragement from my fellow GMR members helped to sustain me during the ups and downs of my long recovery period. For that I want to extend my sincere thanks to each of you.

I did join the Fall Foliage Tour from Chester, albeit as a passenger, and look forward to more active participation in 2022. Thanks again and Happy New Year.

Gerald Hansen

Jerry, We were so grateful to see you at Sugarbush and happy you are doing well. Looking forward to seeing you in 2022! --Editor
Raoul Cervantes Wins Photo of the Month Award

Congratulations Member Raoul Cervantes for getting Picture of the Month for the Porsche Club website, for the month of December 2021. Raul shot the photo of his 1973 914 1.7 during our fall foliage tour Oct. 30 which ended with our annual meeting at the Sugarbush ski resort main lodge. Beautiful blue 714 contrasted with the red foliage!
Speaking of photos, here area a few shots that highlighted our year's tours and meals together in the Green Mountain Region Porsche Club.
It's not just the cars --- it's the people!
Welcome New PCA Members!

Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions recently or allowed their membership to lapse and then rejoined. If the latter, welcome back!

(Updated December 20, 2021)

Mike Abbott, Middlesex, 2018 Macan Turbo

Michael Madkour, Manchester Ctr, 1984 911 Carrera

Name Tags: We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for use at all GMR events. Please email to request them for you and your spouse or partner, and our treasurer, Christina McCaffrey, will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $20.00 per name tag.

Want your spouse or partner to get these
Green Mountain PCA Newsletters?

When you joined PCA (recently or forever ago) you no doubt listed your partner or spouse as a co-member. Many co-members however have not provided their email addresses. If your spouse/partner would like to receive the Mountaineer as well as yourself, have them call PCA HQ at (410) 381-0911‬ and give PCA the information. It only takes a few minutes as PCA is very efficient. That way you both will receive The Mountaineer and other pertinent club emails.

If your co-member remembers his or her co-member login (it is separate from the main member) you can do it that way too-- but calling is probably the quickest.
Member Feature:
Send us your photos!

We have started a feature highlighting a different member in the GMR Mountaineer with his or her Porsche. If you would like to be featured in future newsletter please submit some photos of you and your car along with a paragraph or two explaining why you joined the GMR, your favorite drives or whatever!

Please reply to this email with your photo and information.

Sandy Gilmour
Check out our GMR website and Facebook page for event updates and club news.
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Alessandro Iuppa
Dave Whittall
Vice President

Christina McCaffrey
Susan Eastman

Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair

Don Jones

Brad Kennison
Membership Chair

Peggy Larson

Albert "Duffy" Miller

Ann Pettyjohn

About These Email Communications: 

Replies to these newsletters come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to our president and other board members if needed or you may email the president, Alessandro Iuppa, directly at We welcome any comments on ways we can improve communications.

Join Green Mountain PCA -- If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining PCA. You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $46 a year. Go online at, or simply call headquarters in Maryland at (410) 381-0911‬.

We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at

Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!

"It's not just the cars; it's the people."

Sandy Gilmour (2014 Boxster S)  
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America