Green Notes

Charting the Course

What does the future hold for
the Green Schools National Network?

GSNN Executive Director Jenny Seydel provides a glimpse of what we can expect in the coming year, as she works to strengthen the Network, create new partnerships and expand our influence.

Read more about what Jenny's got planned for GSNN.


Trash Talk: Report from Sacramento

We all know that it's not enough to just 'talk the talk.' You've got to 'walk the walk,' and put your support of a more sustainable world into action.

We did just that at our 4th annual Green Schools National Conference in Sacramento. Check out the results of our on-site recycling efforts -- good news for attendees, better news for the planet! 

GSNN Board Spotlight: Susan Gottfried

"Serving on the board of GSNN provides me the opportunity to help an important idea become an important reality in schools across the country," says Susan, who is Executive Director of the Evergreen Community Charter School in North Carolina. "The idea of being a green school was once valued only by a few but there is now a national movement behind making healthier places, connections and curricula for our youth."


Susan also notes that the GSNN has a bright future. "Moving forward, I envision GSNN helping to better coordinate the efforts of many, connecting individuals and organizations from a variety of professions on both regional and national levels. We can also serve as a forum for youth voice as they politely ask the pro-green adults to move out of their way so they can take action!" 


Learn more about Susan and our other board members.


GreenGab: Join the Conversation!
We're launching a new feature in GreenNotes, called GreenGab. We're hoping this will be a forum to share what's on your mind, whether it's responding to a quick survey, commenting on the day's headline, or sharing a blog post.
We'll be asking what YOU think about all things green, so join the conversation right now!

Gear up for this year's
Green Apple Day of Service --
and register to win a free GSNC registration!
The Green Schools National Conference is still several months away, but the third annual Green Apple Day of Service is right around the corner!  Register your project before September 1 and win a chance for a free conference registration, GSNN golf hat AND a GSNC water bottle!  
 The 3rd annual Green Apple Day of Service -- set for Sept. 27 -- gives parents, teachers, students, companies and organizations the opportunity to transform all schools into healthy, safe and productive learning environments through local acts of service. Start your own event today at, and join hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the world this September. In its first two years, this annual event saw more than 3,000 events take place in more than 40 countries.
Events are being planned in communities all over the globe, so join in! Get project ideas, access resources, find events in your area, and register a project at -- you just may win a FREE Green Schools National Conference registration!

GSNC Update - Register Now for Early  Bird Rates!


Our Early Bird Rates are in effect now through October 31. That means great savings when you register for the 5th annual Green Schools National Conference, set for March 4-7 in Virginia Beach.

Check out our money-saving rates and join green school advocates from across the country at one of the largest green school gatherings in the US!

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