Sta-Kleen Silicone Digital Prints, the newest offering in silicone upholstery fabrics. These fabrics contain no chemical solvents, PVC, phthalates, or heavy metals. Sta-Kleen Silicone is compliant with the following environmental reporting standards: REACH, LEED, California 01350 VOC Emissions, Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI), California Proposition 65.
The fabric exceeds the Association for Contract Textiles (ACT) performance standards for commercial grade upholstery. Sta-Kleen Silicone is inherently stain-resistant, chemical disinfectant resistant, mildew resistant, hydrolysis resistant, UV resistant, denim dye resistant with superior cold crack performance.
The initial offering is seven beautifully designed digitally printed patterns. Call (847) 647-7300 for more information.